Seven days of World Termination for Claire

Namae had a dream, the same way he/she was at the start of the synopsis, it was filled by the void.

As Namae is the only person visible enough to be seen.

Like before, a familiar voice calls Namae.

"Namae, soon the last protagonist will emerge in the world you dwelled in. You can sense her once you see her.

Afterwards, you have the been gifted the ability to become the narration of her point of view.

From now on, the curse is that you can only narrate and know her every move when you are asleep."

"So she is a girl. Is she really gonna cause trouble to the SK Foundation?"

"You'll know soon enough."

"W-wait!" Namae wakes up from the dream as it was already morning.

As it was 9 am, Namae is currently working for the department of Dr. Sneer where they give health inspection to each individual.

That's when Namae feels the surge of warmth from far away of his/her position.

So as the other Dominators and Namae, the last protagonist finally arrived.


One bystander was a 19-year-old female worker, she was constantly giving the right action of gathering intel about the society as she was assigned, her three remaining pills known as "Hope" that carries a temporary effect of being a human for at least a month without experiencing the SK Virus.

Signaling and waving on a large scale, everyone noticed her existence.

After all this time, he was both glad and worried about the threat of what was to come.

Before, Professor Cthulhu had a conversation with Mr. Smiley.

While SK Foundation was in the time of rebuilding, Mr. Smiley gives him a warning,

"You may all be strong and formidable but that doesn't mean you are unstoppable.

She will find a way to slowly destroy every bit of your plan. I assure you."

With Professor's sharp glares at Mr. Smiley's overconfident smug.

Professor Cthulhu knows what's behind Mr. Smiley's facade.

"I was one of those protagonists, after all."

Mr. Smiley casually replies closely to his ear with uncanny lore behind his words.

After all that, Professor Cthulhu never forgets his words. And thus, he was determined to terminate the threat once and for all.


Namae immediately goes to the founder's office.

Seeing, Professor Cthulhu worried about the outcome of the situation, Namae tells news about her discovery.

"Professor Cthulhu. She is here."

"So you can sense her too. How come you also sense her, Namae?"

"I'll explain it to you. But do please don't panic."

"Alright, do tell."

"I was summoned here by the god of Ignis Fatuus."

"I see... So you met Ken by chance?"

"Yes. Mr. Smiley told me I was his own puppet.

But with this new ability that was given to me, we can track down the last protagonist and put an end to your troubles, sir."

"What are the conditions of you knowing her exact location?"

"I don't know the full details but when I fall asleep, I can become a narrator in every step of the protagonist."

"You'll become my trump card, Namae. Let's call the others for a meeting."

Namae prepared the meeting, calling the other Dominators from their departments and meet them here to the 200th floor.

"I know you all know what we are here. She is now in this world.

Now all we can do is to gather information.

And we have Namae to track her. Namae has the ability to narrate the last protagonist's every move."

"That's wonderful news." Dr. Wicked applaud Namae's capabilities.

"But there is one curse, she can narrate the protagonist if she is asleep."

"I see." Everyone says.

"That's when we come. We can't cause a scene towards the civilians and know about this classified information.

We can call some of the graduated students from Admiral Hellbert's academy.

Is that alright with you, Admiral Hellbert?"

"That would be a great plan, founder. I'll call them for inspection around all the district's."

"If this doesn't work, that's when you all come to forcefully take her custody and bring her here at the SK Foundation.

That concluded the meeting, you can all go back to your stations."

The meeting ended, and so Namae has now an important role in the organization, to spy on the last protagonist.


At that time, she doesn't know what just happened. It only happened so fast, like she just regained her memories.

Seeing the world in complete monochrome, with all the humans left in the world is now here.

She didn't know how to reciprocate to that experience. Now she knows there is a reason why all of it come to this.

"You're a protagonist, Claire." Ken's voice was heard from afar as wind fluttered and clawed at her cheeks.

As seeing the cloudy sky, she noticed she was different unlike all the others.

She was shown a new post-apocalyptic world where she was presented as the protagonist based on her screen window from within her vision.

At the top right corner, she witnesses a notification icon.

She presses it and sees a greeting from an AI helper named Data,

"Greetings player, my name is Data and I will assist you for the upcoming route of the world known as Ignis Fatuus."

At first, Candy was a bit puzzled by the sudden introduction of a so-called game.

"Your voice is different compared from before..." Claire knew it wasn't that person.

"What do you mean?" Data asks.

And thus, she asked him in an informal tone,

"Uhmmmm… I know it is a bit out of context but is that your real name?"

Her AI helper was a bit perplexed by her unexpected shallow question.

After a moment of silence, she declares,

"From this very moment, I shall call you Data-kun! If that's alright?"

Data-kun was a bit concerned about her ignorant behavior towards this upcoming fate of the world.

"Well, if we were going to start this journey, first we must know our current location and destination."

Candy concludes the mechanics needed for the early stage.

The title of the first stage was seven days termination.

And thus, it must mean an action-based game, so she first explored a few of the tricks on her sleeve.

She doesn't have any action based skills at the moment so she feels worried about the future outcome of this so called game.

She starts to click one by one of her window screen's icons.

It starts to appear as the status of her character, her name at the moment is Claire Valentine as having the following:

Claire Valentine (Human Protagonist)

21 lives available

Power: 78

Speed: 30

Agility: 25

Defense: 34

Dynamic vision: 123

Wisdom: 300

She then discovers her skills at the bottom. As being curious and excited at the same time, she sees one unlocked skill called Colorful Humanity.

She comments down on her character detail with full judgment which focuses on her experiences before as a veteran gamer of story-based games or as an expert narrator of any novel-based stories,

"So this is my starter status. So this world is really like a game."

She stares at the enormous skyscraper in size. As the sky is still covered by greyish clouds, the world was in terrible pity and everlasting melancholy.

Claire sees the world to change somehow. And thus, she begins her first step towards the city.

As walking almost near the crowd, three main choices appear on her screen of vision.

Appalled by the sudden action, she deeply ponders about it for a moment.

"In these types of choices, there are no wrong choices.

These choices are known as the main options.

This will only decide three pathways for you to march on."

Data-kun ends his advice. Claire understood the mechanics.

A. Wander aimlessly to the sidewalk of the main road.

B. Find a place to stay and observe the society

C. Go directly to the large skyscraper

She chooses the first option of scouting the places in the city.

Strolling around the district for an hour, Data-kun gathers a bit of information.

"This is the 9th district of the city called Alamus. It is once a part of Russia in the past and is now called the SK Foundation."

The AI helper ends the first intel. Claire asks Data-kun, "So what's the SK Foundation?"

Data-kun responds with no information available at the moment as he requires a bit of connection regarding the name of her interested search to find the results.

She continues to stroll, up until a certain soldier appears on the roofs of the slightly torn down buildings.

This character holds her sniper as cautiously aiming for Claire's head.

But at the last moment, the soldier was stuttering intensely resulting in a missed shot which Claire was alerted.

The bullet hits the nearby trash bin that was close to Claire.

Claire decides to look for the location of the shooter, she sees the soldier cocking her sniper impatiently.

Claire quickly runs towards the crowd and so the soldier as we know it lost the target.

"What's with that shooter?

She seems a sniper chaser but she is lousy at aiming."

Claire responds to the situation, by panting from escaping she was alerted by a notification icon.

She clicks on it and sees a new skill has been unlocked, though she had no time to check.

The soldier finally finds Claire and quickly aims for her but fails again.

The crowd hears the impact of the shot and thus they ran as far as possible, leaving Claire as clearly seen by the soldier.

She runs to the right alleyway of the main road continuously fleeing from the scene but this soldier is quick on chasing her.

She attempts to shoot again and shoots another trash bin.

Claire grabs the garbage lid as a cover for her head and for once the soldier finally hits her, damaging the lid.

Claire drops the garbage lid as continuously running. Data-kun gives intel to Claire while on the chase,

"Intel gathered to the chaser, she is a notified soldier of one of the dominators of the SK Foundation.

She seems strangely alone for some reason since the whole point of his army was in the pack and hugely strategized."

Claire replies with an extreme tone panting aggressively,

"What should I do then?"

As lastly saying, the bullet pierced through her left shoulder as it slows her pace from running.

While doing so, her shoulder is bleeding too much she tried her best on running.

At the edge of the left alleyway, she pauses hiding at the side of the large trash bin.

Breathing heavily from the injury, she was concerned about her condition as if feeling the agony of being shot.

She asks for the last time, "What can I do to survive in this situation?"

Data-kun answered, "No available option."

Claire was both afraid and hopeless from this dire situation.

Constantly breathing, The soldier spots her. She starts to aim her handgun at Claire's head as she continues to breathe heavily.

"Why are you chasing… me?"

The soldier replies,

"I need you to be terminated for my survival."

At Claire's last moment, she was shot in the head with a lethal shot.

She was clearly dead.

At her death, there was darkness.

She was embraced by death, a little girl who is hard to be noticed in her vision, and slowly, she woke up in a daydream.

She sees the three main choices again.

"What happened? I just died a moment ago…"

Claire asks.

And thus, Data-kun answered,

"You lost one life in the first attempt.

And you were reawakened again as having 20 lives left."

Claire was able to experience an unfortunate death as in return, she was able to gather data. She lastly comments,

"What's wrong in this world?"