The gateway through the abyss

Knowing the consequences of meeting her at a times like this, danger flowed through her direction as Claire didn't know if she'll survive this time. Facing one of the strongest maids of their fallen master, Mr. Smiley, who knows if she could survive this one.

"Chui... Let me pass." Claire decided to be upfront on discussing the matters with her.

"He already passed away, Claire. Now, my new master wanted me to capture you. It is an absolute command for me impossible to avoid, now give up, Claire."

"I see..." The waves of uneasiness overturned through her cloudy mind. Slowly, Chui marched closer to Claire, thinking a way to get of this one she knew what had to be done. Instantly, she ran towards her and yelled, "Colorful humanity, max brightness!"

The whole background brightened up by the source within Claire's soul as Chui was too bright to see, she was distracted by the light that she couldn't be able to track Claire down. Finally the door was on sight, Claire can now open the door but it seems locked. She tried to turn the door knob but it was stuck. Her light slowly dissipated as soon, Chui can see again. She desperately tried everything she could to open but it seems hopeless.

Claire got strangled from her behind as for some reason, Chui couldn't activate her real power.

"Why suddenly I couldn't use my power. My gauntlets, I can't summon them." Claire was grabbed in the neck before she could move away. Now she was caught and nothing could break their physical connection. She had to struggle moving in order to escape but it was futile. She gradually gave up sooner. Up until then, hope rose again. In her small backpack saw glowing, as it showed a some kind of a slime flaring yellow. It then wrapped around Chui's shoulder and head, making Chui to drop Claire and tried to get rid of the slime.

Claire then tried to ram and tackle the door in order to gain damage to it, but for some reason, she had the strength the same as Chui had. She somehow destroyed the door and make a pathway. She was glad that she had a way out now, behind her was a slime trying to get back to her while they are distracted.

Phillia on the other hand, was almost there and saw Chui incapacitated by the slime before while Claire fleeing the scene. Phillia had no choice but to activate her new skill.

"I call you, Monochrome World." Suddenly, like Trolie's skill time stop, this special skill gained from her was to stop their movements but their mind was still currently active. Witnessed by Chui and Claire, they knew how frightening Phillia was now.

She easily caught Claire while dragging her in the ground, her slime tried to help Claire out but Phillia bit and devoured her slime a little, so it got scared and returned to Claire's small bag.

"Please let me go!!" Claire struggled to get out while Phillia was still grabbing her hand while dragging her unto the ground.

"Phillia... You. Since when did you gain that ability? Don't tell me.." Chui was a bit shocked of having a terrifying ally that can gain abilities from her battles with stronger foes such as Trolie and Mr. Smiley. "It must be her passive skill, Warrior's will."

"Let me go!" Claire tried to squirm and struggled to get out but it was still futile. As they were inside the mansion, Chui had her strength back by a little from the slime that was absorbed directly at her body. Now they were all heading back to the portal that Cthylla made at the entrance.

"Phillia, what happened to Cthylla. Don't we have to meet her?"

"She caused a betrayal, leaving Claire in a fleeing spree. So I killed her."

"You killed her?" Knowing that Phillia have no sympathy to life, only blindly following orders from a puppeteer known as the founder. Chui knew what had to be done, if this goes on, no one will survive in their team. Since their new master has no responsibility of saving a fellow ally unlike Mr. Smiley.

In an instant, Chui dealt the first blow through a straight punch in the face of Phillia.

"Are you also defying the orders of our master?" Phillia says at Chui with a serious and intimidating look.

"You don't give a damn about our allies, Phillia! You have always misunderstood our original master. Putting all your hatred aside and see how this world needs Mr. Smiley and Claire. They are the only hopes of our world, and you claiming you are justice itself. Vengeance isn't Justice, it causes no peace! You know it." Chui argued on her beliefs unto Phillia to force her to snap back from reality since all she sought was no other than meaningless victories.

"Chui. I care less on your beliefs, all that matters is that I gained victorious." Phillia replies back to Chui.

"What has gotten into you? If you aren't changing your mind, I'll become your enemy."

Phillia versus Chui, the battle was about to start, one of them will gain victorious as they take the life of one another. Who will rise upon their wills? We'll soon find out.


Trading blows from one another, each attack has its own reason as they forge their hands of chaos to their opponent in order to show the truth behind their own wills and purposes.

But as soon as they noticed, Chui hadn't gained all her strength due to the slime from before, sucking her powers and now she has to deal with Phillia. But Phillia still had a curse from her side, a pure darkness max level, it is an ability that cause darkness through the target's sight and if that's the strongest curse, then it won't be able to purify it unless someone with the power of light can distinguish the darkness within her.

As they proceed on fighting, Chui had already notice that she was hardly seeing in her vision, so she used this as an advantage. Now she lurks within her darkness, slowly she push kicked her in behind. Followed with pulling her hair to the ground and kicked it again over and over. But slowly Phillia's senses became sharper.

And immediately she knew where she was based on the sounds. And Phillia strikes the last blow with her katana in Chui's abdomen, penetrating through her behind as Chui falls. Giving Phillia her last strike, beheading her. Quickly, Claire jumped in between of them as the sword strikes and sliced Claire's forearm.

Claire trembles and screams out of agony from that attack. She carried the pain by pressing her forearm to give pressure as the blood flows in the floors of the hallway.

"Claire... You have to get out now. Before she kills you."

"It seems that she is blocking the way, Chui."

"I'll fight her again. When I distract her, get out now."

"Alright." Chui charges forward to Phillia, giving a tackle at her while Claire runs as far as possible from Phillia. But the slices and dices by Phillia came to conclusion that Chui might be fighting a losing battle. Claire had no choice bu to jump through the darkness. And so she did.

At first, there was nothing. All she can see her own spotlight glowing all over her, she had no choice but to move forward as far as possible from Phillia.

While at Chui's side, she almost had her strength back and soon she can counterattack Phillia. She was able to overwhelm Phillia since her ability was having her body stemmed with steel-like structure. Phillia can no longer hurt her so she had to improvise.

By the last minute, she passed out slowly as falling to the ground, as she was about to faint, she heard many voices, trying to reach out to her, saying like, "Stand up."

Phillia had gained a new skill, monochromatic night vision. In this way, she can now see in the dark but in exchange she couldn't know who is what she sees. Kinda like a blurred character. The voices guide her instead.

"It seems, she can see now. But she is still wary for some reason. What should I do?" Slowly, Phillia comes closer to Chui with a desperate expression of killing anyone she sees. Chui punches her with no trouble. "She kinda reminds me of a zombie in a certain movie. Maybe I should rewatch it back at my world."

As for Claire, in the abyss...