You're Not A Friend

"Why's that?" He looked confused.

"You won't understand," Slowly shaking my head, I refused to say more about that.

"I'm Taking you to the nurse's office." He says in a serious tone.

His words made my heart skip a beat.

Right now, I don't want to do anything to piss off other people. It's just better I stay on my own without that.

Enduring the pain to ensure I'm not going to be punished is worth that.

"If you do that, I'll know you're not my friend." I frown at him.

Had it not been for the extreme pain I'm feeling, I would have left him long ago, and gone back to my room.

But I can't do that. The wound I incurred in my body is much.

"As a friend, that's why I'm doing this. I can't allow your wound to be infected. You need to be treated by the nurse." He insists on that.

"I'm not going there." I furiously shake my head. "I can do well on my own, you don't in any way have to worry about me."

If I can get to my room before any of the teachers sees me, I'll be safe.

"What of the bullies? Don't you think we should report them? "

"And risk being bullied more?

Mate, it seems you don't understand at all. Telling them will make things much more difficult for me. It'll make them more eager to hurt me more for telling on them.

Just take me back to my room, and we'll be okay." I smile.

Seeing how Mate is behaving, it's not too difficult to believe he either grew up in an orphanage that doesn't have bullies in it or lives with his parents.

These are the reasons why he'll acts the way he does.

I don't think he's ever endured the harsh realities of life. Had he done that I don't think he would have wasted time in taking me back home as I requested.

"You're sure you want to go back to your room? You Don't Want the wound checked out, at all?" Raising a doubtful brow, he tries to make me reconsider my request.

What he doesn't know is this, there's nothing to reconsider about the request. I'm far more convinced of them.

"Yes. Take me back to the room I share with the boys."

The room isn't all that a safe option, but it's far better than going to the nurse's office.

"You sure?" He tries once more.

"I am."


"Which one is your room?"

Currently, Mate is leading me back to the room. His left-hand circles my waist as he gently escorted me. There's no hurry in his steps as he walked.

"That one." I point to our room.

Based on how quiet the hallway is, I have no doubt they all have gone out to play like they do most of the time.

Opening the door, Mate led me inside.

"Which of the bed is yours?" Looking at the five beds in the room, he tried to locate mine.

Taking in the room from a visitor's point of view.

I blushed in embarrassment as I noticed the only neat space here is mine.

I just can't help being neat and orderly. I get cranky whenever am in an untidied place. It just gets on my nerves.

"That one." I point to mine. A deep blush on my cheeks as he nods.

"Figured that one out pretty quick. I knew it was yours by seeing how neat the space is. You don't in any way strike me as a careless person."

Smiling, he led me to my corner and helped me sit on the bed. His hold on me was gentle and caring.

"Thanks." I smile brightly.

"Where's the medicine? I can help you apply them." He tries to open my cupboard. One that's just there for beautifying sake.

Should he open the cupboard, I don't know what it is he'll think of it as the cupboard is empty, and devoid of anything.

Aside from the small bag I was found with, I have nothing to my name.

Most of the hand-me-down clothes I've been given have been taken by those far stronger than I am.

"Don't bother about that. I'll take care of my wounds. You can now leave. Thanks once again for bringing me home.

I'm more than Grateful." I smile.

As much as I'll like to have him here with me, I can't do that. I won't allow him to see just how helpless and broke I am.

"I won't leave until I help you with your wounds. I'm not that heartless to leave you here all by yourself.

What if you end up dying for not properly taking care of yourself?

Don't you think that as a friend I ought to help you" He still has that playful smile on his face.

Closing my eyes as I don't want to see the expression on his face when I say the words I want to utter. Blinking, I forced a smile.

"I don't recall ever calling you a friend."

" What?"

I can picture him blinking in confusion, but I dare not open my eyes to look at him. All I did is tightly close my eyes to avoid not going through with the words I'm about to utter.

As painful as it is to me, I don't want to do it, but I had to. If not for anything, but to prevent him from taking me to the nurse's office.

Should he know I have no medicine, I don't doubt he'll take me there to get medicine.

"I just met you today, Mate. I can't call you a friend. Moreover, I don't know your agenda in helping me. All this might be because of a prank you plan to play on me. "

I close my eyes tightly.

"You think that low of me? " He asked in a very small voice. One that makes me want to open my eyes and hug him senseless, but I dare not do that.

I need him to leave.

"As I said, I don't know you at all."

"After the help I gave you, you still don't trust me?"

"I don't. In this world, it's not good to trust easily."

" If that's the truth, open your eyes and tell me you don't want me here." He says after a moment of silence.

" I can't." I frantically shake my head.

"That's to say you don't mean your words." I hear him walking towards the cupboard, and that caused me to spur into action.

"I don't trust you as a friend. I need you to leave." Opening my eyes, I level him with a glare.

"Oh." His eyes met with mine. "I see." He nods slowly.

"Can you leave now?" I ball my hands into fists.

"You don't need to ask twice. I'm leaving, don't even bother calling me back. I hope you die from infections." With those words said, he walks towards the door.

I tried calling him back, but I can't bring myself to do that.

It's for the best.

I try convincing myself.

But deep down, I know it's not for the best. I've lost the only friend I Just got.

A friend with mesmerizing blue eyes.