

"The wanderer" and the "Sand King" were cornered by five werewolves, they were walking in the valley at night, close to one river. "The wanderer" started to move the clouds and is planning to escape, they can't fight againt five, because they would take a chance of losing the stone.

33 - Riptide

Narrator:The moon was full. The trees slowly danced with the wind, which increased its cadence to the rhythm of "the wanderer's" heartbeat. There was nothing to talk about. They needed to get away fast and even though it was the opposite direction they planned to go, "the wanderer" chose to follow the riptide of the river.

Narrator:The wolves didn't even notice the clouds descending and covering the river, the perfect escape.

- I'd like to stay for a chat, but my friend and I are in the middle of a night walk and we're too shy to dance with wolves.

When the clouds were in place, "the wanderer" caused him and the king to be carried away by the wind to a cloud that was waiting over the river. And so, easy as nightfall, they fled. His journey would have many battles, but this would not be the first.