Foxes in the river's morning.


"The wanderer and the "Sand King" are in the land of all closed eyes, the livings, here, see with their feets. It's almost morning. They are following the river using a cloud.

35 - Foxes in the river's morning.

Narrator: On the bank of the river, they hunted some foxes. "The wanderer" stopped the cloud and contemplated the breakfast of the beasts, or the end of one more shift. He must and should sleep, to follow the work. The first day. After of leaving behind: "The woods where nobody can", but it was almost morning, and "The night is daker, before the sun rises". The dawn seemed to want one last farewell. During the next part of the journey the dawn would be experienced in another way. As the rest of the hours of the day, because, some plesures would have to change into punishment. He must learn how to enjoy the pain, and make fun even in hell.

Narrator: Meanwhile, the king slept. The final hours agonized over him, "the wanderer". He were longed for a peace that seemed distant and feared for the turmoil in front, about to dominate his life. And the morning would bring a lot of headache like a hangover at the wrong day. He would like to be a fox, a nocturnal animal. Living with the nigth energy again. Now, his battles would be day by day, under sunlight. And the night would guard his tired body, for a few moments. Thus making it impossible for him to see the color of darkness. The most missed: would be the darker hour, before the dawn.

Narrator: "The Wanderer" was curious about the communication of the foxes. "What Does The Fox Say?". There was four foxes, the region was full of animals canines. First the werewovels, now the foxes. Lokking up to the hill, suddenly was the leader standing still. Your fur is red, so beautiful. Like an angel in disguise. But if you meet a friendly prince or a horse. Will you communicate by?

Narrator: Loud barks, menacing growls, rage-filled growls, musical howls... How you see the world? Smelling. Or your words are taps his paws on the ground. To identify the paths. And giving discreet signals that say a lot with little effort, small gestures that speak loudly, say a lot and are of a varied range of meanings, ranging from sarcasm to the maximum declaration of respect.