Traveler's Journey pt. 1

*In this scene from the last part of the previous chapter and this chapter and the next one will cover Tim's or Mr. Shady's reincarnation from Luke's dreamland. He travels from different alternate universes to search the core of Claire Valentine*

Walking at the cliff while carrying the little Claire from the rain dripping down the land of the countryside, it was still a far path for them to embark on their journey to the end.

A little heavy through his shoulders at the side of the man in black clothing but no matter for him since it has been a while since he was accompanied by someone.

At the back of his, the sleeping child was still occupied from its slumber, it wasn't an ideal description but in truth, it was appealing to see a child sleeping since it was considerably adorably cute, and thus the journey continues and was still a long path for them to stop right up until the dusk was near its falling.

It was nighttime, which means it was time to set a bonfire in the woods, as the man in black clothing cooked meals for themselves awakening the little Claire from its cutesy slumber.

She is wide awake now and so she asks the man in black clothing,

"Where are we?"

With a clear idea of where they were, he still tries to answer with careful thought,

"We're still in the woods at the moment.

We have to stop since it will be dark soon.

Look, I prepared us a meal.

Do you eat soup, little one?"

"I want meat!! Meat. Meat. Meat."

Persuaded by the little Claire, The man in black clothing had no choice but to hunt.

"Wait here for a little while, little one."

Taking a long look behind him, he disappears into darkness for a while as to go and hunt him for some meat.

While Claire, on the other hand, she tries to entertain herself through her wildest imagination.

She imagines a floating cloud from above and so it summons a yellow cloud floating above her as dropping snow continuously, making her so happy for the little one that the snow was fascinatingly pretty and cool.

Then she imagines another, a flying butterfly in yellow.

It glides around her pouring a speck of yellow dust at her whereas the butterflies poof out of yellow dust.

Little Claire was both hectic and tired at the same time due to using her abilities too much so she decided to take a quick nap.

Half an hour later, the man in black clothing arrives with the deer meat he has brought on his shoulders.

Putting it down on a rolling stick from the bonfire to cook it well, he discharges the soup pot at the side to finally start cooking.

The aroma of the deer meat goes to the nose of little Claire, awakening once more, her stomach growls as loud as a lion.

Being heard by that embarrassment, Little Claire gently rose to rub her eyes off, asking if the meat was ready.

"Almost done, in about 5 minutes, for the meantime, try the soup there."

After that time, the meat was ready to serve.

Aggressively munching the meat of the deer, Little Claire was blessed by the gods to be served a fine meal. Leaving a messy empty plate.

"Thank you for the food."

Both of them appreciated the food that was given.

Since the meal was finished, they decided to take a rest.

But for safety reasons, the man in black clothing chooses to watch out for the night.

Not long before he will be too soon to take a rest as well.


In the morning, the man in black clothing both carries the luggage and little Claire itself, walking on the green rice terraces, it was a fine and beautiful place to travel, with all the farmers working and all, Little Claire was loud and annoying at first but today she gave a forgotten question.

"May I ask?"

Little Claire asks the man in black clothing.

"Sure. What is it?"

"What is your name?

I haven't known your name yet and strangely you know my name as well.

How is that?"

"Forgive me with that kind gesture of yours.

My name is Nightingale.

You can call me that.

About me knowing your name… is hard to tell but I just know for some reason.

And my reason is to take you with me on this journey.."

Little Claire quietly gestured once more with a hilarious look.

"What's with that look?"

"Just trying to be funny. Am I not funny?"

In his mind,

"I can't tell her that she is being weird."

Finally, they arrived at the first landmark.

A city that was outgrown vines of plants and so on, it was a spectacular site so they slowly arrived at it.

3 hours later they stopped at a broken-down diner.

Trying to rummage some remains of food from around the corner, good thing luck was with them, seeing a bunch of canned goods from the store and it is near the place they have been looking for.

After taking a quick break, they finally face the place.

A ruined elementary school, entering it was slightly hard due to its ruined state, but they found a door that is connected to another dimension.

That is the office of Mr. Smiley.

For some reason, the man in black clothing has an appointment with him especially relates to bringing little 9-year-old Claire.

"So you finally brought her.

Is this your will for her salvation, Mr. Shady?"

"I am Mr. Shady no more.

One last request from yours and the deal is now a closed case.

I will be both free alongside Claire."

"That's what I'm talking about.

Since you brought her this far.

Are you sure you can bring her to the rendezvous?

After this pathway is the most difficult one."

"I'm afraid so.

I need to know where are the specified doors to travel to your dreamland."

"Aren't your concern on how can you survive the journey with Claire knowing the danger and the havoc that is within the mask?

How about I give you a hint?

How about you put her in your dreamland first?

It's like putting a cat in the bag while risking your journey ahead from the monsters and wreckage of the darkness within."

"I see.

Thank you for that.

How can I open mine?"

"It's easy, with me around, I can open any world."

Interrupting their conversation, little Claire woke up seeing both of them together.

She asks,

"Who are you?"

Mr. Smiley goes up close to her, he replies with a chuckle,

"You'll know soon enough, but for now…"

Mr. Smiley puts up a spell that immediately makes the target fall asleep.

"I see. Do it."

As the man in black clothing finally agrees to Mr. Smiley's proposition, so does Mr. Smiley, preparing to unleash one of his abilities.


The world has been unleashed and so does Nightingale's old past.

"You only have a limited amount of time.

Quickly, set her on her safety."

Entering the world known as Ignis Fatuus, it was still a cruel place for humans to dwell in.

Walking while searching for a place for Claire to take care of, there were a limited amount of people, simply by old age were present in the specified districts, going into the 6th district, the man in black clothing stops as to suddenly heard of someone telling him to stop at the right door.

He comes closer and thus he knocked on the door three times.

The door opens and sees a middle-aged man in torn clothes.

"Are you the one called Mr. Shady?"

The middle-aged man asked the man in black clothing.

"Yes, I brought her here for you to take care of.

For now, I'll be back for her when the time comes."

"Sure. Mr. Smiley already told me the details.

Good luck on your journey."

And with that, the man in black clothing leaves the scene to enter a portal back to the office of Mr. Smiley.

"Is it done already?"

You're quite quick if I may say.

Are you prepared for the harsh difficulty of the journey?"

As Nightingale nodded in agreement to the negotiation with Mr. Smiley, he did exactly as he intended to do, facing the danger of the unknown that was corrupted Claire's mind by the mask, and in doing so he is more prepared than he ever was.

He continues his sentence with determination.

"I'll do my best."

Mr. Smiley grimly grinned at him to answer his savory sentence like he was prepared to die for the cause.

"Don't let me down.

I'll take care of the other arrangements in the further run.

Good luck."

And with that, he opens the door and closes it.