Eavesdropping Again

"On my gosh!" they both squealed, their eyes shinning Brightly in mirth.

"What's there to gosh about?" i frown at them. Searching for my work shirt made me recall exactly what happened to them.

It makes me recall the exact reason why I planned to quit work the moment I receive my salary, but that was before I met Mate.

Meeting him have changed my perspective of things. Am no longer sacred of anything as Mate can protect me from things that might try to hurt me.

He's quite capable of doing that.

"You're living with the boss!" Merk squeals.

You know, seeing her acting like a school girl is quite scary. To me, I prefer when she's angry and strict compared to when she's acting like she is now.

It makes me want to bash my head on something, anything at all.

"Not only that, but the boss is his childhood Best friend!" Rissa squeals.

"That's right." Seeing as I won't be able to do anything productive tonight with these two girls, I decide to run for my life before they dissect me with their eyes only.

"And where do you think you're going to?" Merk draws me back. Placing a hand on my shoulder, Rissa holds me.

" Is there anything you want to know? " I swallow, my heart beating frantically at the thoughts of being bullied by these two *I know am pathetic, you don't have to rub it on my face.*

" Are you.... wait a minute." She peers into my eyes, her face showing confusion. "Why are you wearing contacts?" Merk tilts her head in confusion, her eyes locked on mine.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at all. Does this mean they just noticed my eyes now? Are they trying to say they're too engrossed in knowing about Mate and I that they didn't notice the colour of my eyes?

"Am not putting on contacts. Those are my real eyes." Have it not being for Mate, I don't think I would have had the need to expose my eyes.

Who knows, I would have worn contacts all my life. No one would have noticed anything else about me.

"Your real eyes?" Rissa blinks. "You have violet eyes?" She look.... interested?

" Really?" Merk ask.

" Yeah. The black eyes I've always had are contacts. These are my real eyes." Eyes that made me different from others.

Had it not being for Mate, I don't think I would have exposed my eyes to the world.

"Why did you suddenly stop wearing contacts?"

"Mate asked me to. He seems to hate the contact." I shrug.

" Oh my gosh! I said it, you two are....."

Hastily removing their hands on me, I dash out. I don't think I can stay in there a bit longer. Who knows, I might end up spilling the beans without being asked.


The night went well, aside from the odd looks I got from the other workers and our customers, it was totally uneventful.

"You have more like thirty minutes before you leave." Rissa drops a small carton in front of me. "Help me take this to the storage. Hopefully, it's your last work for tonight."

" Why send me to the storage room again? You could have given this to me when I went there first. " I frown at her.

Ever since Rissa and Merk came out from our space, they've being sending me on errands to the storage. It's as if my work center for this night is the work. storage.

"I forgot about this." She says in a voice that doesn't sound apologetic at all.

"You could have as well give me a new work station. I've being to the storage more times than any of you have gone there. " I frown at her, my frustrations at having to walk to and fro showing on my face.

"You can take that station, am not objecting at all." She points at the carton, "I need you to take that to the storage room, take your time." She gives me a knowing look before she starts whistling in happiness. "Am going back to the noisy as hell bar." She leaves the sound prove space.

Having no option than to do as she asked, I carry the carton, and head towards the storage room.

Mate's door is locked, something that shows he might not be around, or he decided to lock himself up to avoid unnecessary confrontations with the likes of Merk and Rissa.

Dropping the carton on shelf, I make to leave, and that's when I hear voices.

I wouldn't have thought anything about it had it not being for the fact I heard Dove's voice. Going out there should have being the right thing to do, but as a curious person, I decide to eavesdrop on their conversations.

Who Knows, I might find out the meaning of those words he said to Mate.

"I've taken care of the business. One of them tried to fight, but I silenced him." Dove says in a voice that can be identified with his name, but not his face.

" Good. The second one? " Mate ask. Hearing his voice makes me confused.

I thought he's inside his office, why is he outside?

"We've not seen him. Jackil might be a coward, but there's one thing he's good in, and that's hiding."

I stifle a laugh.

How can someone only be good in hiding, and nothing else? Is it some kind of achievement?

"He's still in this state." Mate says in a convinced tone.

"How sure are you about that? I don't think he'll stay here knowing you're here already."

"Like I said, I have something he wants. He'll undoubtedly come back for it. "

" What's that? Is it...."

I strain my ears to know what it is they're talking about, but am not able to.

It's as if they've noticed my presence, and that caused them to decide whispering is the best.

"Yes. That's why I need to get him before he comes. You and the boys need to level up your skills."

" We will boss."

You know, I really don't know why Dove is calling him boss. It's not as if he works in this bar.

" That's okay."

"We need more arms boss. Guarding the warehouses and vehicles are not easy at all."

"I'll provide you with them."