
"Master, I was about to wake you up," Grayfia said as she saw me open my eyes.

"Yes, I have to go somewhere. YAWN*" I yawned as I picked up Hati who was sleeping on my chest and placed her on the bed.

I looked at Grayfia who was looking at Hati causing her to flinch and wake up to look around her. Hati was on edge as Grayfia looked at her.

'Is that a new way to wake up someone?' I thought as Grayfia looked at me with a slight smile.

"Ok, Master please freshen up I'll get the breakfast ready," Grayfia said as she walked out of the room after I nodded.

"Ok calm down, she isn't a bad person," I said as I patted Hati who looked at me.

"WOOF?!" she cried out asking if I was sure and I smiled lightly as I climbed down from my bed which doesn't help with nightmares at all.

'Sigh*' I sighed in my mind as I washed my face and walked towards the kitchen with Hati following me.

I sat down at the table to eat breakfast which is French toast and coffee. And Grayfia gave Hati her breakfast and then sat down to eat with me.

"Thank you," I said as I ate the food and then looked at the time.

'It is already 7 A.M. well they can wait….' I thought as I finished my coffee and stood up to take a quick shower.

After changing into the clothes I took from the cabin I walked towards the secret door with Grayfia and Hati following me.

"Then Master, I hope you have a nice day," Grayfia said as we reached the door.

"Why are you saying that You are coming with me," I said to her causing her eyes to widen a little and the edges of her lips to turn upwards slightly.

"Do you have something to do?" I asked her.

"No, Master I don't. so please order me as you like." Grayfia said as she bowed.

'I don't know if she is saying it like that on purpose or not….' The voice in my head said.

'You are confused as well….' I answered back and then looked at Grayfia.

"Then follow me," I said as I turned around.

"Ok, Master." She said and we walked through the door to arrive inside the cabin where I changed into the armor I got from the Bloody Orge I'll make some for myself when I get used to blacksmithing more.

"Then let's go," I said as I looked at Grayfia who was still in her maid uniform with the black moon necklace around her neck. After she heard me she nodded and we walked outside of the barrier around the house and into the thick forest.

I was looking at the map to check the area and Hati was looking around curiously.

"GUAAAAAA*" And an Orc King suddenly jumped towards us and…..

He froze on the spot and turned into an ice statue and I saw Grayfia was looking at the Orc King then...


The statue broke into tiny pieces. It was something I expected so I didn't pay it any attention.

And we continued walking....

"You know it is about time you come out," I said as I looked to my right.


Third Person POV

Outside the Great Devil's Nest, there were a lot of people wearing armor and gathered together surrounding a luxurious-looking carriage. And three people stood near the carriage...

"Where is the person you were talking about?" the woman with wolf cut peach-colored hair asked as she looked at the blonde teenage girl who was standing near a luxurious-looking carriage as more than 50 soldiers secured the perimeter.

"Yuuya-sama must be on his way, Right Owen." The blonde-haired girl answered back as she looked at the middle-aged man that was standing beside her.

"Lexia-sama is right, as Yuuya-dono lives deep inside the forest he must be on his way, and he will surely come Sword saint-sama." the man named Owen said.

"Ok, then we'll wait a bit," The sword saint Iris knowblade said as she looked around.

'It is for my marriage, this is nothing. I can wait here all day.' Iris thought in her head.


The ground trembled as the soldiers were knocked off their feet and fell to the ground.

"KYAA*" Lexia screamed as she lost her balance but Owen supported her.

"Thank you ow- what happened why do you look so pale. Sword saint…-sama." Lexia panicked a little as she looked at the strongest person here because that was the only thing she could do.

'Why can't I be helpful? Even after I worked so hard why do I have to be a burden for others,' Lexia thought as tears formed in her eyes as she saw…..

Iris Knowblade who is the strongest holy was looking towards the Great Devil's Nest and....


With another series of shockwaves that shook the ground something flew in their direction and landed on the ground.


Or more it fell on the ground like a meteorite leaving a big crater and a cloud of dust in its wake.

The thing that fell on the ground stood up and…..

"A R-Rabbit…. Am I hallucinating?" Lexia stuttered as she looked at the scene.

"Kicking Saint what are doing here? And why did you fall here like this?" Iris said as she moved towards the kicking saint, her words gave the people present another shock as they were standing in front of a second Holy and the Holy was a Rabbit.

(Sword saint, now isn't the time for greeting we have to stop that thing….) The rabbit said with urgency in his voice.

"What are you talking about? What is that thing you are talking about?" Iris asked but she had already drawn her sword as she looked in the direction from where the rabbit flew from and saw a man walk out of the forest with a spear in his hand.

Iris was looking at the man slack-jawed. The reason being how handsome the man is and his demeanor with that noble aura that she had only felt from kings and even the many kings she has met failed in comparison, she couldn't believe a man like this exists.

'Wait do I look alright, are my clothes weird. I should check my appearance' Iris was in her own mind.

"Yuuya-SAMAAAAAAA" Lexia shouted as she saw the man walk out of the forest.

'I-Is that the man she was talking about,' Iris was both shocked and overjoyed when she looked at Yuuya.

"Kicking saint i think you have made a mistake, that guy is the disciple of Magic saint I came here to meet him and s-see if he is worthy of being a saint's disciple," Iris said as she avoided Kicking saints eyes at the end.

(He cant be magic saints student, he is a Evil and he is really strong as well.) Kicking saint said as he looked at the iris who was looking down while mumbling.

"Why? just when I saw some hope why does this happen? why? I want to get married why is it so hard? just when I found someone promising. no this has to be a misunderstanding that man cant be a Evil, yes I'll convince Kicking saint, yes yes." iris was mumbling

(Sword saint now isn't the time for this, we have to kill him now.) The rabbit said and broke Iris out of her daze.

"Hah, K-Kill him. Y-You damn bastard I just found such a good candidate and you want me to kill him. How about I kill you, huh." Iris shouted as she glared at the rabbit forgetting her intention to persuade him.

(Sword Saint this isn't the time to talk about your marriage, can't you feel it.) The rabbit said as he pointed at Yuuya with his Ears as his mouth twitched because of what he heard.

"What are you talking about I am looking at him pro-" Iris stopped mid-sentence and her eyes widened.

'A-are you kidding me? He is an Evil and a really powerful one.' Iris thought as she gripped the handle of her sword tightly. As she felt the dark aura that was inside the man's body.

(Have you come to your senses, that thing can be anything but human. We can't let that thing live or the consequences will be bad.) The rabbit said as he got into his stance.

'I feel I am standing in front of Snake that can devour me anytime. But we can do it, with the sword saint and me we can defeat this evil.' The rabbit thought.

'Why is my luck so bad, I found a promising candidate and he turned out to be an Evil, am I destined to live alone while taking care of cats.' Iris was crying inside her heart as she looked at Yuuya.

Everyone else was too stunned to even talk at the moment as they looked at the scene with their mouths agape.

"You know attacking someone after stalking them for days isn't something a creature with friendly intention would do," Yuuya spoke in his monotone voice as he propped the spear on his shoulder and looked at the two who were ready to fight.

(I have no intention of talking to an evil.) The rabbit said as Iris got ready to attack.

"What Evil are you talking about here? Well, it doesn't matter you attacked me. that is all that matters." Yuuya said he looked at two with his empty blue eyes.

'Are they mistaking me for someone else? Evil, that is what the rabbit called me when he attacked me earlier.' Yuuya thought as he looked at Lexia who was looking at him with tears in her eyes while thrashing around to run here but she was stopped by Owen.

'Why are they fighting yuuya-sama? wasn't he a disciple of a fellow saint, no please don't hurt him.....' Lexia was crying as she looked at the two saints and she felt her head hurt as an immeasurable pain passed through her head.