
"My parents told you to expel me from the school," Yuuya said in his usual tone shocking the twins but the principal was unfazed.

"…..No the reason you weren't allowed was because we don't have enough seats and as the one with the lowest score you were the one who was expelled." The principal said as he smiled.

"So my parents 'did' tell you that," Yuuya nodded.

"Hey, I am telling you they didn-" The principal's eyes were twitching as he was saying but…

"How much did they pay you?" Yuuya asked with his voice becoming a bit commanding and his eyes turned a little sharper when he looked at the dumbfounded principal.

"W-watch your mouth, I can sue you for slandering me." The principal said that but he was sweating a bit.

'W-What is this pressure?' The principal thought as he looked at Yuuya.

But the point is there is no pressure being released as Yuuya was just simply looking at him.

"Hey, how can you slander a great man like Uncle kasuki?" Youta said with a smirk.

"I guess he is our stupid brother after all," Sora said with a displeasing look on her face.

"100,000 yen?" Yuuya ignored the twins and looked at the principal.

"What are yo-" Youta and Sora wanted to say but Yuuya looked at him.

"Shut it and sit down, This is a lesson for you," Yuuya said in his usual tone as his eyes met with Youta and Sora sat down on instinct.

"This is nonsense, I'll ca-" the principal was about to pick up the phone but…

"1 Million?" Yuuya said shocking him as the principal looked at him.

"So it was under 1 million, huh." Yuuya nodded as he understood.

"Don't spout nonsense in front of m-"

"How much?" Yuuya asked as he cut off the principal.

"What?" The principal was confused.

"How did you become the principal of a school if you can't even understand this? I want to ask you how much will it take for me to attend this school?" Yuuya asked.

"Y-you who do you th-"

"5 million?" Yuuya said as he cut off the principal who was shocked when he heard his voice.

"What? Is that not enough, what about 10 million then?" Yuuya said while raising his eyebrow and shocked the principal further.

"T-There is no way he has that much money," Youta spoke as he stammered.

'What did he do to me? Why am I so scared of this pig?' Youta was screaming in his mind.

"B-Boy, you shouldn't talk big if you can't even keep your end of the deal." The principal smiled as he looked at Yuuya but he was still shaken.

Yuuya didn't say anything but instead, he took out his phone and clicked on it a few times then showed the screen to the principal.

"W-What?" the principal was shocked.

"You can have the money in this account if you let me study here, what about it?" Yuuya said in his usual voice without any emotions but to the principal, his voice was like that of a devil enticing him.

'How can a kid like him have so much money? Even his father only gave me 500,000 yen for this,' The principal thought as he looked at Yuuya in shock.

"No I can't break the rules," the principal said as he bit his lip even though he was enticed by the offer he had to play like this.

"Uncle, what happened? There is no way he can give money to you he is broke." Sora shouted.

'Oh really you brat, then how do you explain the 15 million yen in his account, did they just pop out of thin air or feel from the sky.' the principal snorted in his mind.

"This offer is limited you know, I can get admission in any school without any problems. I will think that you can understand my intentions, right?" Yuuya said as he looked at the principal who grimaced as he knew that there was no need for Yuuya to study here he can get into a good school easily if he bribes the right person.

'The only reason he gave me this offer was probably because he wanted to rub it in the face of his parents and siblings. That is a kid's thinking for you I guess. And then I can get more money from his parents like this I can benefit from both sides and make more money.' The Principal thought as he looked at Yuuya who didn't have much change in his expression and then he looked at the twins who were panicking out of their minds with their face displaying their troubles.

'The situation is fully reversed in a matter of months, But that doesn't matter because I can't let this golden chance slip by. This is a cash cow right here.' The principal was really tempted by the proposition of getting more money.

"…You will send it to me right, just so you know I have the last word on whether you can study here or not." The principal said as he looked at Yuuya trying to establish his superiority in the deal.

"I'll send it. Give me your account number." Yuuya said in his monotonous tone as the principal gave Yuuya his account details.

"Uncle you can't do this." Youta stood up as he shouted.

"Y-Yes you promised our parents, you are like family to us, how can you turn your back on us that easily?" Sora pointed at him as well.

"Well, I'll talk to them about this on my own, so you two can go out. And you don't forget to send that." The principal shooed them off with a sneer as he looked at Yuuya.

"Already did," Yuuya said.

"You sure are fast, I like it," the principal laughed as both Sora and Youta gritted their teeth while glaring at Yuuya.

Yuuya looked at them and shook his head in his mind.

"There is no need to glare at me, Virtue has always been as respectable as money in this world. In today's world, everything can be ignored as long as there is enough money to bury it." Yuuya said in his monotonous tone but he made sure the two heard his words clearly.

"Well said boy, that is a really accurate saying. I like you more and more." The principal was grinning ear to ear as he was waiting for the money to transfer while Yuuya just glanced at him before looking at the twins again.

'In face of overwhelming rewards, people tend to forget the consequences of the actions they took in order to get those rewards.' Yuuya thought.

Both Youta and Sora gritted their teeth further because their parents used the same thing to make Yuuya's life miserable and from the way, things are going are they going to be targeted next? They had seen that Yuuya had money on him and he wasn't afraid to use it.

'What will happen to us? He did tell us this was a lesson,' both Youta and Sora looked at each other.


The principal phone rang and he picked it up in an instant as he saw the name on it.

"Hello Board chairman, wh-"


But before he finish he was cursed at from the other side.

"W-What happened, sir? I d-didn't do anything" the principal said with a stutter.

-Then how do you describe the video I was sent about you extorting a student for money? You bastard do you have a death wish this video is already in the hands of the government officials along with proof of you taking money from parents on different occasions with voice recordings of your deals as well. If you want to die then do it yourself don't bring me into it, you're fired and get lost from the school this second.


The call was ended as abruptly as it came and the principal fell on his chair weakly.

"The government officials? I am done for Hahahaha," he laughed as he looked at the ceiling he was in denial of his current situation.

The reason for this was that education was taken really seriously in this world and there were strict rules about bribery and extortion if exposed it can lead to a long jail time.

This was also the reason that it would be a big deal if Yuuya missed a school year, if he did miss a year then his choice of schools will become limited as schools don't take students that are repeaters unless a viable cause for the student repeating the year is provided and in Yuuya's case that was non-existent because it was shown that he failed the entrance exam so he can't attend the school.

Both the twins were shocked as they looked at the principal who was slumped in his chair and then at Yuuya who was looking at them.

"W-Why?" Sora asked in shock.