I found her Little Sister

"How would that help you? Simple, if you wear this mask, that would seal the deal for the both of us."

"A mask?

So it is the same as what Aliza gave me but this mask is blank and the other one is one eerie mask."

Claire shows the eerie mask to Mr. Smiley but as he saw it, he immediately shunned two masks and recommended wearing the mask at the left instead.

"Here is a mask that would help you go undercover inside the Facility."

"What is this mask for?"

"It would be a wise thing for you to wear this if you don't want to be recognized your identity and as for your essence it would be greatly concealed for a short amount of time, I could give like a day per use."

"How about the other mask on the right?"

"It's a cursed mask. It would give you the power you desire depending on the wish you seek."

"I see... May I ask, where would we be heading?"

Claire asks Mr. Smiley.

"We're heading to the SK Foundation. C'mon on now let's prepare!"

As they walk across the long hallways, they finally arrive at the dressing room.

Upon entering the room, they see two little kids wearing a dress and an office worker outfit doing kiddy stuff.

When hearing their loud conversation, Claire finds them hilarious to watch.

"Why are you keeping it slow?! We need to hurry and head towards Papa!"

"Just sit still and don't move, it will be done soon."

A girl named Cthylla has black hair and crimson red eyes along with her office outfit.

Her skin is the form of blackness that is considered beautiful in physique as her height is 4'8 feet making her very cute for a thousand-year-old girl.

On the other hand, another girl at her side named Malice a.k.a Lolie has white hair dying with blue color at the end of each strand of hair and green iris eyes as having a dress colored in white, red, and yellow.

Malice notices Mr. Smiley knocking firmly.

Jumping by surprise, Malice calls Mr. Smiley,


She leaps and latches on to him. Cthylla notices Claire behind asking,

"Who is she behind you, Luk- I meant to say, Mr. Smiley."

"Oh her, meet our new maid Claire Valetine. You see, we need proper maid clothes for her to wear."

Mr. Smiley fully explained the situation.

"There are a lot of maid clothes here. Let me help right after I deal with her. Now now don't move."

"I don't want to!"

"Lolie, let her do her job okay?"

Mr. Smiley gives an honest smile to Lolie as she was mesmerized by his face, Lolie lets Cthylla do her thing.

After that, Cthylla assists Mr. Smiley in finding clothes appropriate for his size of Claire.

"Uhmmm… may…"

Claire utters a question.

"Ohh I forgot to introduce them to you.

The black-haired girl over there is Cthylla or you can call her Chen and the white-haired little girl over here is Lolie a.k.a Malice."

"I see, nice to meet you."

Claire shakes her hand with Cthylla.

"Same as you, Claire Valentine."

As they both learned to greet one another, Cthylla gives the proper maid outfit that can possibly fit her.

"I've found one for you."

Walking in a long hallway with the other four deadly characters together not doing any violence for once, Claire was a bit agitated for the fact that she needs to be aware of the dangers that lurk every time she moves, she wouldn't have any idea that one person could be good or bad.

For now, all she meets are a bunch of killing machines that are pacifistic enough to not draw their kills.

They mostly lowered their guard but if someone attacked without them knowing, would Claire be able to react to it?

She ponders deeply as to try to at least be cautious for once.

Then at one step she takes, everything turns into darkness, Claire couldn't be able to see everyone, and then suddenly a sharp blade crosses her eyes but at one touch, someone stops the momentum as she defends Claire.

"Good defense, Chui."

As Claire was able to see now, she sees another tall girl at height 5'8 feet in front of her.

She has orange hair from behind and seems to be wearing a maid outfit as well.

She wore these gold gauntlets with spikes that heat up to more than 99°C.

Mr. Smiley says her name compliments the girl who stood by her.

"Well done parrying my attack."

The guy called Lunar Cross appears alongside Aliza. He seems to be the one responsible for the assault earlier.

"Try not to cause much trouble here, Lunar Cross.

I am at present means no violence must be upheld in my mansion. And therefore, hurting my guest will bring up to no good."

Mr. Smiley makes a fine statement to elude any further chaos.

"My apologies for that Mr. Smiley.

It seems I just got slipped from my reflexes to attack your odd little maid there.

She seems oddly familiar, you know I had a dream once.

A girl looked like her, but now I am deeply confused, causing me to order an attack from your little maid there."

Mr. Shady responds to him.

"Oh well, it is only a mere dream in the end,"

Cthylla replies.

"What are your intentions, Mr. Nightingale?"

"Nothing, I suppose. It was a reflex, I assure you.

May I ask where you are going?"

Mr. Shady responds.

"It is none of your concern,"

Cthylla responds.

"Now now, we all have to calm down.

We are simply going to the SK Foundation as a stroll.

No need for any secrecy here."

"I see, well I should escort these men to their respected station, for now.

Master, may I have permission to leave?"

Aliza asks Mr. Smiley.

"Permission allowed.

At the moment, I only do what I want for my little maid to grant one wish.

And with that, I'll allow it."

Seeing all the respective characters Claire met so far, she seems to be convinced that Mr. Smiley is by far the most uncanny character yet.

Going to the SK Foundation, the skies were a bit dark and cloudy as to start a rain once again but they were able to avoid it as they began entering the front entrance of the SK Foundation.

At first glance, the ground floor is secluded from personnel due to eerie reasons.

But in fact, there is one in charge of the whole skyscraper, an AI that was responsible for spying on the whole vicinity inside the skyscraper.

The AI speaks to the visitors of the SK Foundation.

"Welcome back, Mr. Smiley.

Do you have an appointment with the founder of the SK Foundation?"

They didn't mention that the AI would be female.

"Nothing important, we are just going to stroll around the 110th floor."

"So you do have an appointment with the other one in charge.

Do I have to call out Dr. Sneer?"

"Sure. For, in any case, we should head out."

Going to the elevator for around 13 minutes, we arrived at the 110th floor.

At first glance, several rooms were compiled around like a narrow path.

Then a handsome person appears in our way, he has white and brown hair and red eyes.

He seems to have contact lenses as wearing a laboratory coat with a tie of black and brown stripes.

As going closer, he had a scar near the jawline from the left. Finally, they are been greeted as to say,

"Welcome back Mr. Smiley, what brings you to my laboratory station?"

"My maid here is just eager to see your patients.

How's their progress on their medical procedure?"

"We are slowly getting great results from it.

At the moment, we were about to increase the treatment levels to adjust what will happen next to Patient no. 117.

As of now, we only have four successful patients.

The other three resulted in failure, it is truly a shame.

But do wait as I show you the four patients."

Following Dr. Sneer from the long narrow hallway, it was a fine quiet marching as seeing the door of patient 115.

Upon entering, we saw a 19-year-old male, who has white hair and green eyes with his addiction to games.

At the door of patient 116, they saw a 16-year-old girl, she continuously trembles from fear as she never makes eye contact with anyone.

Then suddenly, a notification from Claire's vision sees a "mission complete" sign as she sees her.

Then, viewing further information about the notification sees that the little girl from the earlier yearning to find her other twin sister has finally found it.

With her white hair, large greyish iris eyes, scars, and bruises were seen all around her making Claire speechless as asking,

"Can I go inside?"

By the looks of Claire, Mr. Smiley looks at Dr. Sneer as a signal to agree.


Dr. Sneer permits Claire.

Entering Patient 116, she pulls an embrace of the girl. After all that hugging, she says in the end.

"I'll fix you."

All of a sudden her hidden true ability, Colorful Humanity, activates as deleting all the essence of the SK Virus inside her, making her turn into a human.

"I'll be back."

"It seems you have gotten used to this ability. Have you used it before, I don't recall you using this."

"I haven't but it feels just right to use this ability."

Claire ended her sentence.

Asked Dr. Sneer afterward,

"Did those injuries be included in your experiments?"

"It appears so but most of the injuries were her wrongdoings.

She was once a dangerous patient but by the looks of things, her behavior drastically changed when she was used on a mission.

I may say 3 years ago."

"Thank you for telling me."

Claire gives gratitude to Dr. Sneer's participation and Mr. Smiley's consideration of showing the twin's sister.

"Do you want to see the other patients?"

Dr. Sneer asks Claire.

"Let's further look upon the last two subjects, shall we?"

Mr. Smiley also asked Claire.


Claire insisted as she was at the door of patient 117, sees a violent 17-year-old girl persistently trying to get out and cause hell-raising chaos.

"This might seem dangerous but actually, patient 117 has a lot more potential at using it as a weapon in the soon future.

Though, it requires a lot of tests to do so. For example… wait my lab partner seems to be missing at the moment but moving on."

Dr. Sneer ends her sentence.

Moving to the next door of patient 118 sees a 7-year-old boy on a deathbed for 14 hours left.

"The reason why my lab partner is missing at the moment is because of the parts that I need from Engr. Xenakis-kun to make my experiment be viable for the medical procedure.

He has 14 hours left until death.

It is shameful but we have no choice but to leave it at that."

After all, wrapped up so quickly, they immediately went back to the mansion to rest.

But during those times, it was the time to change for the better.

A week has passed and so has the expiration of Claire's expiration.

After going through some of the deaths that she had, she was determined to see the ending of the other protagonist.

All of it is prepared and so does the world domination prepared for Mr. Smiley to be killed.

Everyone has their own reasons to kill.

(Puppet role unlocked)