Mr. Smiley's Assistant

At the office of Mr. Smiley, he gently waits from his seat for the coffee he ordered, for him to soothe the moment while he still has. Patiently waiting, he already knows someone is at the side of the door. Calling that certain person finally arrives behind that door.

"The door is open, you may enter, Valerie." After that, a door slowly creaks and sees a girl what you might call his assistant. She has the coffee as promised on her command, she delivers it to her master.

"Here's your latte boss. Is there anything that you would want to ask?" Some maids were standing in line from three to six of them were present and prepared to guard and protect Mr. Smiley whatever the cost.

"Do you know what day it is today, Valerie?"

"I don't know what you are implying, master."

"C'mon now, it's your birthday! You should celebrate your day like any normal human being."

"I don't think that matters, master. I'm not counted as a human being, more like one of Professor Cthulhu's successful experiments so I don't recall as a human anymore."

"C'mon now, don't be a buzzkill. If I say it's your day, it's special."

"Fine then, what should we do on my special day?" Mr. Smiley offered a gift to Valerie. It formed into a necklace inside of a small box.

"This is a special gift, if you choose to become powerful, you may open this and with that, you can finally reach your main goal, which is to find your brother and finally be free from the shackles of my ownership. But you only open this if necessary because if you open it, only your resolve will remember at your most powerful. You'll have inhuman thoughts and feelings that no one can relate to, you'll be no more than a husk dwelling in this forsaken world. Also here, ta-dah! I got you a cake." Mr. Smiley gave a cake to his behind.

"Thank you." Valerie blushed as they continued to sing a happy birthday to her. After the celebration, Valerie felt nostalgic about the birthday she was given, a cake, people she knew were there with her, her first love, and the symbol of care of one another. She cherished it the most and treasured this moment as precious and this will be remembered by even when she is old.

After she celebrated her last session, she fell asleep in her room and by far she knows it will change everything that she had known for. She opened the necklace and wears it.

The clean room that the maids put in the mansion was now in ruins and there were no people in the vicinity. Like the result of an apocalypse from a certain story where she is the only survivor and she seeks to piece every forgotten memory she had before it was too late.

She only remembered her name as Valerie Vhonsweets, the angel of feathery birds. A fallen angel that was guided by the devil from the fruits of good and evil. Only the angel was safe at the hands of God, as her trial started, that was the story, will the angel reach the heavens, her home that is? Only she can change her own fate from the world of hell from the darkness.

She continued her journey to the isolated city, finding each door and window to travel by, and finally, she was within the broken skyscraper known as the SK Foundation.

She enters the front doors and only sees a run-down building. She continued to explore the whole building to find at least someone but she had an unfortunate luck, she was now at the 110th floor, where Dr. Sneer was observing her patients.

Only bones were intact at the other side of the containers as walking at the long hallways, she wondered if this was the original world she dwelled before. As going to the last container sees a young man who is lying at the bed and wasn't dead or anything.

He was very much alive and was now looking at Valerie. He pretty much didnt care if she was just a figment of his imagination, he at least wanted someone to talk to. Finally, she enters.

"Who are you if I may ask?"


"I see, my name is Zack. I've been here for quite a long time now, you might be the last visitor that I've been waiting. As you can see, death awaits me." He showed his wrist chained into darkness with dark runes and was slowly creeping his whole body like some sort of a pathogen.

"What happened to this world?" Valerie curiously asked Zack about the result of the world's end.

"I've seen it, how the world ends and as of your world will end soon. The darkness will soon swallow this world as it will turn into an abyss itself. You'll be able to see it soon."

"Do you know where it leads to the abyss?"

"You must've known a way out of here."

"Yes, I need to go back to my master."

"You mean him? Mr. Smiley visited me before."

"Really?! Do you know where he leads a way?"

"You might have seen it. It's over the elevator, you'll see the entrance of the abyss over there." After that, Valerie quickly checked where the elevator was located and see a tunnel that leads to nothingness and only darkness was constant, she enters it with bravery.

"There must be a way to go back to Mr. Smiley's original world. I must go through." She jumped from a forever loop from tunnels, to holes, she kept on finding a way out for hours, days, weeks, months, or even years. She wouldn't know but she was determined to see him again.

Maybe she got messed up from her wish and instead she wished to serve him up until he perishes. And with that, she crosses boundaries that never would humanity come down to.

Hearing voices from all directions, she was in a daze when the voices go louder and louder the more she takes extra steps, and finally she clung to a large door. Opening it saw a bright light from the top and in the ground saw the grandeur of the sword that was blessed by both light and dark angels.

At the side captures a little girl sitting beside the double-edge sword. She was lying as giving a beautiful portrait of a little dark girl with crimson eyes, a devilish girl with horns figuratively. Finally she wakes up and takes a conversation, "Who are you?"

"My name is Valerie, and I may need your assistance." Upon explaining the details why she was led in this situation but the dark girl was grown familiar of the same tactics.

"From what I have gathered the information, you were in a trial on finding your brother and was free from the shackles of Mr. Smiley himself, is that right?"

"Yes that was it."

"I have an idea for you to get out of this reality, but you must trust me, will you trust me Ms. Valerie?"

"I'm on it." Then suddenly she was impaled by numerous dark tentacles, after doing so her body fell and at that exact moment, the dark girl seized and held her body as she slowly struggle to speak, "Is... this really... the best way... to release me from this... reality?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so." As she heard that last line, she wakes up from a dream, like some sort of both dream and a nightmare, feeling all the holes from her body was so realistic that it made her chastised for living at that moment by impalement.

Seeing her body changed, from before she had blonde hair with blue eyes with a feathery wings at the side. But now, she has silver hair with orange eyes, as then she was left with a note of saying, "If you read this, meet me at the top view of the SK Foundation." Subsequently, she found Mr. Smiley by teleportation.

"I see you have woken up. You had some great changes physically. How was it?"

"You mean the trial? I forfeited it, it wasn't my only choice to follow through. Like you said, we carry our own burden and choose any directions as we pleases."

"So what was your resolve?"

"I love you Mr. Smiley. From the first day you handled me at my worst. You made me the person today, I would like to say thank you. In return, I'll protect you more than ever even if it means defying your fate to die. I'll make sure you get your last laugh."

"Thank you very much, my little dove." Then, Mr. Smiley pats her head while staring at the sunset from the top view, it was truly beautiful to watch with someone you cherished with. She only got 3 days before Mr. Smiley's world termination starts.

Valerie Vhonsweets, she seeks once to find her brother but this part of the story is one of the possibilities she took. Now what will happen if she had taken that trial and finally met her brother for once in their life.