Visiting the same mistake


"The wanderer" were training with the Captain, but quit the training, after some time. Went to use snow with "Andromeda Ghost". She said to him at his face, to follow he's destiny and stop calling her, because she will always answer, even that isn't her will. She wants: that him acomplished his destiny's demands.

21 - Visiting the same mistake

Narrator: Once again, he can not sleep. The snow kept him awake. He wants to talk, and not just speak, he been talking to the walls of his house. It's a dark and sad house. He knows that: he hasn't a second chance with the Captain, maybe if he begs.

Narrator: He makes snow inside his house, and "Andromeda Ghost" comes to visit. He looks at her and say: "You're beautiful, it's true". She floats side to side, in the small room. "You and your compliments, you just trying to make me stay longer." They have seen each other, in the same day, but the passion and the hates makes they want to stay closer and closer. And somehow, they know that their time together is overing...

Narrator: "Have you heard... any more news from the "West City"...or i don't know... any place else?" "The wanderer" asked, but he wasn't want really to know. He were just making conversation, but "Andromeda Ghost" have information, and she said: "The wars are comming. You should make a visit to "One City Zero Coast", they are very afraid".

Narrator: "Maybe i go there... after my training... if i have still a training to do. The Captain will know that i did snow with you" "The wanderer" said with sadness. He must training, but he wasn't giving the most effort. "Andromeda Ghost" blew a kiss and went away.

Narrator: The next morning, bring the sun to "The Woods Where Nobody Can". "The wanderer" walked up into the street, went to the Bar of the Captain. "Do you think... that, I don't know what you did last nite? Twice??" Tha Captain was in a bad mood. "Show me some wind, control The wind and make the trees move, i want to see, if you are capable" challenged the Captain.

Narrator: "The wanderer" felt himself refreshed, after all that fun, that he had last nite. And then, he made much wind, but really much. The trees crumbled to the sea, but just enought to make a beuatiful scene. Then they went back to their places. The Captain were impressed.

Narrator: "See.. you can do amazing things, but need to focus. All that fun you been having, may coast to much in the future". The Captain poured himself a drink. And offered to "The wanderer" which said: "yes" and drank a beer.

Narrator: "Why i can not? Let go about the snow?" "The wanderer" asked. But seems that the Captain were more worried about his drink than about the question. After sometime, both stand looking each other and "The wanderer" make some snow.

Narrator: "Is this why... Because you want to make snow every time. When you are happy, when you are bored, when you want to see "Andromeda Ghost". You had enough training for today. Go for a walk, you are strong enough, you just need to be... make you mind and see the people... the people that depends on you, and then make your choise". Said the Captain, drinking again.

Narrator: And so "The wanderer" did. He walked in his town "The Woods Where Nobody Can", the people seems to need some help, but not from him. He have doubts about his powers and himself. The red stone remains safe, but will he be strong enough to burn it down?

Narrator: "The wanderer" decides to go for a walk longer, and with the mind not thinking about not making snow, he thinks on "Andromeda Ghost" and wonder about if she would walk with him, even if he wasn't making snow?

Narrator: "The wanderer" walk and see the people. People on the city are very inequality, some people are poor other are richies. Some people are weak some people are strong, some people bring the best from each outher, some people bring the worse.

Narrator:"The wanderer" was thinking about what kind of people he is? And what kind of "people" he wanted to be ? His destiny will affect everybody else, just like everybody else's destiny's affect in each other, but his have a great burden. What he will do next, about it?

Narrator: "The wanderer" will make the difference when the time comes, or wil he keeps "Visiting the same mistake"?