Interest In The Kendo Club?

And after an hour or so later, they were participating in the Cooking club's event. In the event everyone was divided into a team of three, there were ten teams in total competing for the top prize.

After Yuuya had finished eating at the Cooking Club the three came outside the club building since they had visited the clubs that were in this building, and they were joined by Rin who was waiting for them.

"Let's go to the archery club," Rin was waiting so that they could go together, Marin texted her to ask if she was done looking around the volleyball club. Rin was just about to visit the Archery club but hearing that Marin, Yuuya, and Grayfia were coming she waited for them.

'Just one more club after this and then I'll leave,' Yuuya thought seeing that there was only one more pamphlet left after the archery club.

And just like in Ousei's style, the Archery club was also grand as its members had won competitions on a national level.

There were two outdoor ranges and two indoor ranges along with a warehouse where the supplies and equipment were kept if needed.

Currently, the four were in the second indoor range where the club members were allowing the curious students to try out shooting a target if they want to try it.


"Woah!! that was Totes amazing," Marin said after shooting her first arrow.

"Haha, you are nowhere near the target," Rin laughed since Marin was too excited for someone whose arrow hit the target stand's leg.

Rin herself was bad but she was lucky enough to score 1 point on her first shot.

"Just you wait, the next one is a bullseye," Marin was helped by a club member to load the arrow into the recurve bow.

"Please focus on the target," The club member said as she told Marin a few hints and adjusted her posture helping her hit the target in the next shot.

"See I hit the target," Marin said as she scored 1 point as well and Rin actually missed the target this time.

"You said it would be bullseye though?" Rin complained as Marin whistled looking away, she spotted Yuuya who was also drawing the bow his posture also looked good and the club member near him was just letting him do his thing.


The arrow left the bow at a quick speed and hit the target dead in the center much to everyone's surprise.

"Woah! He hit the bullseye on the first shot?"

"Wow, that is superb,"

"Was it a lucky shot?"

"No, his posture was also great,"

"Maybe he has some experience in archery,"

"Wow, I didn't know he could do archery as well," Rin spoke in amazement as she talked to Marin but she didn't get an answer.

'Can she be any more obvious?' Rin looked at Marin staring at Yuuya not taking her eyes off him as he pulled the bowstring again ready for a second shot.

After half an hour the four came out of the archery range and Rin couldn't hold back her laughter.

"You missed every other shot, so the first one was really luck," Rin wasn't laughing at the fact that Yuuya missed since she herself missed quite a lot but the problem was…

"How can you miss with a posture that good? That's hilarious right Marin?" Rin asked Marin who was walking beside her.

"Yeah he was cool," Marin spoke as she looked like she was in a daze.

"Oh, Yuuya aren't you happy to hear that?" Rin tried to tease Yuuya but as it turns out she had hit a wall.

"Not particularly No," Yuuya said flatly making Rin sigh.

'Don't worry Marin, we'll make this work just don't give up, Fighting!!!' But Rin wasn't one to give up either, she was determined to make this happen.

Make what happen?

You should already understand that, right?

'Master purposefully missed the other shots wanting to try and avoid the attention,' Grayfia who was silently walking with them was thinking about what happened before.

It seemed that Yuuya hit the bullseye out of habit as she had seen, he did it as naturally as breathing. But realizing his mistake he corrected it by missing the next arrows making it look like the bullseye was just luck.

But there was one thing Grayfia agreed wholeheartedly.

'Master looked cool,' Grayfia cleared her throat silently as the thought passed through her mind.

"So, where are we going next?" Rin asked, she had a lot of fun at the club fair but even then there were still many places she hadn't seen yet.

"We will be visiting the kendo club," Grayfia said as that was the last they'll be seeing today.

And surprisingly enough it was a club that Yuuya chose.

"Oh, I was about to go there as well, did you guys also hear about that awesome senpai there? I heard that there were a lot of people swarming it last year because of her as well," Rin talked about the information she heard while she was looking around before.

'I am more interested in the club building,' Yuuya didn't even know the club president was a girl let alone anything else.

The reason he was so interested in the club building of the Kendo Club was because of its location.

Right now they have been walking on a tiled path for a while, because the club building was a bit far away and it was in the middle of the forest, or more like it was built that way.

This was a special building created for the club president herself by the school on a request just in the middle of last school year.

The building itself was very famous among the students for its location since it was built a fair distance away from the other facilities of the school on the northwestern side of the island.

And since it was far away from the other places, as you'd expect it was silent.

"This is quite the atmosphere," Rin commented as they walked on the narrow path that would lead them to the club building with trees along the path.

The path wasn't that narrow as three people could still walk side by side but compared to the normal paths in Ousei, it was quite narrow.

"Yeah, it is like a totally different place," Marin was looking around curiously; she hadn't seen this place last year because she wasn't interested in it and was too busy with other things as well.

Yuuya and Grayfia didn't say anything in contrast to the other two. And after a few minutes passed as the narrow path ended, the four came into a big clearing with a white wall and a wooden gate in front of them.

The gate was open but there was a female student standing there wearing a kendo uniform which consisted of a jacket/Uwagi, tied with an obi/belt and the pants/hakama below.

"Are you guys here to look around?" The female student also noticed them and approached them.

"…Yes," Yuuya answered making Marin and Rin nod in agreement.

"I see, then follow me," The female student smiled wryly as she turned around and lead them through the gate.

The reason she smile wryly was that….

'Cool!!!' She could feel two gazes on her back that said that, and it was from none other than Marin and Rin.

They were very surprised because of how the surroundings looked and were completely entranced.

'It feels like I have been transported back to the past,' Marin thought as they entered the main building after taking off their shoes.

The atmosphere combined with the silent surroundings alongside the insects and birds chirping, made them feel like they had traveled back in time.

And Rin, someone who was an avid enjoyer of period dramas couldn't help but be sucked into the scene as well.

"This is the main training hall, as you can see currently there are several people taking the test to earn a chance to join the club," The female student explained as there were a few sparring matches going on in the dojo.

The students who were sparring were in full gear and the hall was filled with their shouts as they continued with the match.

A sizeable number of people were looking at the matches from the sidelines, these people have either finished their matches or they were waiting for their turn.

"Most of them look like they've never done kendo before," Rin pointed out while looking at the spars from the side.

"Yeah, that is because most of them came here running after our captain," Rin could see the faint anger and frustration on the girl's face.


I forgot to upload the chapter yesterday and fell asleep.

also reviews or I go on a break again,

Anyway, see you next monday.