Toste and June

It was raining outside the park, a little boy was hiding below near the seesaw since his home was far away and he had forgotten what leads to it.

However, he was already soaked from the rain, and soon he might get a cold due to it.

Not long later, a girl arrived in front of the boy with her umbrella holding her left hand.

The little boy slowly looks at her with stoic surprise, though she is now here holding the umbrella to keep him soaked from the gentle storm.

It was her step-sister named June Frett, for a moment of silence, she began to converse with concern.

"Toste, finally I have found you. C'mon now father is worried you'll get soaked from the rain."

The protagonist's name in this chapter is Toste Closs.

He is a prodigy at being an ingenious student and manservant of the Closs family.

At that household, he was adopted by the Closs household to serve Aliza Closs in exchange he grants his own wish, that is to have an average life as many commoners do.

As he has unknown background info according to intel they gathered from the Closs Household, it seems this person has an impressive skill that any person could not gain.

His intellect marked by his school, quick precision towards the unknown situations, and loyalty towards the Closs Household has been called worthy throughout every test that he faces in every way.

And with that, he is a bonified assistant behind Aliza Closs.

Finally close to their home, walking along the wet roads from puddle to puddle, he feels at peace whenever he feels each drop of the rain trickle to his cheeks.

That's how Toste felt.

June looks at Toste as feeling the coldness of the breeze clawing at them, with glossy blushed cheeks appearing in the scene, she had mixed feelings as with his adopted little brother.

Entering their home, the aroma inside the house was oozing from the outside, as the warmth of the food brought the gentle touch of feeling at home vibe.

"We're home,"

June tells her parents as they nicely greet Toste with respect.

She brings him to the bathroom to cleanse from the rain so she removes his clothes and puts him in the bath as she washes him with soap and water.

"How do you feel, Toste? Are you satisfied with the warm water?"

Toste nods as she responds with a gentle smile.

After that, Toste went to his room to study more for hours and hours of reading all kinds of interesting books that could nurture his ability of knowledge that could find a way to find a solution to his problem.

He is not normal, that is a fact.

You see Toste isn't a human, he comes from a faraway world.

For now, all we could conclude is that he will one day wipe out humanity with his doomsday self.

All the voices from Toste's mind every day sometimes felt nauseous.

But it disappears when he has an empty head. Although, it is not that loud that he can't hear other sounds.

At his school, his normal schedule was to attend classes for 6 hours, then personally be with Aliza Closs at the Student Council.

After that he lets his haters at school bully him through beating and harsh insults since Toste has a void of feelings.

It is an equal amount of pain he felt during those times that makes him learn how the intensity of pain can get since he is used to getting hurt.

But it was different this time, June got caught up in the act of the bullies.

Toste sees the sight and concludes that they will share my pain with hers so… he acts up and immediately settles them through consecutive punches from their vital organs.

It was unexpected since he knows how to self-defense even though he lets himself be hurt by the bullies.

It was a close call, Toste asks June, "Why are you here?"

"I was looking for you since I forgot to bring your lunch.

What are you doing by the way?"

"Just having fun with my friends."

"So there are your friends huh?

I thought for a second that they are bullying you, beating you all that."

"You're just misunderstanding the situation.

Let's go."

In a way that his big step-sister would never understand is that he will never be a human being.

Though hiding it will be beneficial for the other side, they must not know Toste's secret.

After all, it will ruin their relationship, resulting in him being exposed as a monster.

Finally, her step-sister left the scene, he can now busy himself with his studies in virology and medicinal science.

He was intrigued at first knowing there could be a cure for every illness.

Though some illnesses can't be cured and it will need a lot of research to find it.

There should be a way to stop his doomsday clock.

He talks to himself to feel excited about exploring the world of science since it was his favorite.

In the classroom, rummaging his bag to find his lunch.

It seems he had forgotten like yesterday.

Typical cliché, he can buy something at the cafeteria, and with his quick decision, he makes his way toward the cafeteria to get some food.

4 hours ago June sees Toste's lunch left behind,

"How clumsy can you get, Toste."

June choose to text Toste via email to inform him his lunch was left at the house.

But too bad, he sees the text after he was eating a loaf of bread from the cafeteria, feeling uneasy from the trouble that June made an effort for his lunch two days in a row, he plans to make something in return for her.

After school was over, he makes his way to his home, he brought a present for June.

Upon entering his home, he sees June early than before, cleaning the house which was her agenda.

"Here June.

I bought something for you."

He tosses out a box of chocolates at June which she caught.

"Estre Lium… Are these the new expensive chocolates like in the commercials?

You don't have to, and how can you afford such a costly product?"

"Well let's just say I have enough money to go around.

Consider that as my token of gratitude for the lunches I wasted."

Suddenly June takes a tight embrace at Toste, making it tight for Toste to feel such warmth for a while,

"This feeling, it ain't bad."

He thought while hugging her back for today's night.

Around the morning, at the back of the school was June getting beaten up by other girls.

For some reason, they were jealous that she was getting special treatment from Toste.

Since Toste was popular among women at this part, this ignites a flame inside the hearts of the women.

Leaving her aside from all of her bruises and injury from getting beaten up was one thing she has concerned about before Toste will know that she was in trouble, so she went to the infirmary to get treatment from the school nurse.

June wondered that this must be what Toste felt after getting beaten up by the bullies.

Yes, June knew his little secret that he was being bullied because of his fame.

But what can June do but take care of Toste's health?

After school, June finally went back home and with Toste arriving, she hopes that her injuries would fade away.

It didn't look like it is noticeable when she looks in the mirror.

Finally, Toste arrives, with June taking care of the house, Toste noticed some slight changes in June's physical appearance.

"What happened to you?

Did something happened to you?"

"It looks like I can't hide anything from you.

Don't worry about me."

"No, who did this?"

As pondering about it, he has a clue who.

Tomorrow, he meets June's Bullies in person.

"Hey, do you remember yesterday?

Toste noticed her bruises and expects us to meet him in person."

One of the girls told them.

"Really, what should we do?"

"We better hide then.

"He threatened us that he will report it to the student council since he has influence."

"We should go then."

After school, they met behind the school, as both of them are prepared on what they will say to him, hoping he won't snitch them out of expulsion.

"Hey Toste, we're very sorry about what we did to June!"

All of the girls groveled at Toste hoping he could get some apology to June.

"You apologized, that's good and all…"

Toste responded.

"Then you won't snitch us right?"

Toste continues his sentence,

"But shouldn't you apologize to someone rather than me?

I may have the upper advantage but I don't hold myself and give a grudge to someone who hurts someone like June."

Suddenly, his arms turn into a monstrous man-eater.

"Do you see this, it can devour someone like you as easy as it does."

It ate one of the girls.


They both ran away from Toste leaving blood spilling behind the school.

"I should clean up."

Toste cleans up.

"You surely troubled me for this, Toste."

A superior of Toste named Aliza Closs arrives at the scene, seeing some of the blood behind the school.

"I hope you cover me for this, I have assisted you with all of your victims."

Aliza Closs likes to torture boys who have fallen for her and eats them halfway through.

And with all the trouble, Aliza covers Toste from the incident and makes the girl who got devoured disappear into thin air.

After that, the girls apologized to June at her home and bring gifts.

Several days later, Toste had lost someone's life.

How shocking and easy could take a single person to die anytime and anywhere, June has passed away due to a hit and run with a car.

June was supposed to surprise Toste by buying and cooking his favorite dish, Pork Sinigang.

But was turned into a tragic accident in the end.

Toste was upset about it and turned into a rampaging monster, triggered by the bullies that started him to go and eat people.

"Look Toste is here, what do you want?


Please help me he's devouring me…"

Everyone runs away from the scene leaving the corpse of the bullies.

First, he impales one of the bullies' hearts and ate it.

Then, kicks so hard that his intestines flooded out of his stomach.

One of them runs away but unluckily, it was locked and so he tries to defend himself but failed.

Toste bits his ear and slowly he gouged the bully's eyes and ate it again.

Later on, the janitors have to clean the blood stains everywhere in the class.

With all the rage and sorrow that the world gave him, he never forgets the warmth of hugs that June gave to him.

While at the funeral he attended, it was a short crowd that came but what does that matter, crying from the gravestone of June, he utters a word,

"I'll save you one day."