Normal Girl Route: Dale and Admiral Hellbert's Past Part 1

*This is the continuation of Traveller's Journey where Mr. Shady or Marshal puts Claire in his dreamland and restart the whole story again. This will uncover the beginning of adolescence of Claire of this world known as Ignis Fatuus*

In the year 2044, the dark history of humanity came down when Mr. Smiley dominated the whole world, turning all humans into humanoid aliens evolution, with the blood of Professor Cthulhu, humankind had turned into inhuman beings, making them more powerful than before having abilities and status like in a game, registered to become a dominator at any point but for now, it all has officially 7 dominators from the start.

At that point, humans were left emotionless from the beginning of an outbreak called SK Virus, turning them into mindless workers working for the founder of SK Foundation also known as Professor Cthulhu, leading them for one single purpose, the pills of hope.

It can make them humans again in their physical body for just a whole month.

That's why they work hard, as for underage children, they were enlisted as soldiers of the SK Academy to work under Admiral Hellbert, the Soldier of Death, also a dominator class from the whole world.

They somehow inherited a communicative skill that can inform any soldier and superiors with a single thought just by becoming a part of the society of education.

Which is why they have a flawless strategy when destruction is at hand.

They can counterattack any traitors or even a resistance if they still exist.

But the world has experienced chaos when the SK Virus was in still effect.

At that time, all they can do is hide and be safe from the rampaging humans all across the globe.

In a state of anarchy, they have to resolve it by gathering groups and retaliating for the survival of humans, that is to be reasonable and find a way to go against the god of domination.

But they didn't end well, and as predicted by the founder of SK Foundation, they all cease to exist, all that remains are people who rely on working with the SK Foundation and hope they still survive the wrath of Mr. Smiley.

There was this one guy who remains positive even if the world almost ends, he mostly there for his daughter named Dale, a little girl who only wears an oversized white t-shirt and no pants and panties.

I know it may sound kinky but it is the truth, her father didn't even realize she had no shirt and panties due to the overwork he does for her to gain the necessities she needs including the pills of hope.

But they get along even if the world is in chaos.

At that moment, he was mostly invited to go to the office of Engr. Xenakis to work when his daughter was left at their home from 50 blocks away.

While he attends the meeting with Engr. Xenakis, Dale waves behind him making sure he sees her sweet farewell.

That father was blessed to have a nice daughter for once.

All he can remember from the past is the grief of the loss of his wife from the chaos of humanity and the SK Virus outbreak.

But Dale needs him now so he can't afford to lose his job now, as an inventor like Engr. Xenakis.

Arriving at the SK Foundation, he enters as he was greeted by an AI known as Farren, who is known to guide all workers to their respective stations.

"Hello there Sambor Hellbert, you are needed by Engr. Xenakis for your project on the 150th floor. Please enter his office as fast as you proceed.

Thank you for your understanding."

"Thank you as well."

He proceeds to the 150th floor with an elevator for over 5 minutes.

Upon entering his office sees Engr. Xenakis working on a secret project that Sambor doesn't know about it.

All that matters is that he has to give his blueprint to the higher authorities that are in charge of the projects.

"Uhmmm, Engr. Xenakis, I brought you my blueprint about the invisibility cloak."

"I see you brought your project, give it to me so that I can assess its worth.

Fascinating, your project has solid potential to be a weapon for the SK Soldiers.

Well done, for now, I have to report this to the founder of the SK Foundation later about your work so we could appraise your efforts.

For now, you can help me assist with what I am trying to build here."

"What are you building?"

"A new version of an android, I call her T-022. She looks female enough, of what is left is to install some weaponry at her body."

"Alright then, I'll help."

Over 3 hours had passed, and they were finally finished all that is left is to head home and see his daughter.

"It's getting late, I should head home now."

"Alright, be careful on the way."

Engr. Xenakis is still busy making some finishing touches to the android.


While Dale, is constantly staring at the cloudy skies as rain droplets started to trickle down to the street, she saw a red-hooded girl staring back at her. She had red hair and yellow eyes.

Dale begins to converse with her with the matter about his appearance outside her window.

"It's raining, why are you outside?"

"I got bored inside my house so I decided to take a stroll in the streets.

Hey, we're neighbors right, why don't you join me?"

"I'm not allowed to go outside it is dangerous, my father said."

"I see, how about I went inside your house and play?"

"I can do that.

I'll open the door for you." Dale opens the door for the little girl.

"My name is Claire Valentine.

I live over next door and I am willing to be your friend."

"I'm Dale, I am also willing to be your friend.

By the way, do you have an imaginary friend?"

"No, what's that?"

"It's when you fantasize about your friends when you are alone."

"Ohhh I get it now.

So what's your imaginary friend's name?" Dale shows her puppet from before.

It took a while before she was able to make such a fine craft.

"His name is Jim. Jim, say hi to Claire."

"Hello." Dale impersonates Jim.

"Hello there Jim, I don't have an imaginary friend but..."

"We can make your imaginary friend.

We can add glue, googly eyes, and a sock! Let's make one."

An hour has passed since they are planning to make Claire's imaginary friend.

"Finally, we have made my imaginary friend."

"What should you call him or her?"

"It's a girl named Cthylla.

She had tentacles from behind and she is as pretty as a goddess."

"What a brilliant character you have.

Jim, meet Cthylla and Cthylla, meet Jim."

"Nice to meet you, Jim."

Claire impersonates Cthylla.

After 4 hours, right before the sun went down, Sambor finally went back home.

But alas, Claire had a bad feeling about the time she had left before going home.

"Dale, I have to go, my stepdad might get mad if I go back late."

"I see, but you can at least wait for my dad to meet you."

Suddenly, a door opens, and sees Sambor, Dale's dad arrived at the scene.

"Papa, I would like you to meet my neighbor friend, Claire. Claire says hi to my dad."

"Hello. I am Claire Valentine."

"My name is Sambor Hellbert, Dale's father."

"I'm sorry to say but I am rather late so if you could excuse me---"

"How about you join us for dinner, it will be quick I assure you."

"If that's the case, I would love to join your dinner."

As dusk finally came, they knew that Claire would be a regular person entering Sambor's home.

Every day Claire would visit Dale regularly to play with her.

But one day, she didn't come.

For some reason, she is busy with something else.

At his intercom, his stepfather calls her with his last words,

"Listen Claire, you need to survive.

I won't be there but please take care of yourself.

This is my last farewell to you, I hope you found your beautiful end, my Claire."

"But father, what's happening?

Why are you talking like this?

Are you going to be alright?"

"I won't be able to see you anymore but hearing you is enough for me to be at peace.

I love you, Claire."

The intercom stops as Claire is left in tears all of a sudden.

At first, she didn't know how to feel heavy of her feelings.

She is all alone at her home now.

All she could do is cry all day, Releasing all the burden on her shoulders as she let out all her feelings.

Suddenly, someone knocks on her door, Knowing a familiar voice calling her out, Claire covers her ears to hear any more bothersome calls.

So she decided to stay quiet and pretend to not hear it.

Outside her house sees Dale waiting for her to catch up with her, and converse with her like any other day.

Worrying about her, she calls out on her over and over for the past 21 minutes just to make sure she is there.

But Claire still doesn't want anyone to reach out to her which Dale made her concerned even more.

"Claire! Claire!"

It's her first time going to her house for once.

So she is unsure if this was the correct home for Claire.

"Claire I'm here, please converse with me.

If you have any problems you can talk to me and our imaginary friends!"

Claire hears her words, and she is right.

After a moment of silence, she finally decided to reply to her.

As she opened the door, no one was there.

Only the screams she hears from the back alleys. Claire hurriedly runs towards the scream, as she knows that it was Dale.

Panicking about what to do, she had nothing left to lose but the suspect is already too far ahead than her so she stopped.

She goes back to Dale's house and waits for her father to come.

"It was my fault! Why didn't I answer her quickly?!

Because of me, she was kidnapped.

Now, what should I do?"

The rain drops as Claire's colors suddenly gush down to her feet as she has no color left in her appearance, only conflict was left to herself.

7 hours have passed and soon Sambor arrives at the scene, seeing Claire pale and colorless, Sambor was concerned.

But importantly, she has something to say.

"Sir, I have sad news for you.

I lost Dale from the catcher, I don't know where they are now as they were ahead of me... Sir?"

"You mean someone kidnapped my only joy left?

Where did you last see them?"

"Over the edge of the back alleys.

Sir, where are you going?"

"I'm going to call the SK Foundation and help me find her."

Quickly running back at the Skyscraper, leaving Claire behind.

Claire has thoughts to follow through and decided to follow Sambor for them to persuade the SK Foundation to help them find her.

3 hours had passed and they have called Farren.

"Farren, where is the founder of SK Foundation? I need to see him."

"Sorry Sambor, but he is indeed busy, you need an appointment to get to him."

"Then, I want Engr. Xenakis to hear me. I need his help in finding my daughter."

"Alright then.

I'll alert Engr. Xenakis for you.

Wait shortly."

After that, they meet Engr. Xenakis.

"So what do you need, Sambor?"

"Sir please help me find my daughter, she is being kidnapped by god who knows."

"Sorry but I can't help you find your daughter but I can call one of the dominators for you, I'll call Mr. Shady for you."

"Thank you very much!"

"And who is this runt?"


"I see, Claire, have you taken any hope pills lately?"

"Why you ask?"

"You look pale you should take one. Do you have any pills?"

"No sir, I don't have one."

"I see."

15 minutes have passed and so Mr. Shady has arrived.

"Engr. Xenakis, why did you call me?"

"You aren't busy, right? Find my colleague's daughter?"

"Hey hey, I can't find what you are looking for.

Too many things happen in the underworld.

Can you be specific about who you are looking for?"

"She has white hair and red eyes.

She wears an oversized t-shirt and she is this tall. 4'3 inches."

"I see.

I'll do what I can to find her, for now, let me rummage through your mind to find the perfect picture of your daughter.

To make it easier, picture your daughter and I'll copy that image of yours.

Mind scan."

Mr. Shady touches Sambor's head as she finally takes the image from his mind.

"Thanks for trying. I'll be back."

"You should head home, for now, Sambor.

Bring your little kid, she seems sad."

Engr. Xenakis says to Sambor as they went back.

With all is lost and all they can do is wait, they have to be patient and trust them for them to stay sane for the betterment of tomorrow.

"Tell me, why did she kidnap?"

"She... she was calling me in my home and didn't answer... and this happened.

I'm so sorry sir."

"You made my daughter walk outside?


Sambor painfully slaps Claire too far.

She was left in agony from standing up.

"If you just took her earlier, she wouldn't have lost in the first place!

She is the only reason why I must live. My wife already passed away and she... she is in danger.

Why can't you see that my daughter does her best to follow my rules and breaks them for the likes of you?"

Sambor cries in agony as Claire also weeps in grief.

While the angle of the camera fades from the house of Sambor to the background, a deep piano sings in the scene as they writhe from losing themselves.