Being a boss isn't all that bad

"I don't want to do that. Being with you this way is far more better. Should the person think it's an emergency, they can just call me later. Right now, am busy with my boyfriend." He made to kiss me, but I stop him from doing so.

"It might really be a case of emergency Mate. You can't just ignore your calls for something that's not important. "

" And who says kissing my boyfriend isn't important? " He darkly frown at me, his eyes trained on my lips.

" Just answer the call. " I point to the phone that have being ringing without showing a sign of stopping.

Had the matter not being one of importance, I highly doubt the person would have continued on calling. They would have given up at the first ring.

Giving me a look of promise, Mate picks the call. "Should this not be a case of emergency, I swear I'll castrate you." Mate growls into the phone.

The person at the other end might have said something.

"What? That can't be true. I'll be there right now, don't alert the authorities, I'll take care of things myself.

You heard me right, don't do anything stupid cos I know that's what you love doing." Mate disconnects the call.

" What's wrong? "

" I'll be right back love, there's an urgent case at the factory. " He gives me a peck on my cheeks.

" I want to follow you. " I stand from the table, my intent on following him really strong.

Just from the look on his face, I can be able to tell how urgent the matter is. His face and the expression on it says it all.

"It's dangerous Lat. Just stay here, I'll be back for you." He says with a smile.


"No buts Lat. I want you to be here. This place is by far safer than any other place." He ruffles my hair a bit. "Please Lat." He pleads.

"No, I don't want to be here." I fold my arm to show my stubbornness and unwillingness to budge. " There's nothing for me to do here, why should I stay? "

The truth of the matter is this, the call and how urgent he sounds is making me more suspicious about Mate.

And not to mention his earlier words of not involving the authorities, it just doesn't rhyme to me at all.

I want to get to the root of this matter. I want to know what it is Mate is hiding from me. He may hide it well, but that doesn't mean I don't know he's hiding things.

Most of his words and actions speaks volume of what's actually going on.

"You can take care of the things in that file for me." He points to the file one of his workers left. "That was what I intended on taking care of today."

"But I want to follow you." I protest.

Reading through the large file book isn't something am planning on, not at all.

" Please stay. That file needs to be sorted out, and taken care of today. Please Lat. " Pecking me, he takes his keys. " I'll be here to pick you up when I have everything sorted out. "

" What are you hiding Mate? " Holding his hand, I stop him from going out.

" Nothing. " He gently removes my hand from his arm. "I'll see you later." He runs out.

Whatever it is you're hiding Mate, I'll find them all out.


For hours, I sat in the boardroom going through the big file. It's as if the more I sort them out, the more the work gets multiplied. Should I not know better, I would have said this is some sort of magic file.

Had it not being for the fact Mate begged me to complete this for him, I would have long discarded the large book.

A knock on the door alerted me to the world around me.

"Come in." I call out to the person.

A young female who doesn't look all that older than I am came in. "Good day Mr Lat." She smiles.

Dressed in a navy blue pencil skirt, and white checkered shirt, she looks far more responsible than the bitch I met earlier.

"Good day." I smile at her. Who knows, she might not be as bitchy as the other females I've met so far.

"It's lunch time, and I was requested to take your order." She says in a shy tone, her eyes on the table.

It's as if her eyes might be plucked out should she dare look directly at me.

"What will you like to eat?" She rephrased her question.

"What's for today?"

Offices do have a food timetable right? It's not like I can order anything I want, can I?

"Spaghetti and meatballs."

"I don't like that." I frown. I've eaten enough of that already. "Isn't there anything else?"

"That's what's in the food timetable, but you can order anything you want." She says with a smile as her eyes finally locks with me.

Am not too scary now, am I?

My eyes seems to ask her.

" Anything?" I raise a brow.

" Yes sir, anything you want."

Her words seems really plausible, and I decided to test the waters.

" Can I have pepperoni pizza and guava juice?"

"As you wish sir. " Smiling, she walks out.

"That isn't a prank right?"

I hope she's really going to get what I asked, if not I might have to report the behavior of Mate's staff to him.

Am not a snitch, but that doesn't mean they can be able to get my hopes up only to dash it to pieces.

Few minutes later, she came back with what I ordered. The sweet tantalizing aroma of the pizza made me salivate.

"Here's your order sir. Should there be more, you can let me know."

"Thank you. These are more than enough."

" Okay." Smiling at me, she walk out of the door.

Being a boss isn't all that bad if it means I get to eat what I want.