58 Funny

Yuuya walked along with the crowd and passed the school gates. He looked around and saw the school wasn't that big, it can be said to be an 'Ok' school it had two buildings both had 4 stories, With an indoor gymnasium and a football field.

"Class 3-D gather here and follow me," a fat male teacher with a square face said he was wearing a half sleeve t-shirt showing his hairy arms the t-shirt had blue and yellow vertical stripes. He also wore brown pants and brown shoes.

He was calling for the in-house students who have studied in the school during their middle school and are going to continue.

'I remember him, He is Shikakui Kao (Square face),' Yuuya immediately recognized the guy from his memory.

He was Yuuya's homeroom teacher during his third year of middle school and also the one that made his school life a living hell.

Yuuya just shook his head and walked towards him slowly gathering everyone's attention on him.

Even the teacher was shocked when he saw the super good-looking guy walk toward him.

'Was there a student like this in our school?' Shikakui scratched his head as he looked at Yuuya. Messy black hair, deep blue eyes, a handsome face that can mesmerize anyone with milky white skin that can make even women jealous. The only problem was that his face was devoid of any emotions, the boy in front of him was so good-looking that it made him jealous beyond belief.

'There is no way, I would've surely remembered if there was a guy like him.' He shook his head and thought this guy was probably mistaken.

"Kid I think you have made a mistake, I am calling for students who studied here in middle school," Shikakui said.

"But I studied here, I didn't know Shikakui-sensei's memory was this bad," Yuuya said in his usual tone.

"What is your name kid?" Shikakui had veins on his forehead. He was trying to be polite as this guy was good looking and he might get into trouble if he messes with him but now he will let this kid is humiliating him in front of everyone.

"Tenjou Yuuya," Yuuya said in his normal tone.


No one was able to utter a word as the teachers of the school and the students who studied here in middle school had their jaws hanging.

'No Fucking way, you are saying that Pig bastard turned into this in the span of 2 months, no way I believe this bullshit. How did this happen?' They all had the picture of the Yuuya they knew and then looked at the current one.

'NO NO NO NO NO NO, No fucking way.' all of them shook their head as fast as they could.

This left the new students and the parents confused as they didn't understand what was going on. They only whispered while waiting to see how the situation unfolds.

"K-Kid this is a joke right?" Shikakui asked as he put a strained smile on his face. There is no way he doesn't know what Yuuya looks like as he was the one was in-charge of making his school life hell.

"…Here look at this," Yuuya showed Shikakui his old and new ID cards without saying anything further.

The point was that he just didn't want to waste his time convincing someone who he is.

Shikakui looked at the IDs and it was no doubt that it was him.

'It is him, how did this happen?' Shikakui was just way too confused to say anything as he dumbly stared at Yuuya.

"I think we are delaying this a bit too much, it is better if you stop wasting everyone's time," Yuuya said in his monotonous as he took back his IDs from Shikakui who was still stunned.

"Y-You Are talking to a teacher, how dare you be so arrogant?" Shikakui was furious as Yuuya told him that he delaying everyone. This kid who didn't even talk back when he shouted at him and here he was telling him off.

Yuuya sighed at the stupidity of this guy he can already hear the murmurs of the students and parents who came to look at the school.

"Did you see that?"

"Is that how they treat students?"

"Maybe we should reconsider and go to another school?"

'No no what did I do? This is all going downhill,' Shikakui was in a panic as he heard the talks of the new students and the parents.

"Why is everyone crowding this place?" A gruff voice sounded from the school building bringing everyone's attention to it.

"P-principal," Shikakui looked back and saw a man in his fifties with grey hair and black eyes. He was on the thinner side and wore a black suit.

"What happened why are you stopping everyone?" The old man narrowed his eyes.

"S-Sorry principal it is this guy's fault he was talking back to me rudely," Shikakui said as he pointed at Yuuya.

"….Who are you?" the principal looked at Yuuya who was sighing at the stupidity of this guy but he saw that the eyes of the principal changed.

"Tenjou Yuuya," Yuuya said plainly.

"I see, Your name is Tenjou Yuuya, right?" The principal asked.

Yuuya nodded as he looked at the principal.

'What is happening? Why does he know my name? there is no way a principal will know the name of every student in his school,' Yuuya thought.

"Follow me to the principal's office," The old man turned back and walked into the building.

Yuuya just followed him as he knew that something wasn't right at the moment.

After a bit, they reached the principal's office as Yuuya entered after the principal and saw two familiar faces in the room.

"Yo stupid brother," Youta smiled smugly at him while wearing a black shirt and blue pants.

"So you finally came," Sora said haughtily as she smirked, she was wearing a white top and a pink skirt.

"What are you doing in a high school? Do you have too much free time? If you do then you should put it into studying." Yuuya said in his normal tone without heeding their taunts if you can even call them that.

"You Stupi-" Youta and Sora were angry as he stood up but before they could finish.

"Youta-kun and sora-chan there is no need to get angry with someone like him." The principal said with a smile as he sat down on his seat behind the desk.

'So he knows them, I have read enough novels to guess where this is going,' Yuuya thought of something funny but his face remained the same.

"Ahh, sorry Uncle Kasuki please continue," Both Sora and Youta said as they smiled.

'I can't wait for this,' Youta thought.

'Let's see how long you can maintain that look,' Sora was excited to see Yuuya's calm face crumble.

"So, why did you bring me here?" Yuuya asked him.

"Tenjou Yuuya-kun you are quite impatient," The principal said as he smiled.

"Of course, I don't have the entire day to waste here, I have things to do," Yuuya said while looking at the three in the room making them irritated.

'So you mean I have the whole day to waste away here, you brat I'll make you eat those words.' The principal thought as he calmed himself both youta and sora were also holding their anger as they wanted to see this stupid brother of their cry when he hears the next words.

"Well, Yuuya-kun here is the thing…." The principal paused for a bit to look at Yuuya who still had the same face without any expression.

'Let's see how you will react to this,' The principal smiled as he continued.

"..You can't attend this school." He said with a smug look.

'Let's see how you take this,' The principal looked up and saw Yuuya.

"Ok," Yuuya just nodded without being bothered by it.

'WHAT? THAT'S IT.' all three in the room were stunned as they saw his reaction, they thought that he would cry on the spot when he will know that he won't be able to go to school and end up wasting one year.

This is a big hit and the reason for this was that Yuuya from before only applied for this school and now the entrance exams for all the schools in japan have ended so there is no possibility of him going to another school now.

'And this is how he reacts he is acting it is someone else's problem.' The principal thought as he looked at Yuuya.

"W-what else can he do anyway," Youta said as he looked down on Yuuya.

"Y-yeah that is all you can expect from a failure." Sora chimed in as well.

'These kids, I guess it's alright.' Yuuya just shrugged as he looked at the principal.

"My parents told you to expel me from the school," Yuuya said in his usual tone making the twin's eyes widen in shock.