

The last chapter was about the four sides of the island and each main citizen, but remember their are not the only ones playing games in BACU island. The last part was about the "Andromeda Ghost' curse.

16 - Postpone

Narrator: "The wanderer" was making snow. For him, it's hard to focus in something else, as if the body have a own will. Making his mind feel weak, because the mind is under the body demands. "The wanderer" send a mensage to "Andromeda Ghost" : "Today is raining here, while i'm using snow. Yesterday, some guy look like a juggernaut, slapped my face. After, i was threatened. I'm not kidding. Never felt fear like that, but the most fear wasn't for me, but for never see you again".

Narrator: "Andromeda Ghost" answered the message, going in "the Wanderer" direction.

"Your saturdays nights used to be more fun, now you sitting alone and doing snow". "The wanderer" knew that this information was true, but in the deep of his heart, he wasn't sad about this.

Narrator: "Is good to see, you". The changing is part of the life and nothing remains still forever. Those nights were good. The same way that this night could be as well, deppends only the choises that he will make.

Narrator: "Can i make a question?" asked "the wanderer". "Andromeda Ghost" gave to him a positive sign with her head. Making her dark hair fall over her forehead, forming a fringe. They were smoking, and she watches the flakes falling. In that moment everything was perfect, but the moments always pass.

Narrator: "Why you make that much snow, what you were wanting, you committed suicide?" asked again "the wanderer". The perfect moment was gone. But even so, she answered: "My love was not perfect. I was broken inside. Full with loliness, and i wasn't following my destiny , which was bring joy with fire, not the fire that burns, but the fire that warms".

Narrator: "Now, she is cursed, to be forever alone as a ghost, and obsessed with snow and cold, nothing is worse, you know the name, she is 'Andromeda Ghost'.". Her sang with dismal tone.

Narrator: "What you felt, when died and death came to curse you?" After finish the sentence, "the wanderer" light up another cigarette. She answered immediately "Pain, is how we born and how we die, if you turned a ghost, but you get used". This time the answer had a funny tone, as she was trying to make a joke about it.

Narrator: "Have you made your mind about your future?" This time, she asked. "I don't want to go, but looks like, i must", said "The wanderer", as the smoke rises and the snow falls. "Sand King" is waiting my answer, also "Moses" and the "Rain's son".

Narrator: "So...You have new friends, good for you, it will be nice to concentread into something else besides that life you living". She mean it from the heart. A ghost heart, but still a heart, that once was a human. "You wanna know what i heard, walking in west?

Narrator: "Sure", she rises and start floating around him, she loves to make scenes, when want to tell something. " I heard, with my little ear, that the mayor of "West City", wants expand her place on this island, and the south is probably is thinking the same about expasion, and a war, maybe, is comming".She saind and stoped floating, sitting again at "the wanderer" sides.

Narrator: "Unfortly, this is old news for me. I been told about this. My task may avoid or reflect, in this war. Don't you think that Azmon may get interested in West and South, getting weaker at the same time? The evil is aways there, waiting. Untill it gets too much closer, and at this point, is late". "The wanderer" venteded in an exhausted tone of voice.

Narrator: "In that case, i recommend that you make your decision soon and stop doing snow. Everyone is tired to tell you this, don't wait until the decision make you slave of your destiny. "Andromeda Ghost" said and leave.

Narrator: "The wanderer" is once agains alone, and they didn't talked about last nite, which "the wanderer" rather to forget. He must to change and follow his path with wisdom. and his time is almos over. He can't posstpone more.