

"The wanderer" has spoken with "Moses", The wizard tell about wars and how much matter to "the wanderer" participate. "The wanderer" also hearded two twins globins talking about the war, and running away.

12 - Shortcuts

Narrator: "The wanderer" woke up on tuesday. The birds are singing, it's ten o'clock. The sky is grey, probably it's rainning on the "City where nobody can". Maybe there's a storm to the east sea's.

Narrator: The "Rain's son" likes to make rain in wandere's city. Rain almost everyday, a little bit. He is strong, but not enought to make a deluge. Sometimes, it's only a drizzle. Just to make "the wanderer" get weat while walks.

Narrator: "The wanderer" took a few hours to make his mind. He looked to the red stone. A couple of months before. One man gave the stone to "the wanderer", and said to him "Take this to the volcano and toss into the flames, don't give to anyone. In the wrong hands that little stone could make intire citys desapear".

Narrator: The man that gave the stone was unknown. He looked old, because of the white hair and beard, he was probably a wizard, and that's why "Moses" knows. BACU is full of legends, about powefull wands or potions, secret wathers, dragons living underground and that stone maybe is only a legend ou maybe is some legend that is really true.

Narrator: "The wanderer" never used the stone and don't know how to. He believes that must have some magic ou spells. As he never used the stone, he used to think that could be only legend. But after all, "Moses" talked to him. And after the fight with "Son of rain" and he thought again, an is realizing that stone is precious. Now, he is about to go to the volcano. But he is alone and don't know how to get there.

Narrator: The volcano is the highest mountain of the island. Is visible in any point. "The wanderer" can see part of the moutain and thinks " I fly there and let the stone go into the flames" and so he did.

Narrator: "The wanderer" flew with a cloud. Every thing was calm when he had leave the woods. The sky was grey, but he can see the montain.

Narrator: After two hours flying, the moutain was close, but the top were too high and that's was a problem. Because "The wanderer" can't fly too high neither close to the fire.

Narrator: When he finally reached to the montain he was almost in the middle. He finded a place to stand. He took the bag with only the red stone inside and make wind to fly very high.

Narrator: He flew the highest that he can and the mountain' top still were far away. Then he fell to the ground and was grabed by a sand hand. "Now we are even", said de "Sand king". "The wanderer" saw "Moses" too. If it weren't for them, the wanderer would be dead.

Narrator: "There is no shortcuts to the top of this moutain, you must take the path in north and clibing walking, thais is the reason of this mission is yours." Said "Moses". "you're made to walk." completed him.

Narrator: "I will lead you by the desert and help with the climb" said the "Sand King". "The wanderer" insn't feeling well. Took to much of his energy to flew that high. "I need snow to woke up my body".

Narrator: "The path is long, you won't have snow all the time, learn to live with out." Said "Moses".

Narrator: "The woods are not safe, a war is coming, the armys are preparing for conquer. The kingdom wants the west and the mayor of west city wants the kingdom". Said "King Sand"

Narrator: "And the East woods and the Citys there are being infested by creatures running away from this war" Said "Moses". "The wanderer" was listening, but his attention was in the next snow.