None of My Business

The more Yu found out about it, the more he realized that something unusual was going on in society. Not only among the common people but also the elite with their luxurious life.

At least, Yu found more than a hundred cases of a heart attacks in the last 24 hours from the articles he read, as well as some related videos he watched.

"Just getting weirder!" Yu muttered as he rubbed his chin which had been rough with a beard. "Heart attack is not a contagious disease. If only one or two people experience the same thing at the same time, this can still be considered normal. But when it comes to more than a hundred people, isn't this something strange? Something suspicious? They should take this very seriously…"

Indeed, of all the articles and videos that Yu had seen, not everyone who died in the last 24 hours had a heart attack. The other thirty percent are due to complications of congenital disease.

However, this all turned out to be very strange for Yu. The elite, those who are used to living a comfortable and luxurious life with all the facilities and advantages that support their lives were not spared from this incident.

"There must be one thing that triggered all of this!" Yu muttered to himself.

In the end, Yu gave up on thinking about the cause of all cases. After all, he wasn't a doctor or a scientist, he wasn't even an educated person. All of that is beyond his ability and expertise.

Yu stood up after turning off the computer, he stretched his body in such a way. Crackling sounds from every part of his stiff body could be heard filling the room. Yu gasped and then laughed to himself before finally leaving the room to return to his room.

When passing through a corridor that would lead to his room, Yu felt a little hungry and then turned his steps towards the kitchen. He knew that on a night like this the chef and his helper would not be in the kitchen. But at least, Yu thought he could find a portion of food or two in the refrigerator or the drawers in the kitchen.

Whatever it is, the important thing is that it can be eaten to stave off hunger, he thought.

As he was about to enter the dining room before the kitchen, Yu heard some suspicious noises, the typical voice of two people making love. Yu took a deep breath. Could it be the female security named Shanti? Yu muttered in his heart.

Damn it! Who else is she making love to this time?

Yu was a little surprised to find a couple who were having sex on the dining table. Indeed, it was the same female security guard, only her partner this time was not the previous mechanic, but another security officer.

The two of them looked awkward when Yu appeared in the dining room, they had no idea that at this hour of the night someone would come to the kitchen.

The man stopped pounding his hips against Shanti's crotch, both of them looked very nervous.

Of course, they made love where they shouldn't. After all, this is a facility building that has an important function and role in space studies, and they make that place a place for them to copulate.

"Don't you guys have room to do this kind of thing?" Yu asked with a long sigh, he continued to walk towards the kitchen.

"Sorry, we—"

"Never mind," Yu tried to smile at the man whose body was drenched in sweat, a sign that he had fucked Shanti long enough, as well as Shanti herself. "Go on, I just wanted to find something to smother my hungry stomach."

When Yu's gaze met Shanti's, the woman smiled spoiled as if inviting Yu to join their intercourse. Shanti even deliberately gently squeezed her breasts because she knew the man's gaze was on her breasts.

Well, Yu did secretly admire the beauty of Shanti's body. However, Alina remains undefeated. The beautiful doctor was number one in Yu's heart.

"You're not going to report this, aren't you?" asked the man whose genital was still in the burrow of Shanti's copulation.

"Should I?" Yu asked.

Yu continued his steps while the activities of the two people were not as good as before.

In the refrigerator, Yu found some chocolate bars and a bottle of fresh milk. There was no choice, and he also felt awkward being between the two of them, so Yu chose those two things to take to his room.

"If you want," said Shanti who was sprawled on the dining table with her legs raised and straddled, she gave a spoiled glance at Yu who came back near them. "You can join us."

The man, Shanti's making-out friend slightly smiled and nodded, as if to confirm to Yu that he didn't mind sharing the pleasure. At the very least, the man thought that what Shanti said was a form of a request for Yu not to report what they had done there.

Yu smiled, shaking his head. They could even share with me to keep my mouth shut, he thought.

Even though Yu was quite aroused by the sex poses between the two, Yu had promised to be a virgin forever unless Alina wanted it.

"You know," said Shanti as she gently bit her finger, and one hand squeezed her breast. "You will be satisfied, I guarantee it."

"What a tempting offer…," said Yu. "But no, thank you. You two carry on."

"Are you sure?" asked the man.

Yu moved his head slightly. "Don't worry, I won't report about this. So, yeah… good night."

And Yu then left the two of them. What a maniac girl, he thought, a hyper one.

Report them? What for? Yu thought as he walked further and further away from the dining room. After all, there was only one more day left for him to be in the same building. So, yeah…, letting them make love more freely is what Yu chose. Thus, he would not increase the number of people who hate him.

In his room, Yu enjoyed three chocolate bars with a bottle of fresh milk while watching television.

However, Yu felt like he was repeating what he did in the computer room earlier.

Well, some of the channels he chose broadcast about the events in the last 24 hours. The incident was about the number of people who had a heart attack and then died. Only a few of them can survive.

Yu feel sick with the news that only sounded like speculation. The explanations from the medical team, expert doctors, or scientists from the elite seemed to revolve around the food the victims consumed or an unhealthy lifestyle.

To Yu, these were all just groundless hypotheses. In the end, Yu turned off the television after he finished three chocolate bars and a bottle of fresh milk.

Sleep is the best answer, for now, he thought.
