Welcome to Luke's Dreamland

After what happened, they reached their conclusion that Zane is a great guy.

This version of Zane held unto hope and decided to live for the sake of Alice's wish.

After they took a rest at a nearby dark cave, they are now preparing to enter the final doorway towards the end of the Nightmare Dungeon.

As they opened it, they see an old ruined monument where once it was a gateway towards the other world but got destroyed due to unknown reasons.

"What's this place, it's so epic."

Claire commented to the place.

"I haven't made this far yet. So we should be careful."

"Are you okay, Olivia?"


They witness a great discovery of an ancient ruins.

Wandering aimlessly towards this place, no wonder they are mesmerized by the amazing ruins.

Soon, they see a bright light coming from a two large broken doors.

As Zane touches the door, it crumbles into pieces.

The light of the sun bathes the skin of these wanderers.

Finally, they are in the Dreamland.

Seeing a great meadow from a mountainside, they see a far greater beauty of nature.

Near the mountains see a village nearby.

"So you are finally here."

A voice coming from nowhere, which alerted Zane from his instinct.

"Who are you?"

Claire asks the stranger from nowhere.

"I have foreseen your arrival.

The heroine of Healing.

I am honoured to be of your presence."

"I see, may I know your name?"

"My name is Pandora and I am a seer of this parts of this land.

I see your other associate didn't make it.

Not to worry, I'll be guiding you towards your journey."

"That's a great help.

Zane, I think we don't need to be wary of her.

She seems to be on our side."

"You must be the third protagonist, the hero of destruction, Zane."

"And I find it alarming for you to know our names, tell us about yourself."

"Like I said, I am a seer.

I can predict every future of the target I focused on.

Now I know you have so much questions, waiting to be answered.

But for now let's head towards the nearby village for your welcome celebration."

Claire and Zane felt confused about this stranger.

This seems to be troubling about her, like she is capable of seeing anyone's future by target.

Though, it won't be a problem since she is an ally.

But overthinking made Claire restless so she takes a break and let her mind rest for a while.

Walking down towards the mountainsides, they see a fine tune of nature calling by wild sounds of animals such as insects and birds all around the forest.

While they walk steadily, Claire sees someone.

A pink haired girl with a fox mask.

She has a bow and a sword at her back.

But as soon as she blinks, she vanishes into thin air.

"Have you felt that presence?"

Zane implies to Claire's witness of the mysterious girl.

"Yes but it seems she is good at hiding."

"Oh that girl? She is a guardian of this place.

She protects the forest from outsiders that might endanger the course of the wild.

She is a heroine of the nearby village but don't worry you'll meet her soon."

"Apart from that, we want to learn more about you, Pandora.

Can you tell us a tale about yourself?"

Claire is eager to know Pandora's background.

"You see, I am one of Professor Cthulhu's offspring.

I am the first of my siblings and I was given a gift, the power to know the future.

And soon, when I was on a right age to be on my own, I was tasked to know the ending of my old world.

My dad was horrified by the outcome of the world so she sent me a place where the hero of Foolery would be there but I failed.

Somewhere he is there, I'm sure.

So, I waited for some news from my parents but unluckily, they never communicate with me again.

All I can do right now is to keep using my ability up until I hold it's true potential and I did.

I managed to know the future of this world as well.

One day, they will be devoured by the dark storm from the abyss.

I tried to go back towards my old world but it is far too dangerous for me to survive there, even for a day.

But now, things have been different.

You and Zane will be the one who will stop the two disasters that will put an end on both worlds.

Do you agree with me?"

"That's a fascinating prophecy.

What's with the dark storm?

How is it dangerous?"

Zane is completely aware of that destruction.

"Claire. Let's talk about this in the mean time. For now let's head towards the gateway of the village."

As they went inside, cleared from the guard from the gateway by Pandora herself.

They stroll around the village and go towards the chieftain's hall.

They witness some kids playing ball, old people playing chess, and women working on chores by washing clothes and filling a bucket full of water.

They go inside of the hall and see a wise old man with two of the finest guards he has.

One has a bulky body and has shield and spear as a weapon.

The other one is a monk with special abilities that they don't know.

Waiting for the conversation to start, Pandora introduces the two heroes from another world.

"Yosef-dono, I have the two heroes from my world. I would love to introduce them to you."

"Hohoho. I didn't think that the heroes are so young. Please sit."

At his office, two guards went outside of the door to guard the chieftain.

"So, you are the two heroes that Pandora is talking about.

Now I know you aren't just made up characters that Pandora created.

May I know your names?"

"Claire Valentine."


"So, what brings you here in these lands?"

"Claire and Zane wanted to find the hero of Foolery in this world.

You know how long I've tried to find him since he is untraceable.

So for now I would love for them to enjoy here at your village."

''I guess that's fine. I'll prepare a feast for us to enjoy. For the time being, enjoy your stay, Claire and Zane."

After that, one of the chieftain's son, Nilus, escorted them to the guest room.

"It was a hectic day. I suppose we should take a rest before the feast starts.

Where are you going, Zane?"

"Just gonna do something real quick."

Zane goes outside. It was dusky, and soon it will be night time.

He went towards the forest to find someone.

While aimlessly strolling, he finally senses someone.

"I know you are there. Show yourself."

"So you are new here, monster."

"I'm a monster? Maybe so..."

Zane comes closer to the mysterious girl with a fox mask.

"My name is Zane, how about you?"

"Alice Tokunaga."

Zane tries to take her mask off but she steps back and says,

"I know there are something mysterious about you. Who are you? What's your backstory?"

"You really wanna know?"

Alice takes her mask off.

"So it really is you... Alice."