Ken, The Dog's Eye

"You can tell me anything, no matter how weird it is!" said Ken.

When Ken believes he can be a good friend, Victor feels awkward about Ken's friendliness.

Ken realized that. However, he did not have any bad intentions towards Victor. It's just that he has an interest in the hidden power in Victor. This can be felt by Ken from the first day he met Victor.

Rami introduced Victor as a training employee or intern or also called a temporary contract employee with a trial period of three months. A really troublesome title because it means that there is an annoying hierarchy in the company. Even so, that is a reality that no one can deny. The human world moves with various regulations.

While shaking hands with Victor, Ken felt a cold sensation typical of someone who actually has power, inherited from ancestors. It's like an indigo will recognize other indigos. However, Victor's strength level is very weak. It lets Ken know that the power inside Victor has never been awakened.

Ken suspects that Victor being in Falcon Face happened not because of his conscious impulse, but his subconscious has recognized the true form of Falcon Face. Therefore, the subconscious prompted Victor to register as an employee. If that's true, Ken suspects Mario has seen Victor before him. It would be hard to fight Mario's charisma if he was attracted to Victor. However, Ken is sure that Mario is not interested in Victor.

"Hummm, actually last night I had a nightmare," Victor said.

"Oh, what kind of nightmare?"

"I saw a full moon and a lake in the cave," Victor said, recalling what he had seen.

"It's hard to explain, because it's all covered in fog. I can't see it clearly," Victor added.

"Maybe it's just a sleeping flower," Ken said. He refrained from telling the truth. He wanted to tell Victor slowly. It starts with talking about weird things every day until they don't feel weird anymore.

Victor nodded, "You are right. Had it not been annoying, I wouldn't have thought about it. But every time I saw my own face reflected in the glass like it is today, the dream was remembered again. That's why it sucks," Victor said. Either he's trying to entertain himself or he's trying to joke around.

Ken snorted, taking Victor not seriously with his words.

An employee in charge of guarding the cashier approached them. "What are you guys talking about?" she asked.

"Oh, the nightmare," Ken replied and pointed at Victor.

"Hi Cassie," Victor greeted the sweet woman who appeared beside him with no energy.

Cassie chuckled lightly. "Why not be so powerful? Don't like meeting me?"

"Because he just had a nightmare," Ken replied in place of Victor.

"You two weird guys, talking about nightmares? Usually guys will talk about hot women," Cassie quipped.

"Meh, I'm not interested," Ken said bluntly.

"Oh My God! Seriously, you are not interested in girls?" Cassie teased.

"It's not uninterested in girls! I don't like to talk about hot women. I mean I don't objectify them," Ken said.

"oh, seriously?" Cassie was still teasing Ken.

Cassie catches the arrival of a customer. She nudged Ken's arm.

"It's best not to mob," Cassie said. He had come to warn them.

The regulation states that front liner sales are prohibited from standing in groups even when the store is not visited by customers. Victor and Ken have actually broken the rules. Fellow employees are required to supervise each other and report each other if their coworkers violate the rules. However, Cassie will not report them.

Cassie returned to her place, behind the counter. Victor and Ken store their respective coffees on a shelf hidden behind the counter. Ken approaches potential buyers while Victor stands guard on the other side. He was alert again.

Time passed quite sweetly that day. No customer is willing to become a VIP member, but there are some shoppers who spend their money in the store. It was quite fun.

Victor walked back to the boarding house. He refuses to eat with Ken. He also refuses Luis and Eka's invitation to meet.

Victor couldn't think of anything else on his way home. He felt that he had seen Mario in his dream. The figure who looked at me behind the mist in last night's dream had a Vibe similar to Mario, Victor thought. He almost hit a utility pole because he didn't focus on his road route.

Victor managed to dodge before his forehead fell asleep. But still, his unawareness had made his blood ripple faster.

Victor hit his own head lightly. "Damn! Think what the * am I. It's not a fictional world, it's not a fantasy world where people can turn into unicorns, dragons, or dogs."

A dog flashed by, and Victor subconsciously noticed it. The dog suddenly turned his head, as if consciously noticed by Victor. Victor immediately turned his face away.

"Did he hear what I was thinking?" Victor questioned himself and then considered himself stupid once again.

"Damn! it's all because of the fictional story Ken told," Victor grumbled to himself. He shook his head then snorted and walked faster to reach the boarding house.

However, he stopped in front of a hawker shop. Victor saw a steaming pot with floating meatballs on its surface. Next to it are a variety of fried foods, sausages and various snacks that make it salivate.

Victor asked the merchant to wrap sausages, fritters, and skewered meatballs. When he was about to pay, he saw the dog that had passed him clinging to his leg. Victor felt clumsy.

"Just ignore him, he does like to hang around," the salesperson said.

Victor gave the money to the seller then walked back. Victor stopped by the traffic light pole, he waited for the pedestrian sign to turn on. While waiting, the dog who had been sitting next to his feet just now, looked at him. Victor felt uncomfortable being looked at like that so he gave a piece of sausage to the stray dog.

Pedestrian signs are allowed to cross on. Victor walked leisurely. There is only himself who uses zebra crossing. That's not usually the case. When Victor noticed the strangeness, something had already happened.

A truck speeded up and hit him. The plastic wrappers of meatballs, fritters, and sausages flew up and fell. The contents scattered.

Victor's body floated and collapsed into the streets. His face was facing the sky. Things suddenly became paralyzed. Victor suddenly believes the future does not exist. He couldn't feel his own body, so he thought he must be dead.

The truck driving over was already out of nowhere. Things went so fast. Victor couldn't open his eyes.

Victor felt very sleepy, so he obeyed his eyelids to close again. Besides, the last thing he felt was that something was oozing from his skull.

Time passed, new life was created and Victor opened his eyes with a body drenched in sweat. His last memory is that he was hit by a crazy truck that violated a traffic light.

"Am I dead?" asked Victor to his room.

Victor couldn't believe he had returned to his own room. "How can that be?"

Victor was very confused and believed that the incident he experienced was a dream. When the confusion is not resolved. Victor heard his mobile phone's ringtone ringing. Victor picked it up.

"Let's drink tonight. Let me treat. You can't be alone when you're stressed," Ken said.

Victor said yes. For him, this is an opportunity to forget his nightmare.

"What time and where?" asked Victor.

"Seven o'clock tonight, okay? I'll send you a map of the location," Ken replied.

The phone call ended. Victor looked at the screen of his mobile phone, it appeared on the screen that it was five o'clock in the afternoon and it was still on the same day. He felt a little strange.

"I finish work at four o'clock, and then go home..." Victor fumbled for his body. It turned out that he was still wearing the same clothes when he went to work, a navy blue shirt with worn jeans. In the office, he changed his clothes to a suit lent by the company as a uniform.

"That means I went straight to sleep when I arrived. It takes only fifteen minutes to walk from the Mall to the boarding house," Victor felt he found the answer. So he firmly believes that what just happened is a dream. Another nightmare.

Victor sighed. He didn't want to come out smelling of sweat, so he got up and took a shower. He ran into another guy who lived in the boarding house, in the hallway while heading to the bathroom.

The man had long curly hair, his face almost completely covered by that hair. Victor has never been acquainted with that person. The person paused for a moment. The hallway was not wide, so their shoulders could bump into each other if forced to go hand in hand.

And so, Victor relented, giving the person space. The person passed by with eyes glancing sharply at him. Victor felt that he had made a heinous mistake against that person, even though he had done nothing.

Victor felt annoyed at being treated harshly by that person, but harbored his feelings. After taking a shower, he felt quite refreshed and could do anything.

Seven o'clock in the evening it came so slowly. Victor couldn't wait to get out of the room, so he just walked out and thought he would stop by a convenience store and drink coffee on his porch.

"While waiting, it felt better than in the room," Victor said.

Victor gets a map of the location of the meeting with Ken. It's a bar not far from boarding houses or from the mall. It can be said that it is located in the middle. The walk took only twenty minutes.