Golden Opportunity

The next day, Victor still looked gloomy, but none of the residents of White Castle bothered him. Daniela still keeps Victor's abilities a secret from the other residents. 

In addition to Daniela, Wildo, who knew about it, also said nothing. As for Diego, he sleeps and he does not care about the other inhabitants. If he was out of the room, it would actually be dangerous for other residents like Noh, who was a pure human in White Castle. 

Victor, who has not yet realized his strength, is experiencing more crucial anxiety for him. The problem is that anxiety won't solve anything. Victor just set foot in the store. Ken and Chelsea have already opened the curtain and are ready at their respective posts to welcome guests. 

Ken watched Victor who was gloomy all day. Although he can smile, he smiles only to meet the operational standards of work in the store. 

"If you want, you can live with me in tower 541. There are two rooms. You can wear one of them. Then, we can go to work together. So you don't have to think about rent," Ken offered Victor a place to stay at lunch.

Ken could see both of Victor's eyes shining when he said his intentions. Victor must have been happy to hear the offer. This reaction of Victor also made his heart warm. He became proud to be able to do a little good. 

"I'm afraid it will annoy you," Victor said. 

"I will adapt to your habits. I'm sure your finances will recover and you won't stay with me forever, will you?" Ken spoke according to facts. He also understands two adult men living together can be a hot topic of conversation in the office. 

"You once said that the people in White Castle are strange and you don't feel safe there, so you want to find a new place to live. However, because of an incident like this, it becomes difficult for you to move. I just want to help you," Ken revealed his reasoning smoothly.

He drank his warm tea. 

Victor felt quite happy that Ken hadn't forgotten his story. The residents of White Castle always gave him goosebumps. Every time he crossed paths with the residents of White Castle, Victor felt threatened. 

"I'll think about it. I still hope that this month-end bonus can save me," Victor replied later. Such a good opportunity would be a pity if missed. 

"No need to think about it. You can move directly this afternoon if you want. How?"

Victor's enthusiasm for life also rose again. He was happy that Ken not only listened to his problems, but also in action to help him. 

"As for the bonus. You should not stick to bonuses. Because it is unstable. You understand what I mean, right?"

Victor nodded. Ken is very rational when it comes to finances. 

"Oh yes, one more. I've told Rami about your problem," Ken said.

Victor's eyes rounded. "You told him?" 

Ken nodded, as if it wasn't a difficult problem to solve. Victor didn't expect that Ken could talk so easily with Rami.

"Are you close to him?" Victor couldn't help but ask like this. 

"Hum, pretty close," Ken said. 

Victor became envious after hearing Ken answer. Rami is the head of HRD. A figure who manages human resources. Rami has the power to fire and defend someone. 

For Victor now, Ken is not a random man because he can get close to a powerful figure in the office. He imagines that if Ken has problems with other employees, Ken might be defended by Rami and that means Ken's career is safe forever. Victor suddenly imagines if Ken and Rami are dating. 

"Rami said you can see her when your working hours are over. She's going to work late in the office today," Ken said. 

Victor became more respectful to Ken. 

So, that afternoon, after work was over, Victor met Rami in her office. Rami looked happy when Victor arrived. 

"You arrived on time," Rami said as she looked at her watch. 

"I want to buy coffee at the café. Come with me," Rami invited. 

"Let me just buy it and bring it here," Victor said. 

"No!" Rami refused. "I'm going to work late, and I need coffee and a different scene before continuing my activities in this room."

Victor was stunned. He couldn't digest Rami's intentions and purpose in going out of the room to get coffee, when she could ask OB to make coffee and deliver it. 

"Do you understand what I mean? I need a change of atmosphere before I get stuck here again," said Rami. 

"Oh, okay. I understand," Victor replied.

He became easily confused because his heart was restless. The calamity of losing money has broken his concentration.

Rami smiled relievedly. Then, she took a sling bag and put the strap on her shoulders. The milk brown bag looked sweet on Rami's waist wearing a khaki dress. Her high heels knocked on the floor when they came out together. 

They didn't meet anyone in the elevator even at the café. Four o'clock in the afternoon is the time when employees will make shift changes. Most employees who have finished work will choose to go straight home instead of hanging out at the mall. That's why they don't find employees in the café. 

"I've heard your problem from Ken. Do you think you can divide the time?" Rami spoke directly to the heart of their meeting. 

Black coffee and brownies are on the table. The café implements self service. Each customer brings their own drinks and snacks that they order. Brownies were already on the counter, Rami chose them after ordering an americano. Once the americano is made, the brownie of choice and the glass of americano are on the same tray. Rami just needs to bring it to the table. 

Victor carried sweet iced tea in a plastic cup. Does not require a tray. Usually he would order a hot americano and red velvet cake, but because he was on a budget, he chose iced tea which cost less than americano. 

"I promise, I can divide the time," Victor replied. 

Rami saw Victor reassuring her with his attitude. Rami smiled to respect Victor's decision and attitude. 

"Actually, I don't want you to do it. I know you are in a state of restlessness. That's why you tried your luck with the others to make sure you were in a stable situation soon," Rami sighed and noticed if Victor listened to her. 

Victor listened with an uncertain feeling. He began to question his decision to go to Amel's agency and try to become a model. 

"Even so, I won't forbid you to do it. With the condition that you can manage time and do modeling activities only on your holidays. For example, you get a job to be a model, so make sure it is done on your holiday. Can you confirm such a thing?"

Victor was pleased with the tolerance Rami gave. He felt a great opportunity to try to become someone who was successful in the modeling world. 

"I'll make sure it can be done," Victor said excitedly.

Rami could also feel Victor's overflowing spirit. He himself is proud of being able to give someone a golden opportunity. It's just that, at the same time she also feels sad because she may have to find a new employee. 

"Besides, I don't want to see your performance here decline. Last month you maintained it well and even had Top Buyers."

"I'll try!" replied Victor.

Rami was pleased with Victor's spirit. She always sees Victor as having positive energy and can bring good luck. 

"Thank you," Victor said. His face flashed with happiness. He sees Rami as a wise figure at this time. 

"I don't want you to complain that we didn't give you a chance. So, try it while you have time. I know that you physically do have the qualities to be a model."

Victor became proud of himself until for a while he forgot the fact that his body was shaped by Falcon Face. He has been facilitated with a high price to do body shaping. 

"The old you are really unattractive. However, I got your potential from the first time I saw you in the interview room," Rami said. 

Victor checked his arm. He remembers that his arms used to seem to have no muscles, as if they consisted only of bones and a little flesh and wrapped in skin. 

Recalling the past made Victor realize something important. 

"Thank you, for the facilities you provide," Victor said. Then began to think it would not betray Rami's trust in him. 

Rami nodded. 

"Well, because our core business is done. How about we just talk casually, like friends?" Rami changed the topic because he didn't want to discuss it anymore. 

Victor didn't know how to be relaxed in front of an HR chief. 

"I heard that Ken is going to give you one of his rooms. If you stay with him, it will make it easier for me to find you if anything happens to you," Rami said. 

This made Victor feel gaffe. What does she mean if something happens?

"You know Luis closely, right?" asked Rami.

Victor experienced a little pressure with the question. Previously, Ken was even forced to replace Luis's job. 

"He hasn't come to work since three days ago without any news. I couldn't reach his cell phone. The people in the Candy for VIP division and his mentor in the store reported it to me. Do you know roughly where he is now?"

Victor was quite surprised to hear the news. It is true that in the past few days he has not seen Luis. Usually he would easily meet Luis in the dressing room.