
Mario stood in front of Victor. "Let me explain it later," he said. 

Mario approached Victor and touched Victor's head. He was trying to awaken something asleep in a realm very deep inside Victor. 

Victor gasped.

Light burst out from the nine orifices of his body. 

Mario let go of his hand, quickly walking backwards knowing something was going to happen. Victor vomited. He spewed clear water on the floor. Victor felt dizzy and gasped afterwards. 

The two hadn't spoken for a long time. 

"What happened?" asked Victor. 

Mario observed Victor. 

"It's okay. You will know it later. Now, you can leave."

Mario's attitude irritated Victor. Why not explain what just happened? 

Victor didn't want to leave without getting an explanation. However, Mario didn't want to open his mouth. Mario actually closed his eyes as if trying to disappear silently. 

Over time, Victor felt that it was useless to stay in front of Mario. Finally, Victor walked out of Mario's room. He pressed the elevator button and went downstairs. It's noon and he has to rush to the store. Ken was probably already waiting for him there. 

Victor stood sculpting in front of the elevator when he reached the intended floor. He should have gone to the locker room immediately to change his clothes into work uniforms. However, his eyes saw many things very differently than usual and also very strange. 

"What is this? Are people wearing costumes?" muttered Victor as he watched passers-by in the mall seen wearing animal clothes. Many also don't. Victor tried to digest the situation. If you look carefully, the costumes worn by people look real, not costumes. 

Victor walked slowly towards the dressing room. He does not want to be reprimanded by HRD who can pass at any time. Every time they passed Victor's people, they couldn't help but look at them in surprise, on the contrary, people were uncomfortable being stared at by them. Victor thinks they are weird, why are they so confident in wearing costumes in the mall? Is there a specific celebration? As he recalls, there wasn't any event that required people to wear costumes.

Victor meets one of the security employees. They passed each other, and Victor saw the person's back. He looked at the tail behind the person. "Dog?" Victor asked himself. 

Victor shook his head. "Impossible! Everyone is doing costume parties? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

Victor walked backwards and hit someone. Victor turned his head and his feelings became bad. He was confronted by a blond man. The man approached Victor. 

"Who is he? What's around him?" asked Victor in his mind. Victor walked back in fright. Around the man's body was a black mist. Moreover, the man's face looked vaguely fleshless. Victor shook his head again, blinking his eyes so that he could focus, but the look in his eyes remained out of focus.

The man who was approaching Victor was none other than Zi, the Black skull Phantom. He walked slowly and enjoyed the fear Victor felt. The nanaric look, the heavy breathing, the sweat that began to shed, Zi enjoyed the terror that appeared on Victor's face. 

"Can you see my true form?" asked Zi in a low voice.

Although it was low, the sound became like millions of sharp needles raining down on Victor. Victor's body became heavier and heavier to move. The blood in his body seemed to stop flowing. Victor couldn't make a sound. 

Zi smiled creepily. He then did nothing to Victor. He walked away contentedly. 

Victor fell to his feet. For a while he didn't move from where he was until a security guard reprimanded him. Victor was taken aback. 

"Sir, are you okay?" The security guard tried to help Victor to stand up.

Victor was still trembling from seeing Zi. He couldn't answer the security guard's question with his voice. He gave the security guard a code with a nod of his head, that he could control himself. 

"Want me to take me to the infirmary for employees?" The security guard looked at the name tag Victor was wearing. The name tag shows that he is an intern at Falcon Face Mall. 

"No need, sir, thank you. I'm too late. Must change immediately. Thank you," said Victor who hurriedly moved away from the security guard. 

Victor arrived in the locker room. No one was there. Victor, who had not been able to calm down, calmed down first.

"Who is that person? Human or demon? Satan?" Victor spoke to himself. He trembled again. However, he could not be in such a state for a long time because he had to work immediately. 

Victor came out and looked around. Nothing unusual. People who were previously seen wearing costumes are no longer visible. Actually, the costumed humans Victor saw were actually half-phantom who lived peacefully and visited Falcon Face. They are half-phantom creatures who choose to live like humans. 

Victor finally ignored all that and went back to work. 

Victor met Chelsea in the store. Chelsea, the woman guarding the cashier, greeted Victor back. She didn't mention the slightest incident yesterday. Victor didn't see Ken in the store. 

"Did you see Ken?"

Chelsea shook her head. "I heard that you live with Ken. Didn't you set off with him?"

Victor was so confused. "We set off together. It was separated … because he was called by..." Victor stopped talking. Should I tell him?

"Who is it called?" Chelsea asked.

"That... HRD," Victor replied, deciding to keep their meeting with Mario and Aditya a secret. Victor didn't want Chelsea to become hysterical because they had just met their CEO. 

Chelsea once told Victor that their CEO was very mysterious. Never met ordinary employees. His attitude is also cruel, being able to fire employees without ever seeing his achievements. If the employees make a mistake that is considered fatal, then the CEO will just fire the employee without ever seeing that person. Even so, every employee dreams of meeting the CEO in person, because it means that employee has a special place in the CEO's heart. There used to be a female employee who was specially called on the top floor, which was the CEO's office. A day later the woman had already turned into an executive special employee. 

"In that case, maybe Ken is still talking to Rami, our HRD chairman. Rami is the one called him, right?" Chelsea responded casually. 

"Maybe," Victor said hesitantly.

Victor looked around, no customers came in yet. This is an opportunity to test something. 

"Chelsea, didn't there be an extraordinary incident yesterday? How are things going around?" he asked. 

"What extraordinary events do you mean?" Chelsea thought. 

"People fight...." Victor tried to explain. However, Chelsea seemed completely clueless, so Victor stopped finding out. 

"There were no people fighting, there was a devastating earthquake. Fortunately, our Mall building is strong. So even if there is a sway, it is not damaged and will never collapse. But, our shelves had fallen and broken. Didn't you hit a shelf that fell unconscious yesterday? Your head was injured, so Ken took you to the hospital."

Victor was stunned. Why did the story change in such a way?

"Are you having a concussion? Until you think there are people fighting here," Chelsea looked at Victor with high pity.

Victor didn't know what to say and couldn't help but laugh. Victor walked away from Chelsea. 

Chelsea felt strange about Victor's behavior. 

Their conversation also came to a halt as some diners walked into the store. Victor became the front liner alone that day so it was busy. Ken didn't return until Victor's working hours were over.

Victor returned to the locker room. "Where is Ken really? He didn't come to work even though he was already here. Where did Aditya take him?" 


Aditya takes Ken to a boxing arena. The place is not far from the office. 

"I wonder how strong you are. How long have we known each other?" asked Aditya. 

"I worked here only a year ago," Ken said, sarcastically. 

Aditya snorted. "I didn't ask since when did you work at Falcon Face." 

Ken grinned. He would not answer how long they had known each other.

"We have our own paths. What are you still taking care of me for?" asked Ken to Aditya. 

Aditya doesn't want to talk to Ken anymore. After finishing putting on the boxing gloves, they immediately faced each other. There is no referee among them. Aditya has already driven everyone away. They can fight until one of them confesses to surrender. 

Aditya and Ken are both stubborn. They are unwilling to admit the superiority of each other's strengths. They kept pointing fists at each other. They also did not hesitate to use the stealth power they had. Aditya opens the domain first and Ken is in Aditya's domain. Generally, a half-phantom or phantom trapped within the opponent's domain would be weaker. However, there are always loopholes. 

They are not half-phantom children yesterday afternoon who just played domains, so each of them has high endurance. Since childhood, the two have known each other. They both grew up around Falcon Face. However, an incident made them lose their property rights to Falcon Face.