One by One

That morning Yu deliberately woke up late. After all, he no longer had a schedule to do this and that simulation. And after all, with the incident of last night, Yu had finally decided he wasn't going anywhere today.

There's only tomorrow left, the man thought as he got out of bed, grabbed a towel, and headed for the bathroom. After tomorrow, the next day he will fly to Black Eyes, out of this Solar System, and will never come back again. At least, that's what was expected to happen to him.

In fact, Yu had heard footsteps coming back and forth from outside his room, the normally deserted facility building felt strange and noisy with the bustling steps. Only, Yu seemed to ignore all that.

It was only when Yu came out of his room and was about to head to the kitchen to get his breakfast, which was more appropriately called lunch because Yu would only have breakfast around eleven, that Yu realized that something unusual had happened in the building of this facility.

"Hey," the chef greeted as Yu approached him. "Don't you usually wake up this late?"

"Yeah, maybe last night's incident made me very tired," said Yu. "Hey, what's going on here? I mean, I see people talking about something and looking worried about it?" Yu asked as he chose the breakfast menu that was served on the table in front of the chef.

"Someone died this morning."

"Hah?!" Yu's gaze widened at the chef with the white toque blanches on his head.

"Yeah, and one is still under treatment."

"What happened?"

The chef shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know," he said, "temporary opinion, people say they're having a heart attack."

"Heart attack?" Yu frowned. "At the same time?"

Is that true? he thought as if he sensed that something unusual was going on. However, this was Yu's baseless thought that just popped up.

"If I'm not mistaken," said the chef, "it was the doctor who used to watch over you—"

"Alina?!" Yu gasped in shock.

"No!" the chef shook his head. "The one who supervised your simulation in the swimming pool."

"Oh, God…"

Yu didn't even know how to react. Should he be happy that it wasn't Alina who died? Or should he mourn the death of the male doctor who had been his friend at the pool for a week?

Yu could only take a deep breath.

"While the other is the chief superintendent of this building."

And it just sounded even stranger to Yu. There was no way the doctor had a heart attack. The young man seemed to be in good health. Yu thought that with the fact that the young doctor who used to supervise him while doing simulations in the swimming pool had a body that always looked good, he was not fat, even muscular. As for the chief superintendent of the building himself, Yu had never met him at once.

There must be something going on here! Yu thought.

After learning about the incident, Yu finally continued his breakfast.


That afternoon, Yu sat dreamily on a bench without a backrest in the pool room.

At first, Yu intended to swim just to keep his body in shape. But all of that was in vain because Yu was reminded of the death of the young doctor who was always watching him while undergoing simulations in the swimming pool in front of him now.

What a life, Yu thought. Even though he was still very young, about the same age as Yu himself. Well, the fate of someone's death no one knows for sure when it will come, except God alone.

"I thought you got wet in that pool?"

Yu turned his face, he smiled to find the female security who was entering the spacious room. She was the same female security guard that Yu saw having sex with a mechanic, Alexander's partner two nights ago.

"That was what I wanted," said Yu.

"Then, what made you sit in such a daze like that?"

"I don't know…" Yu let out a long sigh.

The female security has a body shape that is quite beautiful with her breasts that are not too big. She was wearing a rather skimpy and revealing swimsuit.

"By the way," said the woman when she was standing by the pool. "My name is Shanti."

"Hi, Shanti," Yu said simply even though the woman smiled sweetly at him. "I am Ue, or—well, as you already know, Yu."

"Yeah, I already knew that."

And then, Shanti plunges into the pool. For a moment, Yu only watched Shanti's back exposed under the water's surface.

Yu then smirked softly. "If it was Alina who smiled like you earlier, of course, I wouldn't hesitate."

When Shanti appeared on the surface, in the middle of the swimming pool, she saw Yu who was standing and seemed to be about to leave the room.

"You're not going to swim?" Shanti asked deliberately showing her breasts to Yu. "Come on, you're bound to find something interesting here."

Yu turned his head for a moment, again he smirked softly, and shook his head. "Maybe next time," he said.

"You'll be the one to lose," Shanti giggled.

Yu shrugged his shoulders and continued on his way out of the room. Even though the breasts were quite promising, Yu wasn't even interested at all, it would be a different story if it was Alina.


After getting his dinner, Yu didn't go straight to his bedroom, he headed to the computer room he usually used to look up information.

However, Yu seemed to have lost his way, he didn't know which one to focus on: Looking for additional information about the Black Eye, or about Akimura Tech itself, or anything else?

It looks like he only opens one site, closes that site, opens another site, and closes it again. So he keeps on repeating. He wasn't even at all interested in watching some entertainment programs, or exciting videos featuring naked girls.

Yu let out a long sigh as he leaned his back. Two arms spread wide, then bent to support his head.

He suddenly remembered what had happened this morning in the facility building. And then, he typed the word 'Heart Attack' into the search key on the keyboard in front of him.

A number of captions about a heart attack appeared on his computer screen, as well as several pictures of people experiencing it.

Yu found that two or three pictures were showing the Akimura facility building, the same building he currently resides in.

It must have something to do with the young doctor's death, and the superintendent still at the hospital, he thought.