One sided massacre

As I sit on the captains chair I call Linda to see if they identified the enemy. As she ran her jugs kept jiggling and threatened to fall out of her shirt. I had to look away or else my nose would bleed. 'Damn those horny programmers really didn't give Linda any mercy.'

"The enemy ship is a tier four battleship. Codename: the sparrow."

I raise my brows in shock. All ships have tiers the lowest being tier 0 while the highest being tier 12. I have to admit, this person is really dumb to challenge me, Wu did state that this is reality, they could die at any moment. WHat gave him the confidence to challenge me? 'This is going to be a one-sided massacre.' I then press a button on the console and then a image of Laura appears.

"You rang captain?"

"Fall back I don't want you guys to face this ship, it's to weak for you guys." She then nodded and called to her companions to return. After a few more minutes the enemy appeared.

The ship looked like a giant version of the x wing but its wings are always apart. It also had the colors of a sparrow and what's really sad is that it's tiny compared to the dreadnought. I mean comparing the size, it's like placing a grape against a tire. 'Am I really going to waste my time on this?'

Then Linda tugged my sleeve, I looked at her and she was pouting. "Captain just end this guy already, I want you to spend some time with me." I then sighed inwardly knowing I wanted to spend some time with her I had to deal with this. As I was thinking more alarms sounded, I looked at the map and saw many small ships. 'So that's why he is challenging me.'

Somewhere battle ships while others where cruisers, and some where support. they decided to gang up on me to make me surrender. Soon a screen appeared and showed an ugly fat man, with too many folds on his face. He also had greasy hair and glasses. 'Wow he looks like an ugly bastard.'

"Listen here you little sh*t you are going to hand over you ship and your women, or else we are going to kill you and rape your women in front of your corpse." He then started to eat some food and laugh. Is he really serious? This guy thinks that he can come to me and force me to surrender? He must be one of those overgrown men who live under his parent's basements being a disappointment.

"So this is how things are going to end, you order your "Friends" to Attack my ship, but it won't work, after a few minutes I will retaliate and start to fire on you guys and YOU GUYS WILL BE SCREAMING AND BEGGING ME TO STOP, BUT I WON'T GIVE TO FUCKS TO GIVE AND JUST OUT RIGHT MURDER YOU ALL." I then take a deep breath to calm myself and continue on what I wanted to say.

"Also did you listen to the announcement? This is our new reality, if you die here, you die for real. That means no respawn, no creating a new account, no restart at all. So, I will give you one chance to leave, if not, then you are idiots and died as Idiots."

The man stayed silent during my whole speech, after a few minutes he started to be enraged and started to throw petty insults thinking it will do anything. I gave them a chance to live, but I guess idiots will die quicker than the rest.

He then orders the people to open fire, many of the ships start firing lasers, bullets or missiles. But they all end up against the shields. Five minutes later the shield only went down by 0.01%, I finally lost my patience and decided to retaliate.

I looked at Linda and her face showed that she was in the mood, but I ignored that. "Linda my dear, please notify the gunners to go all out. I want all those ships to be turned into scrap and then collect their resources, do I make myself clear?"

Her body trembled for a few seconds and then coughed. "Yes da- I mean captain." She then made her way to one of the consoles with many of the beast men staring at her in shock.

"Excuse me but we are in a middle of a battle please focus." After I reminded everyone, they all turned back to their screens monitoring everything. After that happened, I then pressed a few more buttons.

Another screen appeared and what greeted me was Mai descending from above and she was wearing what looks like a tight leather suit that exposed her curves and she also has a pair of goggles. "Are you missing me already Captain, I knew you couldn't wait." She licked her lips and started to unzip her suit slowly exposing her skin I then looked away and tried to calm myself before my little brother made his appearance.

"Cough cough Mai I called because I wanted to tell you to prepare the BFG." The second I finished saying that she stops midway about to expose her humongous jugs and looked at me with eyes of happiness.

"Did you say what I think you said? You want to use the BFG?" I nodded my head.

"It's best to send a message to everyone who dares to mess with me." My eyes showed no emotion just a cold stare ready to pierce anyone. I still have the smile but it's smile meant something more dangerous, Mai then made a happy noise and was swinging in and out of the screen.

"Ahh I never thought we would use the BFG so soon, just the thought of firing it makes me feel hot. Captain you better be ready when I come and visit, I hope your little weapon will penetrate my armor~." I had no words to say she just giggled and left to prepare.

'After this I'm going to prepare for my own battle.' I shuddered because I knew I wasn't going to sleep peacefully.

I then pulled up a screen showing a power level. The image shows a rifle with a large circular object in the middle, and it was showing the amount of power it has. Before I was transported in this world, I had enough time to go through the description of the ship.

The dreadnought is a tier 12 ship, it contains the highest grade of weapons, and the highest defense out of all the tier 12 ships. The material of the shell is the strongest out there, the dragon scale. Even though it may sound like it's from a dragon the metal is from a dying sun that has stabilized and harden over time. The metal is so strong even the highest ammunition grade can only leave a scratch. The offensive power is no joke to, the highest ammunition grade is Mythical and can only be obtained in the black market.

"BFG power level at 50%" I then ordered all gunners to open fire, i then decided to ask one of the crew members to bring me a bucket of popcorn so that I can enjoy the show. After giving the order the dark sea that barley had any light vanished with small lights appearing rapidly.

I remembered that in space there would be no sound because of the lack of oxygen, but for some reason I could hear all the shots being fired. It sounded like a heavy machine gun being fired and when it made its way towards the enemy's it ripped through the ships like it was made of paper. I then decided to order to hack into their communications to see on what they are saying, just for the hell of it.






During there cries of help begging and regrets, the leader himself was looking at the army he was able to gather together. All the shots would either pass through or make a hole through the ships. No matter how much they dodge they still get hit and die.

"BFG power at 90%. Captain, I can't hold it in anymore I want to fire it, please let me!!" I turn to look at Mai and my eyes almost come out. She has her suit tied to her waist and she only has a sports bra and small shorts exposing her bottom.

I felt something warm go down my nose and smile. 'I'm so going to punish her later.' The loading screen shows that it's completed and ready to fire. I then wipe the blood off my nose and faced the man again

"Now that you understand not to fuck with me, its time that you followed your friends."

I then turn to Mai smiling like a madman and scream at the top of my lungs. "MIA FIRE THE BIG FU*KING GUN!"

She then screamed in pleasure and just pressed a button. Soon the front of the dreadnought started to split open and revealed a barrel of a cannon. The cannon started to glow blue slowly, growing brighter and brighter.

The man then looked at me with the face of a coward. He wanted to run to escape, but he knew he couldn't, so he just looked at me with fear in his eyes and a realization that this is the new life. It's either kill or be killed, a place where you don't think with your Dick but with your head. After a few more seconds the BFG fired, its ray was bright blue piercing the darkness of space, then it slowly grew thinner until it was no more.

After that a screen appeared in front of me.

[Congratulations Captain for surviving the battle please say 'receive rewards' to collect the deceased players resources.]