Milking a cow is good Milking a woman is hevanly

After a few minutes of shaking, I was able to wake up. Carmen just stared at me with a smile on her face and was stroking my head. I then smiled in satisfaction and finally stood up and stretched for a few minutes. 'Man is it just me or does her milk have any kind massaging purposes?' It was so effective I was able to lift my legs in the air and bend my lower body forward. I then raised my legs and was on a handstand ad started to do some pushups.

"Man, I feel great, Carmen your milk was worth drinking." She then blushed on receiving the complement and her ears were fluttering with happiness. I just chuckled at her reaction and continued to do random exercises.

After a few minutes later I finished stretching, I made my way towards the bench that Mai brought. As I was setting everything to start milking, I felt something land on my head and raised my head. Staring at me was Carmen with a nervous face and was twitching. I then raised my hand and patted her head, instantly she calmed down and was enjoying my touch.

"Okay that's enough, we wasted enough time so let's get to milking." She nodded her head in response and wrapped her arms around me and bent in front of me so that our faces are just a few Inches away from each other.

'Just relax Fritz think of a farm, your milking cows and are trying to make a living a home. Just massage and prepare to get some milk.' I then start to massage her chest so that it can be easier to milk her, I then lift her breast and drop them slowly, then moved them side to side. While I did this Carmen was twitching and containing her moans. My brows start ti twitch when I hear her moans.

I was first surprised when she moaned when I touched her breast, but the more she moaned the more I felt uncomfortable. I then placed my fingers on her nipples, pulling them at first then twisting them, her legs then start to shake, and she almost fell. I had to place my arms under her in order to not let her fall.

After a few minutes of massaging, it was time to start milking.

"I'm goanna start to milk you, let me know if it hurts, okay? She just nods. I then place the bucket under her and prepared my mind for paradise.

I then guide my hands towards her nipples and pinched them. Instantly Milk shot out and started to fill the bucket. My face contained the look of shock, I mean it just started, I barley put any pressure and it's coming out like Niagara Falls. 'Shoot better get another bucket!'

"Mai bring another bucket, and if you don't give me that camera, I'm goanna make you join Hanna on cleaning the bathrooms."

"Eep" Instantly I heard metal on metal and moving further away, few minutes later, Mai came back with another bucket and gave me the camera. As she was about to leave, I called out to her.

"Ah ah ah, you are staying here and will not move, I cannot trust you that you will run off and get another camera. Okay?" She pouted and with a "Hmph" she slumped and continued to watch us.

I then align the bucket under her breast and got ready to milk her again. I move my hands towards her nipples and pinched them, unlike last time they didn't shoot the milk. Instead, I had to grab the breast and squeeze them, causing the milk to come out.

"Ahhh" Hearing that moan I instantly stopped, and my face started to burn. 'OhgodohgodohgodwhyisthishappeningjustrelaxnopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopeIcant.' I soon felt my little brother waking up and ready to present itself. I wanted to stop and run away, so I removed my hands, but Cara then grabbed my wrist and forced my hands onto her breast.

"Um Carmen, can you let go of my hands?"


"What was that?" My face is turning redder than a tomato.

"Don't stop, please." Her face was red, and she was avoiding looking into my eyes. Instantly I felt an arrow pierce my heart, and I was in autopilot. My hands kept squeezing them and milk kept shooting out, my mind was blank, and I couldn't hear the moans she was making.

After a few minutes of me milking, Carmen finally ran out of milk. While I was milking Mai brought a third bucket. Now I had three buckets full of the holy milk and was ready to drink it all. But when I was about to grab one of the buckets, Cara placed both of her hands on my head and dragged it between her breasts.

'Was I blessed by the gods to live my life between these pillows? If yes, then I thank you gods for making this a reality and will offer some of this delicious milk.'

POV ???

As this was happening three gods where staring at fritz and heard his thoughts.

"Honestly I like this mortal." said the first God.

"Yup he was considerate to offer some milk to us." replied the second God.

"We need to keep blessing this mortal." spoke the third.

"Agreed" replied the first two.

POV Fritz

After being squished by the marshmallows I reluctantly pull myself away and started to take deep breaths. 'If this keeps on happening, I might end up sleeping there.'

I then grabbed one of the buckets and told Cara to follow me. After passing a few rooms we arrived at the kitchen, inside was only machines that could print food. I honestly thought that it was really sad because the food wasn't bad, it just didn't taste like it was special.

I then made a decision on what type of class I should summon when I have the chance, but that's not important right now. Both of us made towards one of the machines, I tapped some buttons and a drawer opened. I placed my bucket inside, and it closed, it opened once again, and Cara then placed the other two buckets inside.

After that was done, I wanted to go to my room and go to sleep, as I made my way Carmen then followed me to my room. By the time we arrived it was already time to sleep, I was too tired to call for someone to get Cara a room, so I let her sleep in my bed. After crawling in my bed, I felt two arms wrap around me and soon felt a steady breathing.

'Well, I guess that was fun, but now I just want to sleep.' I then place my hands on hers and closed my eyes and drift into the darkness hoping that something interesting will happen tomorrow.