Genre: Sci-fi, gore, psychological, super powers, fantasy, dystopia
A dystopian city, created by the mastermind behind the chaos also known as Mr. Smiley, here lies the humanity's brink of extinction.
The SK Virus spreads during the chaos of humanity, cornering them on a brink of extinction, leaving humanity in a hopeless situation.
With no one to rely on, either the government or the world leaders gone, they have no choice but to adhere the rules of the last government known as the SK Foundation, as they were protected by this organization.
In exchange of their works and efforts, Professor Cthulhu, the founder of the SK Foundation, promises their safety as giving them a small portion of humanity by giving a drug known as hope pills to restore their humanity back to its course, for a short while.
A god from this world, an evil to be precise, chooses four heroes to save the world.
However, the three of them turned into twisted individuals, becoming the cataclysm of destruction.
This leaves the last heroine, Claire Valentine.
The Hero of Foolery
The Heroine of Sickness
The Hero of destruction
And the Heroine of Healing
These were the prophesied titles of the heroes. God let a reader of this novel enter this world just to be a part of it.
I love how the beginning of the story shown about the world dominating character named Mr. smiley. Though I would love to see more of it as soon as possible, also needs a bit of polishing, it has great potential. Hoping to see more!
I would say wonderful novel. Writing quality is topnotch, is different from all other cliche novels and has immense potential. I would ask the author for more chapters.
The story looks over interesting and promising, I like the idea of Mr Smiley and his world domination. The world-building is amazing but I feel you could go into more depth when describing the character's appearances, me smiley was done perfectly but his fall maid was kind of not. Also grammar is good and no errors
The writer gives a good explanation and pays attention to details,I loved how you start the story, the way you planned the plot,it just gets me into the characters or even the setting in the book.,btw i can't wait for the next chapter.
Well your novel looks interesting ngl.....found your writing skills and grammar perfect throughout...waiting for the next chapter .. Good work!!!
woow author, I loved how you started the story, the way you planned the plot, and your grammar, everything is so good to be true, I loved your book I can't wait for the next chapter, good work author
The story is really good, and the world building is nice too. You need to pay some attention to info dumping and some places need finishing touches...but very good overall.
I love how you wrote the Synopsis it was captivating! And as I read further I got interested to Mr. Smiley and the other characters! Their abilities and powers make the story more exciting and engaging! Your imagination in creating this story is very wild and wide! Btw, good sentence structure too.. I am really impressed with your writing style! Keep it up! Looking forward to the next chapters!❤️
Well written and unique storyline. Likable characters. Different from what I always read so it's really refreshing and I like how author keep adding notes at the end of the chapter. Just keep realising more often. I want to see how the things go.
Nice story line [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend] you surely know how to capture minds we need more [img=update][img=update][img=update]
Like lots of the other reviews here said, this story's refreshingly well-written. Errors are few and far between, and even then, they're nothing that a careful proofread and rewrite can't fix. Not much to say about the content itself - just that potential readers won't regret checking this one at all. You're off to a flying start, sir.
I really like Mr smiley's character the plot was awesome I really like this story nice work author can't wait to read more about this book ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
I like the concept of this story, 😭, it's beautiful in a way. Great job author, you are going a great job carrying your readers along . thanks
This is Interesting. Loved the whole mysterious starting and the emotions! magnifique!!! You’ve out done yourself!! Loved it and would 100% recommend! Don’ start slacking tho cause I’m looking forward more chapters~
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