Difficult Situation

"Now Now, stop admiring you beautiful teacher and sit down, we need to take attendance," The woman smiled as she waved her hand while yawning once more.

But leaving her lazy attitude aside, the students listened to her and sat down quickly, she was still their teacher no matter how quirky she might appear, this was the basic level of respect they should have for her.

The woman nodded seeing the class was in order and began taking attendance, it didn't take long before she finished and no one was absent today. Well, it was the first day, who would want to miss that, right?

"Alright with that out of the way, I'll talk about some of the important rules of our school, you can address me as Sawada-sensei, Though I welcome names like Beautiful-sensei or something along the lines, as long as it is a compliment it is fine," Sawada nodded as she saw everyone was listening carefully even though they were smiling a bit dryly at her antiques.

"This is mainly for the new students who have just joined us, but those who have studied in the middle school here should also listen to this carefully since it is important and will affect your experience here," Sawada spoke a bit seriously unlike the vibe she gave off before.

"As you all know we have another school right next to us, But we do indeed share more than just the same island with them," Sawada explained to them the facilities Ousei academy shared with the Advanced Nurturing high school next door.

'These schools …really have too much money invested in them,' Yuuya thought as both schools seemed to have their individual facilities like a football ground, basketball courts, outdoor and indoor pools, dorms, baseball ground, gymnasiums, and the works. These were the facilities both of the schools had built separately for their students.

The facilities the two schools shared were, the library and the commercial area which consisted of different restaurants from normal ones to 4-star ones, cafes, karaoke, a cinema, A mall, an arcade, and convenience stores.

According to Sawada-sensei, this area was made for the students of the two schools to socialize and it was also convenient for the students that lived in the dorms.

'So, the students of the other school are supposed to live in the dorms for the next three years, cut off from the world in a sense ...That sounds quite good,' This was the information provided by Sawada-sensei of course, and even if Yuuya said it sounded wonderful, he knew full well that he wouldn't join the other school. There were a few reasons for this but the main reason was Apophis.

'I don't want to imagine what kind of tantrum she'll throw,' Yuuya could already feel a headache just by the thought. Anyway back on topic.

There were students in Ousei academy as well who lived in the dorms since the school had students from all over Japan, and to make it easier for them to get their daily necessities and other stuff out of the way.

They were free to use the dorms as long as they are students here and it wasn't even necessary for them to have a scholarship.

And another important detail was, one can only use points in the commercial area which can be acquired by exchanging them for yen at the office building that is situated right before the commercial area on Ousei's side, 1 yen equals 1 point and you can convert them back to yen as well.

Even then Yuuya could feel something was up with the way things were set up. Since the other school's students could only use points that were issued by the school itself and they could convert them from yen.

'Well whatever,' Yuuya didn't want anything to do with this as he listened to the teacher's next words.

"And transferring points between the students of the two schools is prohibited, unless a proper reason is given to their supervising teachers, If this rule is broken all of the students involved in the transaction will be expelled on the spot and you will lose your chance to study at Ousei academy," Sawada said with extreme seriousness.

The class's atmosphere was quite dire when they heard of expulsion, this showed how serious the offense was. Ousei Academy was too good of a school in terms of everything you expect from a school. So to be kicked out of this school was surely the last thing the students wanted.

'I told them about this just in case, it would be too bad if they get blinded by momentary gain and lose sight of the bigger picture,' Sawada mentioned this even when the teachers were told that it was alright if it wasn't mentioned, well they were told that every time they were given a new class and the teachers still chose to tell this information to the students since this lined up with their way of teaching.

"Well, with that out of the way, let's talk about how you guys can get extra points, Take it from an adult, It never hurts to have a little extra money," Sawada grinned after she saw that her students understood the matter.

The students of course paid full attention to her since after hearing about punishments, their anticipation for the rewards was high, and they weren't disappointed.

They ignored the part where she called herself an adult while behaving like a child. But that was just how she seemed to be.

So, The students could get points if they score high on written exams, or performed better in sports or arts they are good at. There were also special rewards for athletes who break national records and so on.

Ousei academy always sent students to different competitions if they are interested, whether it be regional level or national level. If the student had a recommendation from the teacher in charge of said field, they could participate without any issue or pressure to score big.

And if they achieve great results they are rewarded by the school on top of what they win at the competition.

"Well, that is all for the homeroom, you have the first period free, use it to get acquainted with your classmates since you will be spending the next three years with them or looking around the floor, I'll be going now kids, Welcome to Ousei Academy, Don't make trouble for meeeee~," Sawada yawned as she exited the class, it didn't take a wise man to guess what she'll do after this.

Ousei academy didn't do welcome ceremonies and instead gave the first year a free period so that they can better know their classmates with who they will be spending….

'...The next three years,' Yuuya shrugged as at this point his dream was trampled before it could even begin.

Students rarely ever dropped out of Ousei academy and even more rarely did a student join in midyear. So Yuuya had to stay with these same people for the next three years, well, he wasn't that worried about the others...

"Yuuya, let's go I'll show you around," Marin got up from her seat and pulled Yuuya out of the classroom at an unreal speed.

'I didn't ask for this,' Yuuya couldn't help but grumble at why he agreed to this.


"And this is the home economics class," Marin smiled showing Yuuya the classroom that was full of equipment needed to hold cooking classes, stoves, ovens, etc, the classroom was very well equipped and it showed how much the school spent on making sure there was nothing missing.

But there was another important question.

"Why have you brought me here?" Yuuya's question made Marin look away.

"W-Well I thought you would be interested since you know …..You like cooking," Marin tried to explain, or more like trying to make an excuse.

"No, what I mean is, why are we on the third floor?" Yuuya asked again.

The third floor was where all of the second years had their classrooms, along with other classes for subjects like home economics, art, and music, and there were also a few spare classrooms that can be used in case something happened to the other classrooms.

All of these classrooms were once again over-equipped with everything you'd ever need from these said classrooms. Well, this alone won't cause such a reaction from Yuuya but the thing was such facilities were also on the second floor where the first-year classes were, so why would Marin bring him up to the third floor when there was no need to?

'How do I explain this to him?' Marin's face was getting a bit red as she saw Yuuya looking at her, he was waiting for an answer.