
"Did you think we just play games all of the time?" The senior laughed seeing their reaction, it was a common sight.

"I really thought that was all, sorry," Marin had very simple thoughts, she wasn't in any club in middle school so she knew very little of how clubs operated in Ousei.

Her thinking was like this, Football Club members play football, cooking club members cook food. So, Gaming club members should only play games all day.

"Don't mind it, we do play games a lot but there are a lot of other things to focus on," The senior laughed and they could see what it was, since it is written down on the pamphlet.

The game club wasn't just for playing games, they also made their own games while collaborating with the Arts Club and the Literature club.

And the Game Club had actually won a lot of prizes in competitions that took place in Tokyo. So it wasn't that they were just playing around, these guys really wanted to go into this field and were working hard to make it since there was a platform provided for them.

"Also is it true that you can find every game in the Game club?" Marin asked as that was written in the pamphlet.

"Yeah, that is something we are very proud of since it was something that took a long time to complete with the efforts from our Seniors who had graduated and we are making sure to keep it up," The Senior really looked this was something he was very proud of, you can see that on his face, but that froze in the next second because….

"Do you have Saint slimely part 2?" Marin asked as the Senior started to sweat.

"Marin there is no way the school would allow that type of games," Rin deadpanned and Marin visibly deflated.

"How can a collection be complete without Shizuku-tan?" Marin's mood was in the dumps.

'Well, I do agree with her but we can only keep that in our hearts,' The Senior on the game stand thought as they had no choice but to swallow this bitterness.

In the end, The group moved and went to the next booth that looked interesting to them.

All of the booths were the same as the ones from before, You could ask them questions about their club and they'll answer, Then they'll give you the pamphlets that they had prepared, which listed what the club offered and some of their recent accolades.

If the person is interested they can go to the Club room in the building to explore more about the club, this was done so that the clubs don't get overwhelmed by the crowd who has no idea why they are there. It would be a waste of time for both the club and the students if such a thing happened.

A little over half an hour later, The group was now standing in front of the entrance of the club building. They all had various pamphlets in their hands as they had visited different booths along the way that they were interested in.

"I'll go to the football field first because the event is about to start, Bye," Ryo took off first as the Football club members were on the Football pitch.

The football club had arranged some events to attract new students like a 3 v 3 game on a small ground against the players from the football team. So Ryo wasn't keen on missing a chance to play against U-18 national players.

There were also some challenges, namely a Freekick challenge and crossbar challenge where the participants can win gifts, This was more of a public event and anyone could participate.

And every club had prepared events for today since it was a special day for them to show off their skills and attract members.

"I'll be also on my way," Rin was leaving for the female volleyball club, she got interested in it after she heard a famous player who is an alumni from Ousei happen to visit today.

Shingo had left for the Game club a while back since he couldn't hold his excitement.

Nowa also left midway and went with some other friends, They were also inviting Marin but…

"Which one should we go to first?" Marin asked looking through the pamphlets. She had no plans on leaving Yuuya today.

"Let's just go floor to floor," Yuuya said flatly, the club building had 4 floors and it was about half the size of the main school building.

"That sounds like a plan," Marin agreed and looked at Grayfia who was still with them, there was no she was about to leave Yuuya alone as well.

"Then the first one would be the Art Club," Grayfia said as she arranged the Pamphlets according to the floors, she did that as soon as Yuuya spoke before.

'There is still more than an hour left before that,' Yuuya looked at his wristwatch, it was 1 in the afternoon right now, so he had some time to burn.

"Let's go and win a lot of prizes," Marin looked pumped as they went into the club building.

It didn't take long for them to reach the art club and there were quite a few people already present looking around the clubroom where various art pieces drawn by the club members were displayed.

There were some students trying their hand at drawing as well, some of them were good but some looked like they had never done this before.

"I'll win the prize just you see," In the end, Marin also joined taking Yuuya and Grayfia along.

The top prize was to get a painting made by the club president who was an up-and-coming artist known for her portraits.

What they needed to draw was a vase of roses, The event was already going on for 40 minutes and only 15 minutes remained before it finished but Marin joined anyway since she just wanted to try it.

The end result was, Yuuya came first and Grayfia was second.

"Why did you participate if you are so bad at drawing?" Yuuya looked at the scribbles on Marin's paper and couldn't help but ask.

"Yuuya this is where you're supposed to cheer me up," Marin said as she was death heavy damage by that statement.

"If it was a little better I would've," Yuuya said and Marin slumped in her chair, she was brutally finished. It wasn't that he couldn't, but the drawing was that bad, his only thought after seeing that was 'Why?'

'It is quite …bad,' Even Grayfia couldn't find words to support Marin so she stayed silent.

"So anyway, what are you going to ask to get drawn?" Marin recovered really quickly and had already moved on from the topic.

"I don't have anything in mind," Yuuya didn't really want the prize to begin with, he actually didn't even think that he could win, to be honest, he completed it in less than a few minutes.

'I didn't even try,' Yuuya saw that Marin was in deep thought for some reason.

"Yuuya, do you mind if I decide it?" Marin turned to Yuuya and asked. She looked like she really wanted it and she tried really hard to win as well, too bad she wasn't good at Drawing.

"Sure," Yuuya nodded with his usual look and Marin jumped off her seat running towards the club president at breakneck speed.

The Club President of the Art Club was a senior female student in her third year. She was also very friendly with the way she helped the students who didn't know how to draw, she tried to help Marin as well …for a few minutes.

'This is the perfect chance,' Marin pulled out her phone and showed the Club President a photo.

'I didn't know Grayfia could also draw,' Yuuya thought as Grayfia was good at it as well. He didn't keep the thought in his mind for long since it could be that Grayfia learned it during her maid training or something.

'They are looking this way,' Yuuya was puzzled to see the Club President looking alternately between him and Marin's phone screen.

"It looks like Marin-san is asking for something …different," Grayfia spoke as the Club president was blushing looking at Yuuya for some reason.

"She might be asking to get a portrait of Shizuku-tan," Yuuya could feel that because of the way the Club president was looking at him.

"So, is it done?" Yuuya asked Marin as she came over with a happy smile.

"Yes~, I was told to pick it up on Monday," Marin said still smiling.

"I see, let's go to the next club," Yuuya said as they left the Art club after he and Grayfia declined to join the club.

They were told to come if they are ever interested, but they both weren't going to do that.

After this, they went to the second floor to look at the other clubs and participate in some events if they happened to come across them.

The Handicraft Club, Sewing Club, and Pottery club were the few clubs they visited after the Art Club.

And after an hour or so later, they were participating in the Cooking club's event. In the event everyone was divided into a team of three, there were ten teams in total competing for the top prize.

1st Prize:- 50% off on all of your orders for the next week.