
And after an hour or so later, they were participating in the Cooking club's event. In the event everyone was divided into a team of three, there were ten teams in total competing for the top prize.

1st Prize:- 50% off on all of your orders for the next week.

This was of course only limited to food-related purchases and it also worked in the commercial areas.

"We need to win that prize!!" Marin was imagining how she can eat double for the prize of one dish. This was great, no this was awesome.

"We won't lose," Yuuya said flatly, he was going to win this.

'I guess Master was looking for this,' Grayfia smiled a little but quickly wiped it off her face before anyone sees it.

"Yes, I'll make my special dish, we'll totes win," Marin tied her hair into a ponytail and rolled up her sleeves, she looked ready to go towards the stove but…

"Marin help Grayfia with cutting the vegetables," Yuuya pulled her back.

"Hm? But my special dish doesn't need vegetables," Marin tilted her head.

"Exactly," Yuuya said and Marin was now cutting vegetables with Grayfia.

"He's so cruel," Marin pouted while cutting onions as tears started to gather in her eyes.

'Well, It won't be good if we cook that special fried rice,' Grayfia silently chopped the other ingredients as Yuuya was boiling water for the Miso soup.

They had half an hour to cook so Yuuya and Grayfia decided to make something simple. Well, Marin was also there, her task was to observe the soup.

"Ok, Time's up everyone~," One of the Judge's said as he clapped.

He was one of the chefs that worked in the Ousei's cafeteria and he agreed to be a judge here after he was asked by the president of the Cooking club.

"Ah, the time's up,"

"Just one more minute and I would've completed my masterpiece,"

"...Your egg is burnt,"

"Yeah, I was about to make another one,"

Some of the students complained and joked as the confident ones stood silently, The competition was going to be fierce since the prizes for the second and third places were also good.

The three judges started to go from counter to counter in order to taste the dishes

"Grayfia hold me back or I might eat all of this," Marin was looking at the tray of food intently.

"That is for the judges, you can't do that," Grayfia actually had to hold Marin back as she wasn't joking, if left alone she might really eat everything.

"It is rare for Yuuya to cook, I can't let this chance go," Marin was right, She had only eaten dishes made by Yuuya only a handful of times.

So, seeing that he made most of the food here, she was tempted to eat it now. And since today was a half-day, she didn't have anything for lunch which only increased the temptation.

'Well, I am tempted as well, but I need to resist,' Grayfia herself had only eaten something made by Yuuya only once. She understood what Marin was going through as she herself was holding back quite a lot.

'Why are both of them like this? Are they that hungry?' Yuuya looked at them with his usual look and took out some more bowls from the cabinet under the counter. He filled it with the food before placing it in front of the two.

"Eat slowly or you'll burn your mouth," Yuuya said flatly, he had made a little extra since they didn't have lunch today, he was planning on eating this after the judges were done as it was allowed but it looked like these two were really hungry.

"Why am I getting an express warning?" Marin asked with a pout since Yuuya looked at her when he said to be careful, despite that she had the chopsticks in her hand ready to eat the grilled salmon.

"…I'll be careful as well," Grayfia said and picked up the chopsticks after seeing Yuuya nod.

"Oh~! This is great~!" Marin made a reaction that was expected of her, she was so happy that she forgot that there were other people in the room. And it seemed like she still hadn't remembered it since she was eating and commenting about how good the food was with every bite.

'I still have a lot to learn,' Grayfia thought calmly but her hands were moving quite fast as she ate without stopping even a little.

For a demon of her level food isn't something necessary rather it was more likely eaten for taste, and even if she eats a lot of it she won't feel full.

But somehow Yuuya's food made her feel satiated and warmed her body, it made her extremely comfortable like she was a child once again eating her mother's cooking after she played the whole day.

"…" Yuuya looked at the two in some confusion since he hadn't cooked something that complex, a simple miso soup with tofu, grilled salmon, and rolled omelets with rice.

But the way these two were acting was a bit too much, well it wasn't only them.

'These guys are also a bit too interested in the food,' The people who were near their station were also looking at Grayfia and Marin eating, they were more interested here than to look at the judges who were tasting their food. It was a pity that Yuuya didnt make a lot of it to share with others.

Yuuya even saw some of the people at the stations near his gulping down their salvia so that they don't drool.

And this was noticed by the Judges who skipped a few contestants and came in front of Yuuya's station. But no one minded it since they were more focused here anyway.

"The presentation looks good," One of the three judges said, he was the head chef of a 4-star restaurant in the commercial area.

"Yeah, and to think someone would make such a simple dish," The cafeteria chef was a little surprised since most of the contestants made a lot of different exotic dishes but Yuuya and the team went with the most basic dishes that everyone here probably eats on a daily basis.

And it is quite hard to surprise someone with something they know well. So this intrigued the three even more.

"Well, let's taste it, I am really looking forward to it," The third judge said as he looked at the Miso soup bowl, he seemed to be gulping down his salvia as well since the aroma was quite rich.

Yuuya was the only one paying attention to the three since Marin and Grayfia were focused on the food they were eating.

The three judges picked up the chopsticks and tried the food.

And the result was obvious…

"You've won the first prize," The Three judges said in tandem with some tears streaming down their eyes. They got too emotional and hadn't even tasted all of the other contestants yet.

One of them had actually run out of the room to call his mother in hurry.

Yuuya was certainly relieved to know that this world wasn't the same as Shokugeki no Souma, or he would be in trouble, he had no desire to see anyone's clothes flying off from the taste of the food.

"These judges are the real deal," Marin laughed looking at the three judges after she cleaned her mouth with a napkin.

'That isn't a way to test their credibility,' Yuuya thought as he looked at Grayfia who had just finished her food, she seemed a bit absentminded but feeling his gaze she turned to look at him.

She was a bit puzzled at his gaze. But before Grayfia could ask that, Yuuya used a napkin to wipe off the oil on her mouth.

"Is everything alright?" Yuuya asked flatly, this was pretty much the first time he had seen Grayfia be a little sloppy, so he thought something had happened.

"…Yes," Grayfia nodded after a little pause.

"I see," Yuuya said as he turned around and came to a halt.

"What happened Yuuya? Is there something on my face?" Marin asked with a lot of oil around her mouth with some rice grains as well.

'Her face was clean a second ago,' Yuuya thought as Marin was looking at him with starry eyes.

'Come on! Eat the rice off me ...That sounds kind of lewd, but it is perfect, come on!' Marin was almost frightened by her own genius at this point but too bad.

"No, there is nothing," Yuuya said as he started to eat some food himself that he had kept aside before.

'He isn't playing by the script again,' Marin pouted as in the end, she had to wipe off the oil and rice herself since Yuuya completely ignored it.

After Yuuya had finished eating at the Cooking Club the three came outside the club building since they had visited the clubs that were in this building, and they were joined by Rin who was waiting for them.

