
"Yes, since Nii-chan didn't win Isamu want to share what she got, Ka-san always taught Isamu to share, Does Nii-chan not want it?" Isamu looked a bit sad at the end.

"…No I'll take it," Yuuya took the keychain as Isamu smiled while walking back to the bench, she seemed to be in a good mood right now.

They both sat down on the bench with Marin who was taking a little snack break at the moment.

"Isamu, Ah thank god, You're safe," A young man with purple hair came running towards their bench with a red-haired woman following him along with the event employee who found Isamu first.

It turned out Isamu came to Ueno park with them and she went missing while playing around chasing after the cherry petals.

"Nii-chan Bye, Weird Nee-chan Bye, Isamu is going now," Isamu waved back with a bright smile going away with the two who came. They had thanked Yuuya for a few minutes now and even apologized for troubling him. Though he didn't really think it was trouble.

"She is so adorable I can't help but want to take her away with me," Marin said with a weird grin.

"…Why are you moving away from me Yuuya?" Marin looked at Yuuya going to the other end of the bench.

"I don't want to be considered your partner in crime, that is all," Yuuya said flatly.

"Why do you take me seriously when I only say something weird?" Marin laughed as Yuuya didn't answer her.

"Anyway don't you think that Isamu's parents were too young? Maybe they married like super early? Or do they just look young?" Marin wondered since the couple looked in their early twenties.

"They aren't her parents, most likely relatives based on their age and what they were doing when Isamu was lost," Yuuya said plainly.

"What? they weren't her parents? How did you know that Yuuya? And what were they doing?" Marin was confused as she was too focused on Isamu.

"The man had lipstick marks on his collar and a little smudge of lipstick near his lower lip, The woman's lipstick was also a bit smudged same color as the one on the man, Most importantly, This isn't parental behavior as they keep an eye on the kid and wouldn't go on an escapade unless the child is old enough to not get lost, especially parents that are young they are more loving to their child and won't leave the child alone even for a minute, though they'll pester the kid by taking photos and videos making the child wish they leave him alone ...What happened Marin?" Yuuya stopped as he saw Marin blush a little.

"It is good that you didn't say that in front of them, they might've been embarrassed to death," Marin sighed before she looked at Yuuya.

"I just didn't see it being something necessary," Yuuya simply said since it wasn't that big of a deal.

"And here I thought I stumbled upon a doujin's plot that took place in real life, well it nearly did," Marin said with a thoughtful look.

"…" Marin covered her head instinctively as Yuuya was about to hit her head with a chop.

"Come on I was joking alright, Anyway, I'll be in a back bit alright?" Marin ran away from the bench to take a few more photos. Yuuya knew she wasn't joking, but he had no interest in knowing the plot.

It didn't take long for Marin to end her first day as a cosplayer. She had now changed into a black graphic t-shirt with skinny light blue jeans and black heels.

"Ahhh~ that was so fun, what about you Yuuya?" Marin was on cloud nine as she walked towards the exit of Ueno Park. It was already 5:30 as the sun was setting casting a beautiful orange color down on the park and the pink cherry petals looked even more magical at this time.

"It was ok," Yuuya responded as he carried a bag that had Marin's dress in it.

Marin smiled since she knew Yuuya had fun otherwise he would most likely complain saying he won't come again. The only reason she knew this was that Yuuya was vocal if he had any misgivings.

"Oh, Dango!! Yuuya let's go quick before more people gather," Marin shouted as she pulled Yuuya towards a small shop outside Ueno park that was selling Tri-color Dango which were very popular during the cherry blossom viewing season.

The shop still didn't have a large crowd since most of the people still haven't come out of the park.

"Dhis Ish sho Dood!! (This is so good!!)" Marin was smiling like a fool while eating the Dango. It was just that good, Marin was sure that Yuuya was enjoying it as well.

How did she know?

'How can I not when he smiles, although very slightly,' Marin had a hard time spotting how the corners of his lips were pointing upwards.

After eating the Dango the two walked towards the station trying different things along the way if they got the chance before taking a train back to Akasaka. It took them 10 to 15 minutes to reach the Akasaka station, and from there they started to walk back to Yuuya's house.

"Yuuya look at these photos, aren't they super perfect, like godly," Marin was showing Yuuya photos on her phone, these were taken by the photographers at the convention, and they gave her a copy of all of the photos they took.

Marin was of course happy to have them as she can upload some more great photos as there were some great ones that came out from these photos.

"The cherry blossom also sets a perfect background since Shizuku-Tan is introduced during the opening ceremony where the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, These are totes killers pics," Marin kept swiping through the pics showing Yuuya.

The cherry blossom added a lot more charm to her photos since it set with the game's setting and it was also visually amazing.

"Hmm? Why are there my pictures here?" Yuuya asked looking as his pictures with Isamu came up.

"Oh! This happened when you were looking after Isamu, A few photographers couldn't help but take it since you guys looked so cute," Marin said as there were pictures of Yuuya and Isamu eating ice cream, talking, or just sitting on the bench.

And she doesn't blame the guy who took the photos.

'They look so freaking adorable, Ah~ I mi~~ss Isamu already,' Marin was squealing her head since in a photo Isamu could be seen trying to copy Yuuya's flat look while sitting in his lap.

"Also they deleted it later after giving it to me, they also said sorry," Marin said with a smile, to be honest, she liked these photos a lot.

"I see," Yuuya didn't comment on the matter since it wasn't that big of an issue for him.

"These two days have been such a blast," Marin smiled happily, she got to become Shizuku-tan, she got to make her cosplay debut both online and in the convention, she had so much fun while taking the photos, and she met Isamu even though she'd like to not be called 'weird Nee-chan' it was fun none the less, The whole experience was something else.

'It was so much more fun than I thought it would be,' Marin thought while looking at the darkening sky.

"Yuuya I don't think I'll ever forget these two days," Marin said as Yuuya stopped in his spot making her look back as her eyes widened.

"…Even if you do forget them ...I'll remember them for you," Yuuya spoke after a brief silence looking at her with a small smile.

"…" Marin wasn't able to form words as she looked at him wide eyes for a few seconds before a single word came out of her mouth.

"…Okay," she was still frozen in place when Yuuya walked past her slowly.

"Hmm? How long do you plan on standing there? We'll be late for dinner if we don't hurry up," Yuuya said turning around.

"U-Uh, Huh, Y-Yeah," Marin followed Yuuya quickly as she felt her face turn fully red, She couldn't even think of anything else even after she reached her house that night after having dinner at Yuuya's place.

"Kugh, I can't get it out of my head," Marin wasn't able to think of anything but that smile this whole time, That smile had KO'ed her completely.

'It was different ...from before,' Marin thought as she had seen Yuuya smile a few times, once he smiled looking at her, normally smiled while eating desserts, and today when he smiled looking at Isamu.

"I didn't tell him about this one," Marin had hidden one of the photos in which Yuuya was smiling at Isamu. She didn't know why she did it, she just did it. Almost like she didnt want anyone else to see it.

She thought that this was the best smile he had ever shown till now but she was proven wrong.

'It was like he changed completely,' Marin thought as she remembered the smile. It was the same small smile a bit more pronounced, with his eyes softening dripping with affection as that blank gaze was filled with warmth and liveliness. Even if it was only for a moment...

'Yeah, I can never forget that,'


550 powerstones to go,