Awakening Power

When Ken was drinking coffee, Victor was suddenly excited. 

"Yosh! I will master it and take my money back! Teach me!" 

Ken almost choked. 

Ken was speechless, he wondered how Victor could not realize the risks of mastering that power. 

"Are you aware of what you said?"

"One hundred percent sober!" exclaimed Victor. 

Ken took a deep breath and held it for a while before exhaling it. 

"Okay! I'll teach you," Ken said, finally making Victor cheer with joy at the hope that his money would come back. 

"But not now!" said Ken, surprising Victor.


"Because I need time to figure out how and also... look at what time it is," Ken pointed to the wall clock he posted on the wall.

Victor turned his head looking at the wall clock, it was already four o'clock in the morning. 

"We have to sleep. We are not off work today. Let's discuss this again later after we get off work, okay!" Ken forces Victor to accept his decision. Ken quickly walked into the room before Victor stopped him.

Ken sighed in the room and could finally feel relieved. 

"Is it possible that I can teach him?" Ken asked himself. He then went to bed and tried not to think about the problem anymore. 

Meanwhile, Victor did not dare to sleep in the room. He was afraid of nightmares. Since having a dream of seeing two human-like creatures eating humans, Victor has been afraid to sleep. 

"I don't want to dream of seeing them again," Victor said to himself.

Victor chose to drop his body on the sofa. He stared at the door of Ken's room. It occurred to him to bang on the door, but he didn't. 

"I'm more afraid of being driven out by him," Victor said to himself. 

Victor's eyes began to close. However, he was jolted awake again. 

"Damn! If I sleep, I can have nightmares. I don't want that nightmare anymore," Victor said to himself in his mind. As a result, Victor paced back and forth in the living room without turning off the lights. 

While Victor was restless from fear of nightmares, Ken was already closed and sleeping soundly. Ken woke up at exactly seven o'clock in the morning. Although he slept late, his body that was used to getting up at seven o'clock in the morning woke him up. It was a system that formed on itself a long time ago.

When he opened the door, Ken was surprised to see Victor lying on the sofa in his living room. If you open the door of his room, the view of the living room will be immediately visible. Ken is astonished by Victor's choice, but Ken does not wake him up. Ken thought, time was still quite long so Victor could sleep a little longer. 

Ken went to the kitchen to prepare his own breakfast. Ken bakes bread and also brews coffee. Both scents turned out to be successful in making Victor's nose deflated. Victor woke up. 

Ken could see Victor's back from the kitchen. 

"Are you awake? Or is it delirious?" Ken likes to start the morning with a cheerful atmosphere, so when he gets a roommate, he thinks it's okay to jail Victor a little. 

Victor replied with a wave of his hands only. 

Ken snorted. Victor got up and staggered to the kitchen table. 

"I want breakfast too," Victor said. 

"You can sleep again and have a day off. I will tell HRD if you are sick."

Victor rejected Ken's kindness and suggestion by waving his hand. 

"If I stay here alone I'm afraid of them being visited," Victor said.

Ken, who was pouring coffee from the Coffee Press, looked up. "Oh, you are right. They can come from anywhere and anywhere. Some can even teleport. If they know you live in my place, they will easily capture and eat your life energy! Until making you ashes!"

"Woi!" Victor stops Ken who is trying to scare him. 

Ken laughed at Victor overreacting. He didn't expect that the young man would be affected. 

"I didn't expect you to be scared so easily," Ken still laughed and shook his head. 

While Ken was pouring coffee into the second cup, suddenly something terrible flashed through Victor's mind. 

"Ken, you said, were ashes just now? Can a human being who is drained of energy be reduced to ashes?"

Ken stopped pouring coffee and tried to listen to Victor's question. Victor repeated his question again and only then did Ken understand what he meant. 

"I was just kidding," Ken said, then put the Coffee Press onto the table. He handed Victor one of the cups of coffee. 

"It's impossible, right? I mean, neither Phantom nor half-phantom will be able to turn humans into ashes... Isn't it?" Victor remembered the ashes he found in Luis's room. 

Ken was surprised by Victor's question because it clearly led to something. Hopefully it's just his fantasy, Ken thought. 

"What's wrong with that question... Try to explain, what makes you think that way?" Ken walked to the dining table and sat down. 

Victor took a sip of coffee first. But the hot temperature burned his tongue. Victor was too careless.

Ken didn't even comment on Victor's carelessness. It seems that Ken is getting used to it. 

Because the tongue was burning, the sleepiness that was still lingering in Victor's eyes disappeared instantly. He can also go into detail about the ashes in Luis's apartment room. 

Ken held his chin. 

"I've heard those rumors before. But, if that happens, they say the creature not only absorbs its energy, but absorbs all parts of the human being. I never knew such a thing actually happened."

Victor became a little relieved. "That means the ashes I found in Luis's house are really just dirt, right? I must have overthought."

"Just in case, how about I take a look?"

"Can you distinguish human ashes from not?"

"No," Ken shook his head and Victor's enthusiasm disappeared. He couldn't tell the difference either. 

They then fell silent. Victor and Ken enjoy coffee and toast without jam in silence. 

Ken quietly went into his room again and took a shower. Victor also did the same. He walked into the room and took a shower. They prepared to leave for the office without saying much. 

Victor rides Ken's car as Ken promised. Just arrived at the parking lot, Ken received a message from Rami. 

Ken read the message and frowned. 

"Any problems?" asked Victor who noticed the change in Ken's expression. 

"I got a message from Rami that Mario wants us to go to his office," Ken said.

"Mario? Who is he really?" Victor almost forgot that he had targeted Mario as his VIP customer. Victor didn't know that Mario worked here. 

"You haven't forgotten yesterday's events, right?" 

Victor shook his head. "It's still clear in memory, like bold!"

"Mario saw the incident. Maybe he called us in connection with yesterday's events."


Ken just remembered that Victor fainted when Mario appeared. 

"Ah, that's right. You fainted when he came. Why could I forget?" Ken patted his front head. Then turned to Victor again. He seriously said, "Listen to me, there are some things I forgot to tell you last night, so now I will tell you."

Finally they talked in the car. 

"Mario and Aditya have a security team that is also of phantom descent, meaning they are half-phantom. They can erase the memories of people who saw yesterday's events. So, don't ask our colleagues about yesterday's events, they will definitely think you are delusional."

Victor learned to accept this information even though it sounded very ridiculous to him who was not used to it. 

"And also... listen carefully, Mario and Aditya actually are...."

Ken mentioned their job title.

Victor was surprised not to play. "You used to say you don't know who Aditya is!"

Ken was astonished himself. "Is the Aditya we are now discussing the same person?"

"Oh, that's right, it could be a different person. Only the name is the same," Victor muttered. 

"So, don't just conclude," said Ken. He really doesn't know who Aditya is, who is Victor's VIP customer and even becomes Top Buyers. Ken didn't think it was the same person. 

"So they want to meet us? What for?" 

Ken was surprised at Victor again. "Should I repeat my explanation again?"

Victor looked innocent and squeezed Ken. 

"I don't know either. Obviously, let's meet them first. I suspect they want to ask about yesterday's events."

"What do they want?" 

Ken twitched his shoulders. He got out of the car, followed by Victor. The two did not head to their respective dressing rooms as usual, but entered the elevator to Mario and Aditya's offices which were on the same floor and room. They have an office on the top floor.

Ken did not speak during the trip. Victor could see that Ken was tense. At the moment of realizing that, Victor became uncomfortable because he didn't know what was making Ken tense. Surprisingly, Ken seemed more relaxed when the elevator reached the floor they were heading to. 

"Does he come here often?" asked Victor to himself when he saw Ken looking used to Mario and Aditya's office location.