Crying Lightning


"The wanderer" and the "Sand king" have a confrontation and battled against the "Rain' son". The City "One City Zero Coast" suffers a massacre because of the rain. People die. "The wanderer" makes his mind and take a desicion. He is going into the Volcano finish with the red stone into the flames.

26 - Crying Lightning

Narrator: All right, the decision was made, but for where should "the wanderer" go, for real? Which way he must take? In the most of the cases is easy to say, let's go! But is really hard to take the first step and walk into the right direction. And that's was what's is going on with him.

Narrator: "The wanderer" is full of mixed feelings, and after seeing what has happened to the "One City Zero Coast", he has been taken by anger and a revenge feeling.

- Let's see the captain, and ask for help. He said to the king.

The "Sand King" is also struggling with his mind and heart. He never liked that people from Nearby city, but after witnessing such disgrace and sadness, he began to have the famous feeling of compassion, previously non-existent in his range of sensations.

Narrator: "The wanderer" and the king walked for a while, they just didn't want to fly. They went back to "The woods where nobody can" walking in silence, into captain's direction. After hours they reach the bar. Not a single word was spoken.

-Please, bring me wine! Said the king, trying to be playful, to shift the mood.

- Who died? Asked the Captain, with his leg full of screws, as always.

They explained what just has happened. Wasn't a funny neither a amousing conversation. The dismal tone was the main sound.

Narrator: The captain looked at "the wanderer" and said with the most serious tone our hero has heard in a long time.

- Your life is out of control, and you have a burden, admitting the burden is one step, but the first and most important step is admitting your disability. Something bigger is giving you a chance, take it!

- What should I look for?

- The nature of your faults, as I look for mine and everyone should look for theirs. Ask the supreme existence to eliminate your defects and go to the volcano. Follow your journey!