A Normal Day

Grayfia came in and placed the cold orange juice on the table then stood beside me as she looked at Hati with curiosity.

"Thank you Grayfia," I said in my usual tone and drank the juice.

After I finished it, I looked back at Grayfia who was still standing silently.

"Grayfia this is Hati, he will be staying with us from now on," I said in my flat tone as I stroked Hati's head.

"Certainly Master," Grayfia said but she looked at Hati who flinched a little then looked at me again.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her.

"No master, would you like to eat today's dinner early?" she asked me as nothing happened.

"Yes, I have to go early tomorrow morning. And use this however you want." I said as picked up my laptop after I gave her the Orc kings meat.

"Then I will prepare the dinner master." She said as she walked inside the kitchen with the meat in her hand.

"Why are you so tense?" I asked Hati who was still shaking a bit.

"WOOF!?" he cried out as plopped down on the sofa.

I shook my head as I looked at the comments after I posted the chapters I had for today the novel has reached Chapters 22, and 24 if you include the prologue and the interlude. The last chapter for the first arc of Re: zero has been posted today.

The first arc is about Natsuki Subaru's arrival in the new, mysterious world he has been summoned to. There, in the Kingdom of Lugnica, he decided to help a silver-haired, amethyst-eyed girl with recovering her stolen insignia. However, he ends up being murdered by someone, but Returns from his death, and decides to use this ability to save that girl from her predestined death. this is the summary of the first arc.

This web novel is making waves on the internet, with many reviews that ranged from good to bad but the bad ones were negligible and so stupid that people didn't pay them any attention.

The web novel version of Re: Zero has been successful with over 5 million views and it is still climbing. The demand for ACG culture in this world is really high but the supply isn't enough.

I posted on Twitter that the 1 arc of Re: Zero ended today, just to let the publishing companies know that now is the best time if they want to make the most of the opportunity. and to make them act fast I already have two companies in mind and all I have to do is set a date for the meeting.

And I got a DM on Twitter it was from TAKI a popular Blogger.

TAKI- Thank you For the Amazing Arc, Tenjou-Sensei, and thank you for letting me make a full review about the first arc.

YOU- There is no need to thank me, it is also thanks to you that many people are reading the web novel.

TAKI- You are embarrassing me Tenjou-Sensei the novel is so good that I am sure people will read it even without me telling them to.

YOU- ok then, But Thank you once again.

TAKI- Oh, Thank you as well.

The person I talked to is one of the most respected bloggers in the ACG community on the internet. From what I know every novel he promoted was out of his own personal recommendation he never takes money to promote any work and does it on his own accord.

He messaged me two days ago to ask me if he can make a review on my book and post it on his blog. I had no problem with it and I even gave him the complete first arc so that he can read ahead, Of course, this is a measured move as the person in question is a reputable person so I don't have to worry about him posting the chapters and even if he does I can easily fix it. He can get the novel proper attention so why not use the opportunity and make it bigger.

I was looking at the comments for the new chapter and placed my laptop on the table and walked towards the bathroom with Hati. Who was a bit confused as to what was happening at the moment.

"Grayfia I'm going to take a bath," I said as I passed by the kitchen.

"Ok.....Master, are you taking Hati with you?" Grayfia paused as she turned around.

"Yes, I don't know how long he has been in the wild so I have to give him a good wash," I said as I looked at Hati who was shivering for some reason and I looked at Grayfia who was looking at him.

"Grayfia is everything alright?" I asked her because she was acting a bit differently since I came back.

"No master, everything is fine. Then I'll continue making dinner." Grayfia said with a smile as she busied herself again.

'I pity this kid a bit...' the voice in my head said.

'….why?' I asked.

'…' and there was no answer again.

I looked at Grayfia who was immersed in her cooking with her back towards me and walked towards my bathroom.

I removed my clothes and looked at the bathtub…..

"It's too small…." I muttered as I sighed then I took out a cube from my item box, it was the ultra-luxurious outdoor bath set.

'Geez talk about a tiring name.' I thought as I filled the cube with my magic and saw a status screen appear in front of me it had a list of different types of baths.


Japanese Cypress (Hinoki) bath

Salt bath


Electric bath


'I'll go with the hinoki bath, and I should rebuild this house soon. There are many inconveniences here, the bath being one of them.' I thought and the cube expanded and a Luxurious hinoki bath that can hold up to 10 people appeared in front of me as a veil covered us.

"WOOF!!" Hati cried out in surprise as he tried to run away.

"You aren't going anywhere, come with me I don't want you to litter around the house," I said as I pulled this wolf cub under the shower and washed him with the body soap that was inside the bath set. I also washed my head and body after I was done with Hati was whining on the ground.

And after washing my body thoroughly I settled into the steamy hot bath with Hati.

"Who would've thought that you are a girl, huh," I said as I wiped Hati slowly.

"woof woof woof!!" she whimpered as if saying 'You didn't listen.'

"Come on now don't put that much thought into it," I said in my usual tone as I wiped my body and wore a white t-shirt and purple pajamas.

'I didn't know you were a Lolicon….' The voice in my head sounded.

'….what are you talking about?' I was really lost at the moment.

'... just go away I don't want to talk to you.' The voice said and fell silent.

I shrugged my shoulder as I walked out of the bath with Hati following me as we walked towards the kitchen to see Grayfia placing the food on the table.

"Master please sit down and eat the food while it is still hot," Grayfia said as she asked for my towel and I gave it to her it has been the normal routine.

"Then I'll eat, come back quickly," I said as she takes a lot of time when she goes to put the towel in the wash basket.

"I will Master, and Hati's food is by the foot of the table so make sure you eat it," Grayfia said as she looked at Hati who hide behind my leg.

'What is happening here? Does she not like pets or something.' I am seriously confused.

'Sigh*,' the voice inside my head sighed heavily and I sat down as Grayfia did her normal routine as I ate the stew she made from the vegetable from the other world with orc kings meat and Grayfia came back quickly this time.

And we ate as we do every day silently, which is lost when Marin comes over.

"The food was delicious as always," I said as I stood up.

"WOOF!!" Hati also chimed in as he licked his bowl clean.

"You dirtied your face come here," I said as I squatted down and wiped Hati's face which was smeared with sauce.

"Woof~!" she cried out as I wiped her face.


I looked behind to see a spoon dropped on the floor as Grayfia was petrified on the spot.

"What happened Grayfia?" I asked her causing her to break out of her daze as she coughed and picked up the spoon with a light blush.

"I was thinking about something and my hand slipped sorry Master." She said as she bowed a little.

"Don't mind it," I waved my hand as I stood up.

"Just take care of yourself alright," I said as I walked towards the corridor.

"I will, Master," Grayfia said as she continued her work and walked towards the living room and sat down on the sofa with Hati curling up into a ball right next to me and looks like she fell asleep.

I wrote some chapters and Grayfia came in as she stood beside me as always.

After some hours I stood up and stretched my body.

"Master would you like a massage?" Grayfia asked.

"I would love it," I said as my body was a bit stiff after I got my magic circuit. The painful process and the usage of pure natural mana strained my body a bit.

"Then I'll prepare Master's room," Grayfia said with a slight smile and went towards my room as I picked up Hati then walked towards my room as well.

I saw Grayfia standing near my bed and looked at me as I entered.

"Master please lay down on your stomach." She said and I placed Hati on the bed then took off my T-shirt and lay down on the bed.

Then Grayfia started massing my body and I fell asleep during the massage again and had the same dream again.....


'Hmm….What is this…..' I felt something soft on my body as I regained my senses.

I am a really heavy sleeper when I know that I am not in danger, so it is hard for me to wake up.

I opened my heavy eyelids to see...