The Death of a girl results in a Raging Storm

Under the cover of the dark night sees a faint bright city known as the City Alamus , as the known buildings are struck by the raging storm, there was a peculiar occurrence. Adjoined by a raging storm, the founder has predicted this scenario and concludes that something might have happened in their mission, with extreme measures he invited one of the maids.

With Professor Cthulhu's guest at his office, while staring blankly at the brewing storm, they hold a conversation for the time being. And with that, Professor Cthulhu has verified that the maids are in a dangerous predicament.

"Aliza Closs, also known as Goi from your former master, Mr. Smiley. I see you have arrived at the right time."

"Professor Cthulhu, I am here as you wanted. Enough with the fancy gestures, what do you need?"

"What I need, huh? It seems the mission with Phillia, Chui, and Cthylla have failed."

"What do you mean?"

"The storm is raging. The queen of the abyss is long dead."

"You mean Cthylla died? I see, so you knew?"

"As you knew yourself. Impressive, how did you predicted such an arbitrary notion?"

"It's to be expected since she is not contracted like you predicted she would do. Like even an elementary school grader would noticed it by now."

"True." While sipping an alcohol in his hand, a moment of silence has passed and so the two of them begin to hear each other's thoughts. "I have been meaning to tell this to you, since the time we first met. I've felt a strange attachment to you. Do you also feel the same?"

"Are you confessing to a beautiful fair lady, like me?"

"I'm not joking, I think this strong attachment may relate to what the similarities of multiverses. To the point where it converges, making a cycle of faint memories based on the life it offered. You and I had those cycles."

"That's... You're right. I had those moments where I fondly remember you..."

"And it might uncover the secrets from Mr. Smiley itself."

"Since you are so interested in Mr. Smiley so much why don't you ask him yourself?"

"I already did. He uncovered the mystery behind my abilities. Well if you don't want to hear my sayings, feel free to not listen."

"Not really, I'm deeply interested." Aliza gives a sinister smile at the founder.

"In my past life I had a normal life, being a servant from a fair lady. From all that lifespan, I became what I want to become. But my only wish was to live like any humans who would prefer their lives would be, who has freedom. Yet, my nature opposes those ideals as if I was made to ruin this world..."

Professor Cthulhu continues to tell, "At that time, I felt confused and hopeless so I abandon those ideals and tried my best to cure humanity with my excellence. Then one day, I regained one life where I have another life, I was 21 and had a degree on virology. I met this fair lady but younger, this lady is different from my mistress..."

Professor Cthulhu continues to tell, "They share the similarities of features in physical contact but different versions of themselves. This girl had a broken down life, as it was on a brink of damnation. I met her as I see her inspiration on my research and became the youngest member of my team but one day she disappears in the picture. Mr. Smiley told me that realities from different worlds share the same memories forming a root of life. All my versions of realities share to the Omega. And that Omega is me. All of their past lives share to my knowledge and that was the birth of the SK Virus."

"Mr. Smiley once told me about three theories on memory cluster. Convergent theory, Divergent theory, and Transform theory. If you know this, this was lectured at the university I once taken part of. Convergent theory, a theory of memories where two or more consciousness combines with the source. Divergent theory, a theory in which one consciousness splits into two or more results of the source. And finally Transform theory, a two or more consciousness moves without infiltrating each other's memories. I remember this since it was important to know as a maid. How Mr. Smiley manages to interact with his other selves, it's like a job for slaves whenever his versions trade their maids. All maids have gone through with those shared education."

"Don't tell me. Those are the information I need for this research. Thank you for sharing this information with me, I really appreciate."

"Well, no need to thank me. You are my new boss anyways. My charm doesn't work on you either way, why is that?"

"Maybe because it only works on humans. I am not a human."

"I see. I'll try to find a solution to your problem, boss." Aliza leaves as then Dr. Wicked enters as seeing Professor Cthulhu sitting at his chair while staring at the glass pane covering itself with wetness of the rain.

"So how will you resolve the issue of the mission, my love?"

"I told you before, don't call me that during work days."

"But today is your break. You should rest."

"For now I am pondering how would turned out from Claire's side, since the pawns are already in place, who knows which side would be favourable."


"For now, I am counting on Aliza's abilities. She might resolve this case herself, soon."

And so the storm continues to flood the streets of City Alamus, and there were no intermission for it to stop. The storm never will stop unless the bright yellow light glistens to their world. As for the citizens and the abandoned stray children suffers, however one kind soul offers them a place to sleep in the time being.


Chui is still stuck at the mansion as providing rations in order to survive and avoid to die out of hunger. She uses this time to work out and train herself in order to gain her strength back.

"I need to find a way back to that world." While deeply thinking of her situation, she has to wait for something to happen. And so she continued up until 21 days. Her ration shortens as the time goes by. If she has to bear the hunger, she had one option remaining, that is to travel through the abyss.

Nevertheless, her wait came to fruition. Suddenly a portal opens at the hallways as Chui's hopeless expression turns into a bright excitement to go back to her home.

At the portal, someone is entering. A beautiful lady, Aliza Closs, comes across.

"Chui, so you are alive."

"Since when do you have the ability to make portals?"

"A long time ago."

"Wait... So after all this time, you know how to make portals? Then why did you rescue me sooner?"

"I have eyes at the mansion. I can see what you were doing, even the incident caused by Phillia's murderous intent and Cthylla's death, and of course your betrayal." Chui couldn't be able to look at her straight since it was acted on impulse.

"Your actions will be judged later. For now follow me."

Finally back at the Ignis Fatuus, she was taken and nursed by the androids to make sure she is in good health.

"Thanks for the apple." Chui says to the android as it bows down and goes back to her main job.

After for 4 days, she is finally discharged and is ordered to go to the founder's office. Aliza releases all the information regarding about the incident.

"Thanks for saving Chui, Aliza. Now, about your punishment, you are suspended to work and stay at your room for the time being unless I call you to."

"Wait, that's all? Why wouldn't I get a more punishing sentence?" Chui is left dumbfounded as she hears her punishment.

"It's all according to my plan. I have faith in all of you to put up an act for Claire's trial. Soon, I bet that she will arrive back at Ignis Fatuus and save humankind."

"After all this time, you..." Aliza was left speechless.

"Yes, I have faith in humanity to rebuild it's own society when the last trial will be passed."

"A selfless leader." Chui last stated to Professor Cthulhu's remark.