
"Come on it will be fun," Marin ran after Yuuya trying to convince him to go to the cosplay convention held tomorrow.

But Yuuya kept on refusing till Marin had no choice but to use her ultimate technique.

"No," Yuuya refused again.

"Ahhh! Yuuya when a girl asks you to do something with teary eyes you need to do to accept the task no matter what," Marin cried out in frustration.

"Not in my script," Yuuya said his usual tone making Marin pout in unhappiness.

"Come on Ash you should go out with her," As amused as Apophis was she interjected in the conversation.

"Yes, Go out with me please," Marin also spoke with an earnest expression.

"Phrasing you two, anyway I don't feel like going out with anyone, above all she can go alone," Yuuya spoke calmly.

"That is the whole point, she can't," Apophis shook her head.

"I can't?" Marin had question marks on her head, she looked at Apophis while blinking in confusion as the latter only giggled in amusement before turning to Yuuya.

"You know that are all sorts of people at these cosplay conventions," Apophis said with a small smile.

"I mean there are photographers and other people who just come to look?" Marin said still not understanding where the conversation is going.

"Yeah those guys, some of them are dangerous, who knows what they'll do if Marin goes alone, So escort her, will you?" Apophis winked at Yuuya.

"Oh, I get what you're saying, I have seen something like that happen at a cosplay convention," Marin's eyes lit up as she understood what was going on.

"...Where?" Yuuya asked while side-eyeing Apophis who was smiling.

"In Doujins, there are like several of them, They are so funny as well," Marin laughed as Yuuya looked at her blankly, Apophis was covering her mouth trying to stop her laugh.

"Why don't you go with her Apophis?" Yuuya turned his attention to the main problem of the situation.

"I would if I wasn't tired from working All~ Night~ Long~ because of a certain someone," Apophis gave Yuuya a sweet smile making his eyebrow twitch once.

"Oi oi, I just heard something really spicy, come on give me the details," Marin seemed really interested in the topic and Apophis was about to open her mouth before…


A cosplay convention was taking place at Ueno Park, one of the most popular spots for hanami (cherry blossom viewing) in Tokyo.

The event is drawing large crowds of cosplayers, photographers, and fans, all eager to show off their costumes and enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms.

The convention is set up around the main path of the park, The cosplayers are also set up around the park, posing for photos and interacting with visitors. The cosplayers are dressed as a variety of characters from anime, manga, video games, and other pop culture media.

Visitors are able to enjoy the beautiful pink and white flowers while also immersing themselves in the cosplay community. The event creates a lively and festive atmosphere, with cosplayers and visitors alike enjoying the beautiful weather and the beautiful cherry blossoms.

And just there, right outside of the bustling park full of smiles and giggles stood Yuuya and Marin.

"…..Just kill me," Yuuya muttered under his breath.

"Come on Yuuya, it isn't like you're cosplaying a female knight, Haha," Marin laughed at Yuuya seeing him like that.

Yuuya rolled his eyes as they went inside the park looking at the various vendors selling cosplay props, wigs, and other accessories.

There are also food and drink stands, providing a variety of options for convention-goers. There are also panels and workshops on cosplay-related topics, such as costume construction and makeup techniques.

But Marin didn't seem interested in the last parts as her attention was stolen by something else.

Yuuya was able to stop Marin before she went and stuffed her face full of food and ruin her make-up. She had already changed into her costume ready to look around the area.

"This is so awesome~~! Wherever you look there are cosplayers everywhere, It is so amazing, and now it is my cosplay debut, I am so freaking pumped," Marin was looking around like a child who had come out to the marketplace for the first time.

"Is it just me or is everyone looking at us?" Marin wondered if everyone that passed by the two looked at them even the people who were just standing around, cosplayers included.

"It might be because your outfit looks so good," Yuuya said flatly.

"Fufu, that seems to be correct I mean we have the best breast pocket here," Marin laughed smugly while grabbing her own breasts.

"Stop doing that," Yuuya said as he hit Marin's head with a chop.


"Ouch, I am just telling the truth Yuuya, I am like so surprised at how you managed to pull this off, it makes my bust look bigger than it is, at first I thought stacking Nubras to increase the size but I don't need to, This is so freaking amazing, Like how did you do it?" Marin asked the question with stars in her eyes as this helped her get to look even more like Shizuku-tan, in truth Shizuku's cup size should be like Apophis. But Marin was 2 inches short of that and so she didn't know if it would look bad but to her surprise, it looked perfect.

"Just a sewing technique and padding, it only worked since you have a slim waistline," Yuuya answered as the two walked down looking for a spot for Marin.

"What? There is a technique like that? I totes didn't know about it," Marin looked amazed.

"You didn't know about lining, so I would be surprised if you knew about this," Yuuya completed his sentence even if he saw Marin pouting.

"Yuuya you have no tact when talking to a lady," Marin said with a giggle.

"I don't need to be tactful," Yuuya said as Marin shook her head, before she forgot about it because Marin saw a few people cosplaying her favorite characters while the two were trying to find a spot for her.

"Um, Excuse me can I take a photo?" Marin looked back to see a fat middle-aged man with a camera, he had a friendly smile and didn't look evil.

"Eh? Me?" Marin was shocked at first but then the next words caused her flip to switch.

"That is Kuroe Shizuku from Slimely girls 2, right?" The man asked as Marin beamed.

"Yes, it's Shizuku-Tan!!!" Marin shouted in excitement as she started to pose for the camera while Yuuya backed off and sat down on a bench nearby, there were quite a few around here since this is a cherry blossom viewing spot.

There were a lot of families sitting near the trees having a picnic with kids running about making the place even livelier.

Yuuya saw photographers line up in front of Marin just like they did with the other cosplayers.

'This is going to take a while,' Yuuya thought while looking at Marin. The photographers were enthusiastic as well, just not as much as Marin who was thanking them and taking commemoration selfies with them after they finished taking the photos.

Marin seemingly noticing his gaze looked towards him and smiled brightly with all of her heart. She seemed to be really enjoying it to the fullest. It was really the purest smile she could muster, full of joy and fulfillment.

'The temperature is unusually high today,' Yuuya thought as he looked at his phone after Marin started posing again.

The temperature today was 28 C when it normally shouldn't be over 14 C this time of the month.

As Yuuya was thinking about the weather he saw a young woman panicking with a crying four-year-old girl.

'Is that a lost child?' Yuuya thought as the young woman looked like she was a staff member working on the event here and happened to stumble upon the kid, now she was panicking as she can't get the child to stop crying.

She was looking around like a deer in headlights since she didn't know what to do, the people walking past her gave her weird stares but didn't offer to help her.

Thankfully she noticed Yuuya waving at her calling her over and she did since she had no idea what to do other than that.

"A lost child?" Yuuya asked as the girl reached in front of him.

"Y-Yes," The girl seemed on edge right now, Yuuya looked a bit scarier now that she saw him from up close. He might be good looking but the blank look was scarier for her than attractive.

"Didn't get her name?" The girl nodded at Yuuya's question, seeing that his guess was correct Yuuya looked at the crying child.


100 powerstones to go,