You Practice Martial Arts, Right?

Now if Rin wanted to she could join the club without any worries.

"Well, I'll think about it later," Rin didn't join in the end.

"It is quite a waste, if you did join today you'd also get to join the week-long training camp for the new members," The Senpai smiled.

"That smile looks like trouble," Rin felt goosebumps at this and it seemed she was correct.

"Looks like you have good intuition as well, You can't quit the club during the week or you'll get bad remarks, Also…" The senpai's smile became wider.

"Don't tell me," Rin shivered in terror as the Senpai's smile was finally twisted.

"Training is held separately for both male and female students," The senpai drove the final nail in.

"What type of monster came up with this plan?" Rin exclaimed, she could already see so many new male students who would be joining the club just for Saeko weeping after they find out about this.

"Modern problems require modern solutions," Marin was impressed as well.

"Leaving that aside, let's finish your tour of the club," The senpai said as she took the four to look around other parts of the dojo, They also visited a small shrine and the pond near the main building.

"Are we not going to look into that building?" Marin asked as she pointed at a building that was behind the main hall.

Just like the main hall this building looked like it was spirited away from the Edo period. But it was a lot smaller than the main one but looked really good as well.

"That place is off limits," The senpai said without going into any details.

"You know you shouldn't say that, it only makes people wanna check it out," Rin said while pointing at Marin who was in adventure mode all of a sudden.

"Well, I spoke since you asked a question normally students don't pay attention to it since they spend most of the time in the main hall, Anyway that was all, I'll lead you guys back to the exit," The senpai looked at her wrist watch and spoke to the four.

"Already?" Marin was a little surprised that time went by so fast that she didn't even notice it.

"Yes, let's go then," With that, the four followed the senpai back to the gate but on their way they met an unexpected person.

"Captain?" The senpai looked puzzled at seeing Saeko standing near the main entrance, she was still attracting attention but it wasn't much since not a lot of people were outside. It looked like she snuck out of the main hall and waited here.

"Yes, sorry to interrupt you all, but is it ok if I have a bit of your time?" Saeko said looking at the four.

"Ah, Yes, How can we help you, Senpai?" Rin spoke a little awkwardly since she was caught in Saeko's ladylike speech pattern.

Rin had no experience speaking this way since she was normally very brash and on point, so it was a bit weird.

"Would you like to spar with me?" Saeko nodded at Rin and straight away looked at Yuuya who was at the back. From the start, she wasn't interested in anyone else but him, it was clear her eyes never left him aside from the moment she talked to someone else.

'So she approached Master after all,' Grayfia had seen Saeko keeping an eye on Yuuya since they went inside the main hall before, and since then she had even been following them from a distance. All while keeping an eye on Yuuya.

"Spar?" Yuuya looked puzzled.

'Why am I being asked to fight?' Was his thought.

"Yes, you practice martial arts, right?" Saeko said, there was no issue with martial arts practitioners sparring, especially those in the same age groups.

She had sparred with many, even if they practiced different martial arts since it helps one broaden their horizon, this helps them learn more about their style's strengths and weaknesses according to her father.

"I don't," Yuuya said in his usual tone.

"…You ...don't," Saeko was taken aback as she looked at Yuuya a few times while blinking.

"Yes, I don't," Yuuya repeated once again, he could see Saeko become more bewildered by the second.

He didn't know what Saeko was after or what she wanted, he just knew…

'…She is troublesome,' Yuuya thought as the short silence was cut short by Saeko.

"…I see, I am sorry for wasting your time, please have a nice day," Saeko bowed slightly and stepped aside so they could go.

"You too," Yuuya answered the pleasantries and walked with the other three following after him after saying their goodbyes to Saeko and the Senpai who has been guiding them.

"Sawamura-san, do you know his name?" After seeing Yuuya walk a fair distance, Saeko asked her club member a question.

"Ah, I think he was called Yuuya by the two girls," Sawamura tried to remember since they had only addressed him by name a few times.

"...What about his surname?" Saeko asked as she looked deep in thought.

"I don't know about that, he didn't look interested in the club like the other two girls, he surely was just dragged here by those two," Rin and Marin nearly made Sawamura's ears bleed with the number of questions they asked, even Grayfia looked interested some times, but Yuuya, on the other hand, was silent throughout without a change in his expression.

"I see, thanks for your hard work, I'll go back inside now," Saeko smiled and started walking back towards the main hall.

'I feel full of energy now,' Sawamura was beaming with energy for the rest of the day as she guided people around.

'…Yuuya,' Saeko thought while standing on the elevated stage in the center of the hall. She was supposed to be looking at the matches around but her mind was distracted.

"…I feel like ….I've heard that name before," Saeko muttered and she was left wondering about this for the entire weekend.

And it wasn't only her who was troubled, Yuuya currently was also in a bit of a conundrum himself.

'Which one should I buy?' Yuuya thought while looking at the donuts in front of him.

Should he choose the normal classic glazed donuts or should he get out of his comfort zone and try the trending mint choco-chips ones?

He has been thinking over this for over 10 minutes now, it was a very hard decision to make.

It didn't help that the two people with him also weren't heckling him like a certain someone does when he behaves like this.

Grayfia and Marin were just letting him have his time, Unlike Apophis who would've made his ears bleed by now.

But unfortunately, Apophis couldn't come to pick them up today, she was supposed to but when Yuuya called her the response he got was.

'I spotted something interest-Cough* important, sorry I'll make up for it any way you want, Bye~'

And that is how Yuuya and Grayfia were left by themselves to go home, Marin also naturally joined them since, there is no point in thinking about why she did at this point.

So, on their way to the station, Yuuya entered the donut shop that he frequented.

And that is how they reached this point.

'Which one?' Yuuya was thinking deeply over this, way too deeply.

"Yuuya this Maple Bacon Donut is Super Good!!" Marin pointed at the donut right next to the Choco-chips donuts, she had tried it before and she liked it a lot.

'Another option ...added,' Yuuya was stumped as he felt like just as he was about to make a decision Marin foiled it.

P.S. He was nowhere near making a decision.

So after another long 10 minutes later, Yuuya picked up his order from the counter.

"…Thank you for your patronage," The saleswoman made a bill for 2 classic glazed donuts, 2 Mint Choco-Chips donuts, and 2 Maple Bacon donuts.

'If you were going to buy all of them, why did you spend 20 minutes thinking over it?' The saleswoman would've kicked out anyone else, the only reason Yuuya wasn't is that he was good-looking.

With that sorted the three were on their way home, it was already 4:30 P.M. by the time they reached Yuuya's home.