A secret door

I check the time for the umpteenth time since I last ate my lunch.

What's delaying Mate?

Why isn't he yet back from. wherever it is he went to?

Taking my phone out, I dial his number, but it wasn't reachable at all. It was connecting.


I stand from the comfortable chair I was sitting on, and start packing the floors.

Why is his return delayed?

I kept on thinking on the possibility of something bad and untoward happening to him.

Maybe he's stranded in the traffic, that might be the reason why he's not yet back.

I try to console myself with those words, but it seems like even my subconscious doesn't believe my words at all.

He's okay. There's nothing wrong with him. There's no reason to be worried about him. He's perfectly okay.

I kept on chanting as I pace the floors.

He's going to be alright. There's no reason getting worried for no important reason at all. Mate is okay, there's absolutely nothing wrong with him.

He's perfectly fine.

The door to the office opened, and Dove strolled in.

Unlike the few times I've seen Dove, he doesn't look all that comported. He looks like a person who just had a tussle on bed.

"Where's Mate?" I rush towards him. "Why isn't he with you?" I look behind Dove as I sought for my Mate.

"Calm down. The boss is okay, he just wants me to take you to a safe place until he returns." Dove says in a calming voice.

" A safe place? Where is he?" I look behind him.

"He's still at the warehouse. We need to leave." He tries to take hold of me, but I move back a bit.

"Where are you taking me to?" I frown at him. There's no way am going to leave this place without my Mate. He's the only one I trust in this. Blindly trusting others isn't an option at all.

"To a safe place. The boss specifically requested we take you there."

" Why didn't he call me?" I raise my phone, and dialed his number. Just like before, his life isn't reachable.

"That's the reason. He lost his phone."


"We don't have much time to waste. We need to leave this office immediately. It's not safe." He says in an urgent tone.

" Not safe?" I look round the place. " I don't see anything that's not safe here. What's to say the place you plan on taking me to is far more safer than this place?" I raise a questioning brow at him.

He shrugs. " This place is a busy one. A person can easily harm you if they care to do so."

" And why will a person harm me?" I ask in challenge.

I really don't see someone hurting me or something of that sort. Last I checked, I don't have enemies.

Aside from that careless gun incident, there's nothing else I got to worry about.

"As the Boyfriend of the richest young billionaire in the state, you're not save. To others, you're a threat.

Should they want to get back at Mate for something he did to them, you're the one they'll all turn their blame on."

" But..."

" There's no time for a but Laty. You need to follow me out of here, I know a good hiding place. Be rest assured, the boss will be able to find us when he's through."

Thinking on the words he said, I figured he can't be lying. His words and the tone he made use of shows he might actually be telling the truth.

"Mate Will find me when he's through with whatever it is his sorting?"

I plan on bombarding Mate with a lot of questions when he returns home. Right now, there are many things happening that I don't understand.

To me, it seems as if Mate is keeping a secret from me.

"Yes he will. Let's go before it's too late." Without waiting for my consent, Dove takes my hand in his, and started leading me towards the door at the far end of the room.

"Why are we going to the bathroom? The door is that side." I point at the same door he walked through when he came in.

"This door is a secret one, the boss only makes use of it in cases of emergency." Taking a key from his necklace, he unlocks the door. " It's set to look like a restroom, but that's not what it is." He says with a wink.

It seems like the more I try to understand the new Mate, the more confused I get.

Why exactly will someone like him have a secret door? Is he into some kind of illegal business? Is that why he asked Dove to take me to a place that's safe?

No, that's not true.

I frantically shake my head.

I don't believe Mate capable of doing illegal businesses. Someone as wealth as he is doesn't need to dab their hands into illegal stuffs.

"Let's go." Opening the door, Dove made me walk in first, following after me, he locks the door. "This way no one can be able to trace us."

I highly doubt the workers in the company knows am no longer in the room. Most of them might think am still working on that cumbersome file Mate asked me to work on.

Dove takes the lead, tightly holding my hand in his, he leads us through a narrow passage. The passage is so narrow two slim people can never fit into it, even Dove is having a hard time with it.

"Why is this place built like this?"

Despite the tightness and what not, the place is well lit and neat. Not even a speck of dust can be seen, something am quite grateful for.

"I don't know." Dove tries to shrug, but wasn't able to, the tightness of the narrow passage is making things really difficult for the bulky man.

"A secret passageway in a modern office?" It sounds really funny.