Falcon Face Boutique Horror Story

Ken doesn't have to bother remembering the horror story of Falcon Face Boutique. This story has been a public conversation for a long time, circulating on the internet, and often discussed again, especially every May Day, Labor Day.

"The Falcon Face Boutique building used to be a factory. The place is already like the Saidah Tower, which is said to be the abode of creatures from other dimensions. The factory used to be called PT. Kuwira and because of an incident, the factory was closed, then the founder of Falcon Face bought it because he was interested in its strategic location," Ken began his story.

"Building the former factory is said to be a gateway to another dimension. The employees who work there, often see apparitions. Mannequin figurines used to display customer orders can sometimes be seen moving, walking around. Then, there is a statue of five goddesses in the park of Falcon Face Boutique. People say the statue was built from the skeleton of a real human body."

Victor didn't feel scared, but inexplicably his body got goosebumps when he heard the story. He has memorized the Falcon Face business line, and Falcon Face Boutique is one of them. However, because he had never been there, he could never imagine how scary the atmosphere was.

"The interesting thing is in the story of the closure of the factory. It used to close at the height of its heyday," Ken said, snapping his fingers to tell Victor that there was something unnatural.


Victor imagines if an actress or actor suddenly disappears at the peak of his career because of a scandal. Did the same thing happen to the factory?

"It's because of the murder scandal," Ken replied.

Victor almost choked on his own spit.


Ken nodded. "A body was found in the Waru Forest. After being identified, the body was named Padni and she was a senior tailor at Kuwira's textile factory. You can read this story on the internet. Because she died under unfair circumstances, many people say her spirit still haunts PT. Kuwira. The plant suffered a production slump and was soon shut down. The story of Padni's ghost appearing in the factory spread orally from one employee to another to this day it is said that Padni's ghost still exists in the former factory."

Victor thought about what the chronology of events would be. He felt that the room temperature was cooler than before. He turned his head, to see the wall-mounted air conditioner behind him. Maybe the café employee lowered the temperature, so the room temperature made him shiver.

"Are you cold?" Ken laughed inwardly because it turned out that Victor was easily scared.

Victor shook his head. Suddenly he was sure that his body was not cold because of the air conditioner. Even so, Ken has a warm initiative. He asked café officials to raise the temperature to normal temperature. Ken was lucky because the employee was friendly and willing to obey his wishes.

"It's getting better, right?" asked Ken.

Victor nodded.

"It was just a horror story that I often heard at gatherings. Whether it's true or not I don't know."

"Why are you telling that?" Victor felt that horror stories or whatever it was were unnecessary.

Ken chuckled. "To pass the time and at the same time to make us more intimate. I think you want to learn about the company, right?"

Victor snorted. Ken's words are all true, although they are a bit strange, Ken's approach is the most relaxed approach. Victor hasn't talked about horror themes like this for a long time. Every time they meet Luis and Eka, they talk about luxury goods or talk about moving into a luxury apartment. Victor felt isolated.

"Are you afraid?" Ken confirmed again.

Victor shook his head. Even so, his body still got goosebumps.

"The horror story just now is not that it has nothing to do with our CEO. You have to believe in my words that our CEO has Unicorn blood in his body. He is looking for someone of dragon blood."

Victor wrinkled his forehead.

"Why can you believe such a thing?"

Ken chirped. "I don't believe something just because of rumors, but because I can see the facts."

"What does it mean?" Victor couldn't understand the meaning behind this conversation even more. Ken is getting more and more mysterious at night.

Ken grinned. "Sooner or later you'll know, when you know don't be surprised and don't tell me I didn't warn you," Ken said, then looked at Victor with one corner of his eye.

When stared at like that, Victor felt something peeking at him from inside Ken. Something completely different from Ken but a part of Ken. The sensation Victor felt when he felt it he had never felt. So, Victor felt that he had to be wary of Ken.

"Haish! You must be playing a prank on me again, right? Those Unicorn creatures don't exist, they are not real, they are just fiction!"

Ken grinned again. A smirk that refuted Victor's doubts.

Victor became nervous at Ken's reaction. He picked up his glass and took a sip of his coffee. Victor became agitated, while the glass was still half full. The night is still long. Is it more to just leave it without spending. Victor looked at the clock on the screen of his mobile phone.

"Are you bored?" Ken suddenly attacked Victor.

In his heart, Victor felt that he was talking to a completely different person.

"I've never seen Ken express himself like this. Why does he look different than before? Who is this person in front of me?"

The longer you look at it, Ken's eye line becomes like a dog. Victor tried hard to avert his gaze." It must be just my imagination!" said Victor to himself, trying hard to destroy his imagination.

"Tonight there will be a full moon. According to astrology and astronomy websites, the full moon will occur at eleven o'clock in the evening. Do you want to see it?"

The question was biting at the nape of Victor's neck.

"How could it be possible to see the full moon in this metropolis? Our vision has been defeated by high-rise buildings and artificial light," Victor said, expressing disappointment indirectly.

Victor suddenly realized something strange. Did Ken just take me to see the full moon together? Isn't it a suitable invitation for his girlfriend?

"It can be seen from my apartment. Tower 541," Ken said.

Victor scratched the nape of the neck. His mind was raging, so it was right that Ken took me to see the full moon. Oh Shit! Is he Gay like Luis? I'm not ready yet!

"So... Why don't you just take your girlfriend?" Victor finally tried to refuse subtly. Why did the conversation get in this direction? Seeing the full moon with a man in his apartment seemed abnormal to Victor.

Ken sighed. "I don't have a girlfriend. This job makes it difficult for me to have a girlfriend. Well, do you have a girlfriend?"

Victor shook his head lightly. His eyes met with Ken, and Victor's heart suddenly beat in an unusual way.

"It's better if we go back to each other's homes. We have to rest so that tomorrow we can be fresher to work," Victor tried to dodge.

Ken did not return Victor's suggestion in words. Ken followed Victor out of the café.

"I used to walk home, you please take a taxi. Tower 541 is quite far from here, it's impossible to walk, right?" Victor's forehead wrinkled. He seemed to have just realized that he had said a word that did not match.

"You rent an apartment in Tower 541? How can it be?"

"So, you know what that place is?"

Victor nodded.

Now they are talking on the side of the road.

"You eat in the tavern, so I think you still live in ordinary boarding houses like me," Victor said innocently. His logic says every rich person can't possibly want to eat at a roadside stall.

Ken burst into laughter. "You... It's really funny!"

Ken was still laughing out loud.

"Not everyone will refuse to eat in a tavern. I still like to eat at the tavern, because the food there is delicious and suits my taste buds. Besides, is it really wrong that I still maintain my old lifestyle?"

"No. Of course not wrong," Victor replied and was fascinated by Ken's decision.

A taxi can be seen driving over. Ken waved goodbye and the taxi stopped right in front of them. Before getting into the taxi, Ken said, "I usually take the bus, but this time I really wanted to take a taxi because of you. See you tomorrow."

Victor was dumb in place. Why did Ken take a taxi because of me? he asked himself.

When he got home, Victor changed his clothes. He was not in the mood to take a bath.

"Damn! my mind became filled with ridiculous stories that the CEO has Unicorn blood," Victor lamented.

Victor walked out of the boarding room. He went to the kitchen to open the refrigerator. The refrigerator is a shared facility provided by the boarding house owner for each tenant of the room. Victor still remembers that he kept two cans of soda in the refrigerator. That night, Victor took one.

When walking back to his room, Victor gasped and fell silent in the hallway. He remembered Ken's words. "You have to change your mindset if you want to start hunting."

"Hunting," Victor spelled out the words.

"Where should I start? Change the habit of drinking soda by drinking beer?" Victor chuckled lightly as he thought about it.


In a red room, Luis was panting. His body was sweating, but the game was not over yet.

"Yellow!" shouted Luis.

"What? Your ability is only this much? Your body is no longer strong?"

Luis shook his head. "That's not it, Master. Please take it slow!" he pleaded.

Tears had actually flowed down the left and right sides of Luis's eyes. His hands were tied to both sides of the bed using red ropes. His legs were free, but began to numb.

Luis lost control of his lower body. Despite that, his body continued to respond. His brain receives stimuli that make him moo continuously whenever some part of his body is touched by the Master.