47 - What is this smile?

The message Leo sent Sophia was to ask if Bella was going to have lunch with them.

Sophia was confused by Leo asking specifically about her friend, as she never saw Leo talking to Bella, but she still responded and confirmed that Bella would too.

Leo saw that this was perfect and gave Chris a thumbs up.

"Come on man, the girl I told you about is also going to have lunch with us, this could be the opportunity for you to meet her. Maybe something else will happen?"

When Chris heard this he felt his face turning completely red. He never imagined that such a simple and unassuming question he asked Leo would result in Leo already talking about a girl and proposing that they meet today!

Chris was nervous, all the confidence he had gathered these days hunting dozens of monsters evaporated and he immediately reverted back to being the shy kid at school who was afraid of other people.