
'How do I explain this?' Marin's face was getting a bit red as she saw Yuuya looking at her, he was waiting for an answer.

'I didn't know he would be that popular in class, if we stayed there he would surely be stormed, I did it for his sake,' Marin had felt that something was wrong the moment she came into the class, everyone was looking at Yuuya like he was some sort of exotic animal.

Even when the teacher walked out of the class she could see that Yuuya was about to be stormed by most of the people in the classroom who were curious about him.

[What Marin Thought Would Happen~]

"Hey, Will you be my friend?"

"You are so cute, can you give me your line ID?"

"Wah! You're so handsome,"

"Would you like to go to karaoke after school?"

'W-What do I do?' Yuuya was panicking looking at the people who were surrounding him and asking him all sorts of questions.

'I-I can't take this someone help me~!' Yuuya cried out for help since he didn't know how to respond to the situation, it was too much for him.

But just when Yuuya thought all hope was lost.

"Yare Yare, you all are scaring the guy," Marin walked into the group of people making them back away.

"Ah, Marin-Tama we were just curious,"

"Yeah, we were curious since he looked so cute,"

"Keep it under control next time, And, are you Ok?" Marin looked at Yuuya after addressing other students.

"M-Marin-Tama," Yuuya stuttered looking at Marin's gallant appearance, she was like a knight that came to his rescue.

"Ara, I may be Marin-Tama for the others but for you, my dear Yuuya, Haven't I told you to call me Marin-Chwan?" Marin leaned closer to Yuuya with a confident smile.

"...M-Marin-Chwan," Yuuya was blushing as Marin lifted his chin with her finger looking into his eyes.

"Yes, that is better, would you like to join me for lunch? I have made my special fried rice just~ for~ You~," Marin winked at Yuuya making him blush harder.

"Y-yes," But Yuuya quickly answered since he didn't want to lose the opportunity.

"I see, then let's go, My Princess," Marin smiled as she picked up the blushing Yuuya in a princess carry and walked out of the classroom.

'I Wuv her~~!!' Yuuya shouted in his mind as he looked at Marin's cool smile.

"Wahh, Marin-Tama is so cool,"

"But above that don't they suit each other, like too much,"

"Yeah, they are totes made for each other,"

"Yeah, they should just marry," The class was in an uproar after the two's exit.

[What Marin Thought Would Happen, End~!]

'Yuuya isn't good at dealing with people, so it would be really bad if he was surrounded, yesh I only did this to help Yuuya, Totes no other reason,' Marin thought as she laughed weirdly, well, we know why she is doing that, right?

'I don't think I'll get an answer from her,' Yuuya thought seeing the swooning Marin, she seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

'And I think I'll regret knowing what she is thinking so let's not touch the matter, Ignorance is indeed bliss,' Yuuya blinked looking at Marin, and to be honest it wasn't that he hated that Marin brought him up to this floor since it was all silent with no one in sight.

The second-year students were currently in class so they couldn't come out, but it was exactly because of this…

"Marin, wouldn't we be scolded if a teacher finds us here?" Yuuya asked since it was plausible the teacher would get mad at them for coming to a different floor.

"Ah, that won't be a problem, the teachers won't get angry at us coming up as long we don't disturb the ongoing classes," Marin seemed to have finished her imagination as she gave Yuuya a peace sign indicating that it was all chill.

"...You've done this before?" Yuuya asked and to no one's surprise, Marin nodded.

"The first year of middle school," Marin grinned like she had made a special achievement.

"Ok, let's go the roof, it should have a killer view," Marin said walking out of the Home Ec. Class going towards the stairs.

It appeared that she had done this before as well. And it also appeared that it was alright to do so since she seemed to have no fear.

'This school is surprisingly lax in most areas,' Yuuya thought as he looked at Marin who was climbing the stairs in front of him.

'...Black,' Yuuya sighed as he saw Marin's skirt flutter giving him a view of her panties, and no it wasn't on purpose as Marin seemed to be a bit lost in her thoughts.

"Marin, Where is your blazer?" Yuuya asked since Marin was only wearing the black shirt and the white skirt, she was wearing her skirt much higher than normal, which resulted in what happened a second ago.

"Oh That, I don't really like wearing them," Marin didn't really wear a blazer, the school was fine with that as well it seems since Yuuya had seen quite a few people wear their uniform differently.

"Why are you ask-" Marin suddenly stopped as she wondered why was Yuuya asking that. Marin was about to turn around but she froze in place as two hands come around her waist from behind her.

"Even if you are not wearing the blazer, You can tie it around your waist so that no one can look up your skirt when you are climbing the stairs," Yuuya said in his usual tone as he tied his blazer around Marin's waist.

He was standing just behind her leaning a little forward. To him, it didn't really matter much as he didn't pay much attention to it.

But to Marin, this did even more damage as she heard him speak so close to her ear that his breath tickled her ear and neck sending an electric current down her spine. Yuuya was really close to her and his words sounded something like this to her…

'I don't want anyone else to see up your skirt, it is a privilege only for me,' Marin gulped at the words that were wrapped beyond recognition as she turned around to see Yuuya.

He was still standing quite close to her as she looked into his eyes. His face was a lot closer since she was standing two steps higher than him.

"Understand?" Yuuya asked.

"Y-Yes," Marin answered since there was no way she could say no to this.

"That's good," Yuuya nodded seeing that Marin understood what he said. He was a bit relieved that he didn't need to talk too much to convince her.

'It would be better if she listens to me this easily all the time,' This would save him from a lot of trouble since Marin would be convinced if he says 'No' just once, but he knew that won't be happening.

When Marin saw Yuuya looking at the stairs blankly, it made her think that the latter was embarrassed by what he had done. And this only made him cuter in Marin's eyes..….

'I Wuv him so muuccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhh~~~!!!' Marin shouted in her head as she covered her mouth so that she doesn't really scream with over excitement.

In the end, the two decided to go back to the classroom since there were only about 10 minutes left before the second period starts.

'Also she looks a bit out of it,' Yuuya thought as he looked at Marin who had her head buried in her arms on top of her desk.

'He definitely saw up my skirt, didn't he?' Marin looked like she was questioning her entire existence.

'Damn it, how did I not prepare for this? My fellow people of culture, I have failed you all, please forgive me, Forgive me Yuuya,' Marin was crying since she didn't wear the special underwear she had for this situation.

'Must be something she ate in the morning,' Yuuya came to that conclusion since he could never forget the food Marin cooked, it wouldn't be surprising if she got a bad stomach once in a while.

She was full of energy just a few minutes ago. Though one can only imagine what Yuuya would say if he comes to know her real thoughts.

"Um, Hello," Yuuya was brought out of his thoughts by a girl who approached him. It seemed like it took a great deal of courage for her to do that.

"Yes?" Yuuya answered a bit uncertainly; he wasn't sure what she wanted.

"I-I look forward to studying in the same class," The girl said as her voice was raised a little.

"I see, I also look forward to it," Yuuya said as he wondered why this girl was so nervous.

"T-Thank you," The girl seemed overjoyed and relieved mostly but she didn't have much time since a group of students came rushing in from behind her surrounding Yuuya's desk.