Seeing an illusion

I yawn and raise from my bed and stretched for a bit. 'Man, that was a fun dream, to bad that it wasn't real.'

I was about to press the snooze button and get up for the day, but what I felt was something different. 'Hm? Was my alarm clock always this soft?' I then squeeze my hand and felt it sink into something soft like a pillow, but when I released the pressure, it then bounced back up. I then turn my head and see my hand squeezing a humongous ball.

"Thats odd I don't remember having a ball in m....y.....r....o.....o....m" I then move my head higher and I see a dark-skinned woman with white and brown hair, cow horns and ears. I then look down to my hand and back to the face, I unconsciously squeeze my hand a couple of times, this caused Carmen to moan. She opens her eyes and stares at me with no emotion.

"Morning you ready to start the day?" Carmen doesn't say anything and continues to stare at me. She then raises her arms and wraps them around me, and places me between her breasts and goes back to sleep. I try to get out of her arms but she just wraps them tighter and won't let me go. 'Well, it's not so bad, not only am I placed between to humongous tits, but I also got a SS summon so that's a win in my book.'

Interesting Fact about Carmen, she is the only girl with animal parts foe ears and feet, so I don't really have a problem. Plus I read people who summoned her that she can actually produce milk. I then give a silent prayer for the creator for the idea.

"Finally thought I was goanna sink in between those heavenly pillows." She then taps my shoulder and motions to her breasts, I then tilt my head to the side wondering why she is doing that. she then starts to remove her coveralls and then it hit me.

'She is producing milk and is full already, Damit. Don't tell me I have to milk her by hand? I don't have the supply's yet.' As I was thinking, Cara already took off the upper part of her coveralls, she tapped my shoulder again and in her hands are her breasts fully exposed and are leaking milk, her nipples are dark and are stiff as if she was aroused. Seeing them made me want to grab her tit and suck the milk right now, but I restrained myself not to.

"There is no choice is there." She shakes her head in response. I then sigh and called for Mai. She then descended from the ceiling with a smile on her face and had a camera in her hands.

"Fufufuf~ you sure had a good night sleep, I couldn't help myself but snap a few pics." My brow twitch when she said that and I turned to her with a gentil smile, but the feeling wasn't gentil at all. Mai then gulped and started to sweat.

"O-or I could just delete the pictures right now. Y-yeah I'll do that right now." She then starts to delete the pictures I nodded in satisfaction and then turned to Cara.

"Mai I need you to bring me a bucket and a chair, also a towel."

"Okay I'll be back." She then starts to make her way outside the room and soon It was just the two of us. I then turn to Carmen who was still staring at me, expecting me to do something. 'Okay calm down fritz you don't need to pitch the tent soon, just think of something sad. Yeah that's it something sad, think of losing your fami....'

I then sulk and was regretting that thought, why did I have to think of them. Tears then started to form in my eyes and Carmen was nervous when she saw me about to cry. She turned her head left and right trying to figure out what she should do. She then had an idea but blushed when she thought of it, she then shook her head and had a determine face. She stretched her arms towards me and made me lay down on her legs, she then pushed her nipple on my face and in my mouth and I unconsciously started to suck on her breast.

As I was sucking on her breast, I started to feel a bit drowsy. 'Is it just me or is this milk sweet?' I soon fell asleep and was still sucking the milk on her breast and the only thing that passed through her mind was. 'Cute'

After a few minutes Mai came back with the things I asked, as she came in the room, she saw me on Carmen's legs sucking on her breast like a newborn baby. She then starts to have a mischievous smile and pulls out a camera and starts to snap some pictures.

"This is perfect, I can now use these against him so I can have him all to myself Fufufu~" Carmen then looked at Mai and glared at her signing a warning to her. Instantly Mai then started to delete the pictures faster when she took them. and placed the objects on the floor and ran away as fast as she could. She then removes her breast from my mouth and shook me awake.

As that was happening, I felt like I was floating in a river in peace I soon felt someone trying to wake me up and opened my eyes. What I saw was something I wish it was true, I saw my mother with her beautiful red hair and green eyes. I soon felt tears coming out of my eyes and opened my mouth

"Mom why did you leave, why couldn't you guys stay a bit longer?" I asked

"Forgive me my son, but that's just how it is, just live your life and know that your father and sister and I love you very much." She then kissed my forehead and I then passed out again.