Olivia and the Domination Squad pt. 2

"Here is our situation. There is a high chance that the other elite soldiers such as that squad will hunt you Claire, the last protagonist. They are the Domination Squad."

Upon introducing the whole squad, Frank eagerly gives information, weapons they used, and skills they have as an elite. They mostly rely on their talents to satisfy their results, desires, and recognition.

"First is Dylan Klee, his skills are irresistibly hard to predict and pretty decisive depending on each scenario, he can flip the enemies' backline down to the ground due to excessive use of new advanced bombs such as smokescreens and poison that can paralyze and disintegrate the whole squad in his own free will which he was classified as Danger level C." Each danger level varies in the hierarchy, from SSS to the most dangerous and E to the least dangerous.

"Next, is Lyudmila Pavliechenko, also known as Lady death, she has a skill and of killing any opponents from a farther distance, that has a silent shot that even anyone wouldn't notice if they are in world war 3 she is accurate, fast, and intelligent at strategizing and attacking the enemy frontlines." Frank continues to discuss about the Domination Squad's members.

"Xzaiver Austen, he has a hook that can penetrate even a large tank, with that much force any enemy will be pulled with much force and strength. He even killed 34 armed enemies with just that for a split second and considered Danger level B."

"After that, his name is Slick Austen, a heavy hitter that can demolish any buildings with his one-handed sword that is unrealistically heavier than it looks and considered a Danger Level B."

"And lastly, Thomas Sweet, his main weapon is X70 flamethrower that has a maximum range of 4200 feet at length and firepower that can burn at 7000 degrees Celsius at maximum and turns to ashes by seconds, he is considered to be Danger Level B."

"So Xzavier and Slick are siblings right?" Claire carefully writes all the information from his note.

"What? Yes, but you don't need to jot down that information. All I am saying is that we know now their strategy, which is to corner us. With Lady Death covering the whole city from outside she might find us and we are instant dead. And as we speak, they might start a plan without us. So we need to move--"

Suddenly, Frank senses his power increasing as his presence blazes like a fire. "What's wrong? Felia asks Frank.

"Admiral Hellbert has made his move. Let's move now. Wait no, Felia, stay here with Claire and protect her."

"I'll trust you with that plan of yours, Frank." Olivia and Frank leave, reaching out to the SK Academy and leaving a message to the other members to alert them of their report. While Claire and Felia are left behind in a safe place, walking for over an hour to reach their destination, Olivia and Frank are almost there.

"I spotted our leader and vice-leader." Lady Death encounters Olivia and Frank and is deemed to be well and safe, so she tells it via telepathy towards the other members.

"I see, we'll see them at the entrance." Dylan receives Lyudmila's message.

2 hours have passed since they left, "I wonder if they are doing fine." Claire uttered a word from Felia.

"They'll be fine, they are undeniably reliable in some cases," Felia responds to Claire. But suddenly, someone knocks on the door. Felia remains vigilant and quiet telling Claire not to move a muscle.

Again, someone knocks on the door, and finally, it creaks slowly as it opens, and sees no one. They can only hear a voice, a familiar voice from before. And suddenly that person walks slowly to the side as shown outside the doorstep.

"You have disappointed me, Claire. Why are you cowering yourself in fear and hiding in this abandoned home of yours? Hmm?"

"Why are you here, evil god?" Claire asks the god of Ignis Fatuus.

"I'm only here to make sure my favorite chosen one does the most of the hardships and obstacles that I personally made. Now you have allies to be relied on. How can you ensure they'll survive or end up dead in the gutters?"

"No, they'll survive and even triumph. I trust them. I decided to trust them."

"What if I tell you I'll---" Suddenly Felia strikes an attack with a stun rod but fails as he already knows when and how will she attack. It's like he predicted her every move at this point. He restricted her from attacking by knocking her unconscious.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm talking. Now that the other one faints, I can just tell you what I'll do. I can rewrite their fates as I please, Claire. Do you want to see them dead, Claire?" The evil god tells Claire.

"What do you want?" Claire angrily asks him.

"What do I want? I want you to carry all of them and save them from this forsaken world. I want you to suffer alone from all the adversaries and face them all by yourself. In the end, only the main characters triumph upon saving themselves. And finally, I want you dead. Leave a legacy upon humanity's last hope, you'll be the symbol of humanity. Ahhh, I love a good story when I write one myself realistically."

"You're insane." For once in this very chapter, Claire feels disgusted at someone, at the evil god's euphoric perverted figure.

"Well, it's up to you now. I'll let you decide yours and everyone else's fate. But I'll let you in a gamble. Do you see that door? When someone knocks, the next time you hear it will mean your death." As she gazes upon the back of the evil god, a strong wind claws at Claire's face as she is blinded by it, the evil god disappears as saying those words.

"I really do hope they are fine," Claire says while putting Felia's head on her lap.


At the very entrance of the SK Academy awaits the four elite soldiers known as the domination squad. Walking almost to them, Olivia and Frank have finally arrived at the verified spot. "Glad to see you back, Leader and vice leader." Slick greets the two of them as the others gawk at the sight of them.

"Have you read my report? Where is Lady Death?" Olivia asks.

"Oh, we got your report alright." Suddenly she was electrocuted by a stun rod from behind by Frank himself. Olivia was incapacitated and struggling to move.

"You really think I team up with the last protagonist, don't you Olivia? Thanks for believing in me and now you have to pay the price for it. I'll be the leader now. everyone let's regroup and meet here, I know where the last protagonist is." Frank tells his last words from Olivia as she almost fainted. "Get back here, Lyudmila. Bring Olivia here."

The others brought her as unexpectedly. After that, in an instant, Frank beheaded the four members of the Domination squad with his Russian saber sword. What an unexpected double-cross?! It was possible since Frank gain a power-up ability that can empower others like Frank himself and the other dominators excluding Olivia since Frank snitched her from betrayal so Frank initiates a plan against Olivia and be able to fool the other members of the domination squad as a price to kill.

Admiral Hellbert has this power given by Mr. Smiley himself, a power that has herculean strength, quick speed, precise agility, and absolute dynamic vision. Admiral Hellbert also can distribute his power to his student soldiers with all that praised status.

Frank then carries Olivia from the edge of the stairs and takes her invisible cloak to clean up his mess by hiding all the dead bodies and killing the last member, that is Lyudmila Pavliechenko.

Locating the last member, Frank tells Lyudmila to meet up at the 5th district, upon entering that territory, Lyudmila thought something was off. As her instincts kick in, she senses someone but she couldn't see that threat, "Who goes there?!" She exclaims.

Suddenly, Frank shows up from out of thin air like he was invisible saying, "It's me."

"Why are you here? You should've waited for me to go to the SK Academy. How's Olivia dealing with it? For some reason, they aren't replying via telepathy."

"They are busy dealing with Olivia, we need to act fast before we lost track of the last protagonist."

"I see, then why do you have Olivia's invisible cloak?"

"I betrayed her by believing I was on their side and trusted me to take her invisible cloak."

"I see, we should inform the others that we are going back, or else, you might be betraying us."

"Hey, why don't you trust me?"

"Knowing Dylan, he would have informed me when you took care of Olivia, so why?"

"I am the new leader so I address the orders from the superiors, and they trusted me to command the domination squad."

"I see if you say so." Walking from the 6th district to the 1st district, it took an hour to travel by foot, and so they talk to pass the time. "Have you decided before we graduate on what job are you choosing? You can be either a scouter from the land or be a navy army that eliminates monsters of the abyss, or you can choose any harmless jobs but it has the lower income compared to the army." Lyudmila explains it to Frank.

"I guess so, we're here." Lyudmila was shocked as seeing her four former members decapitated and was put on a long spear as a stand.

"Everyone... how? Why are they dead? You... did you kill them mercilessly?"

"Yes I did, and you are next."

"You didn't think that we mean much to you, did you?" Lyudmila cries from the sorrows and grief that Frank gave the privilege of sparing her.

"If it was for Olivia, I would crawl towards the pits of hell just to follow her, others are worthless beings waiting to be dominated by the strong, kinda like you. So choose, die now or die later?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mixed with hatred and vengeance, she seeks the death of those who were responsible for mourning the loss of her friends.

"You can die by my hand or die by the hands of the SK Foundation by aiding the last protagonist."

"Why are you even on their side, don't tell me, Olivia, she must be the reason. Are you that stupid to fall for someone like her, she is insane!"

"That's why I love her that much, even if it means killing you and putting the whole organization in ruins!" As both of them finished exclaiming their side of reasons, Frank asks her one last time. "So what's going to be, helping us or dying here?" Lyudmila offers him a hand as a negotiation acceptance.

"We're going to die anyways." Suddenly their power was plundered by Admiral Hellbert due to insubordination and betrayal from the sight of the superiors. After all that, they took Olivia, woke her up, and go back to the 6th district, where Claire and Felia were.


As waiting for them to arrive, finally, a door has been knocked. Claire was agitated by the fact that someone's here, it might be an enemy that the evil god would have plotted or hearing her allies that come by to reunite and find a way to live together from this forsaken world. As she slowly comes closer to the door, she opens it bit by bit, hearing the door creak, she sees Olivia and the others.

"Welcome back!" Claire responds to their upcoming with a warm smile to her allies. Now, they have at least a plan to either escape the city of Alamus by hi-jacking a speed boat from the seas or subjugating the dominator responsible for the whole army, Admiral Hellbert.

It may seem tempting to try to escape but what's strange thing is why most of Hellbert's army is on the seas, or why he was called an Admiral, it's because dangers are coming deep from the ocean, monsters from the abyss. Ginormous tentacles and sea creatures that have adapted from the horrific environment that the SK Virus had made, turned them immune to death which means it will be hard to kill them by fire, wounding them, or even taking their heart or brain.

They are like zombies to be exact, they are resilient and considered dangerous. Good thing that humanity was also slowly adapting to these harsh environments, if they were not, they would have gone extinct a long time ago.