Collecting my rewards

After the screen appeared I dismissed it and relaxed in my chair to review on what happened. 'It happened again; I lost my temper again.' I shake my head to forget what happened in the past and focused on the present. I then turned towards the screen to tell Mai to cool down the BFG. but what I saw made me bleed once more.

Mai's bra slipped up and what I saw next made me faint with happiness. As I fell to the floor, I felt something soft hit my head and I heard a voice calling my name soon I couldn't keep my eyes open and fell asleep.


I was laying down on something soft and I felt that there was something soft on my hand. I squeezed the object and tried to figure out what it was.

"Ahhhh, my my looks like you are excited aren't you, Captain~? My eyes immediately shot open and the thing in my hand was a round like object. I looked up and saw one of the beast men, but she had cat ears and tail.

I then jumped away but doing so I injured myself. My head was throbbing, and I felt like I was going to faint again. Then my vision became dark, and I could hardly breath. I struggled to remove on what was in front of me, I froze and realized it's the cat girl and her chest is on my face.

"Mmmmnnn, Captain not so rough if you keep that up, I won't be able to hold myself back."

My arms started to shake as I keep them away from the lady in front of me hoping that I won't lose my reasoning. She then started to shake her hips above my crotch, and I started to panic.

'Is she doing what I think she is doing!?!? I have to get out of here!!' I then started to look for a weakness on this lady. She is too strong, and I can't get her off, her breathing became more erotic, and she was moving faster.

I was about to give up until I grabbed her tail, instantly she became weak, and she started to moan like crazy!

"Ahhh, ahhh, mmnn, ahhhh. Captain don't stop whatever you do please don't stop!!" She arced her back and went limp her chest moved away from my face, and I was able to have a good look at her.

Her face was rounded and her lips where cherry red, her hair was orange and black her. Her chest was looking around d cup and her skin was smooth.

She then looked at me and smiled. "My name is Anna and I enjoyed what you did to me please come back soon." I then ran out of the room as fast as I could not looking back.

After a few minutes of running, I made it back to the bridge. I was panting and I was tired, I took a deep breath and made my way back to the seat. As I looked outside, I noticed we were in the same spot.

I then remembered I hadn't collected the resources and equipment that are floating in space. I then recalled that I had to say a command in order to collect them.

"Receive rewards."

All the objects outside then flew to the dreadnought then disappeared in an instant. Another screen appeared and showed the following

[ 500,000 packs of food, 30,000 of blue tier ammunition, 4,000 scrap metal, 5,000 electric components.]

I smiled and was satisfied with the haul we just got, I then pulled up another screen and started to explore it.

[Ship: dreadnought]




I clicked on research and found many things useful when we go to a planet. It had drills, expedition vehicles to filters to clean waters.

I then looked at the prices and I nearly vomited blood. Just for one drill it costed half of the scrap metal and three fourths of the electric components that I earned.

I then moved to the upgrades and what I saw made me nearly faint. It costed around the 500,000-scrap metal to upgrade the haul of the ship and I don't want to know how much it will cost me to upgrade the entire thing.

I then made my way back to my room and decided to forget the prices of the research and upgrade. As I was about to leave, Wu appeared again.

"Hello Captains. It seems that some people wanted to raid a person already and all have failed to do so. So in order to make things more Interesting I will now place a event. Good luck to you all."


[Event: Captains, you must make yourself noticed in order to have access to the shop.]

[Objectives destroy as many ships as possible.]

[Reward: Access to shop.]

As I look at the screen my mouth curled upward. I then ran back to the bridge and started to shout orders.

"Everyone please makes plans to head out. Linda contact Mai to prepare the BFG well need it in case for an emergency. Olivia contact the engineers to make any repairs and refills on the fighter ships and contact the pilots to rest since we may need to fight many people."

Both nodded and started to contact both parties and re-lay the orders. The ship then started to slowly move and made its way towards a random destination. 'I wonder if she is in here to.' My mind then wanders to a time when I was younger.

I was in my room with a girl her hair black and smooth and her eyes were gold. We were reading a sci fi book and both of us where immersed into it.

"Fritz what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know but I want to be in space and explore the galaxy and I want you to be there on my side."

My mind then comes back to the present. And I smiled. "Wait for me Ariel, I'll find you soon."

I looked at Linda. "Activate the hyperdrive."

Soon the ship started to accelerate and then it disappeared into a new galaxy. As we traveled, I made my way to my room and decided to sleep.

I opened my door and on my bed was Olivia laying there naked. She looked nervous and had a red face.

"I wanted to wait for you, but I decided to make this as a surprise for the victory so if you w-w-want to we c-c-can sleep together." She looked away and was fidgeting.

I smiled and approached her I placed my hand on her cheek and drew her in for a kiss.