
With that sorted the three were on their way home, it was already 4:30 P.M. by the time they reached Yuuya's home.

The Club Fair was still ongoing but these three left right after seeing the Kendo Club as that was the last club they wanted to see. They could've looked around more but in the end, chose not to do so.

"Oh!! Welcome home," Apophis opened the door and greeted the three ever so cheerfully.

"Are you going to take a bath?" Apophis asked Yuuya but he silently walked past her.

Grayfia had also left for her room quickly to change into her maid uniform, and in less than 5 seconds only Marin was standing at the entrance.

"I'll be in your care again Apophis-san," Marin greeted Apophis with a smile.

"Marin-chan is the only one who treats me nicely," Apophis burst into tears and hugged Marin.

"It's nothing, they're probably busy," Marin laughed.

"Marin if you need any help ask me, alright?" Apophis said with a smile as her tears vanished as soon as they had appeared.

'Oh, maybe I should ask about that,' Marin thought as she looked at Apophis.

Apophis was a really beautiful woman in every meaning of the word, there was no doubt about that.

But there was something about her that stood out more than anything. Yeah, it really stood out alright. Marin could feel it very well when she was hugged just now.

Apophis tilted her head seeing Marin think so deeply all of a sudden.

"Apophis-san can you tell me about your hair care routine?" From the first time Marin had seen Apophis, her hair really left a deep impression on her.

Apophis had ankle-length hair, which was smooth and silky. And it smelled incredible as well. It made one curious about how she took care of it.

'I was surprised to know it was real,' Marin was shocked to know that it wasn't extensions like she thought, the first time she touched it she nearly lost herself in the soothing feeling that came with it. She felt her fingers melting away.

So, Marin also wanted to have hair like that, It was something all girls crave for.

What did you think she was going to ask for?

"Oh, Sure," Apophis was totally ok with it even though she looked deep in thought.

"Is something to matter?" Marin asked since it looked important.

"I forgot to tell Ash about something," Apophis muttered but then shrugged "It is his fault for ignoring me, come on let me show you the products I use."

"Yay!" Marin took out a pen and notebook to write down the important advice that will help her a lot in the future.

Yuuya had placed his bag in his room and was on his way to the bathroom to take a shower.

He normally would've taken one later, but today he felt like sleeping earlier than usual, so he was taking one right now.

But just as he was about to open the door to the bathroom he stopped for a second.

'Should I knock first just in case?' As Yuuya was thinking about this the door to the bathroom opened and a small petite girl appeared in front of him.

And just like him, she was frozen on the spot after seeing him as her big hazel eyes widened more.

Her pale pink hair was still wet assuming from the shower she had, along with a towel around her neck. And she was wearing a T-shirt, Yuuya's T-shirt.


Yuuya wordlessly took out his phone and made a phone call.

"Hello police, I'd like to report a break-in and theft case, The address? Yeah, it i-"

"That's not it!!!" The girl shouted at the top of her lungs at the unexpected turn of events.


Ten minutes later,

The living room of Yuuya's house had a tense atmosphere.

"Explain yourself you two," Yuuya spoke while sitting on the couch, he was looking at the girl who came out of the bathroom and Apophis.

"I forgot to tell you about Sajuna-chan, Tehe~," Apophis hit her head cutely while putting on an embarrassed expression.

"Maybe we should hide the wine and also forget about it?" Grayfia said while giving Yuuya a cup of tea.

"That is an excellent plan, we'll put it in action right this instance," Yuuya nodded while a sip.

"Seriously, You two just can't take a joke!!" Apophis cried out but Grayfia and Yuuya didn't even budge, not even a millimeter.

"Then Sajuna-san, what were you doing in my bathroom wearing my t-shirt?" Yuuya asked the pink-haired girl.

"Why do you make it sound like I am some sort of weirdo?" Sajuna snapped a little.

"Depending on your answer you might be one," Yuuya spoke as usual as he always did.

"Apophis-san over here spilled some cola on my uniform, so I had to use the bathroom, and since I had nothing to wear till the uniform was washed she gave me this, I didn't know it was yours," Sajuna looked like she was wronged, and she was.

"Why did you even give her my t-shirt?" Yuuya looked at Apophis who was trying to avoid eye contact right now.

"Well, whose clothes should I give her then?" Apophis shrugged and the reason for this bounced, no it really did.

Sajuna was a petite girl, and Apophis was anything but petite, same with Grayfia. So, to save Sajuna from agony, giving her Yuuya's t-shirt was the only logical option. Yeah, there was no other motive here.

'I don't think that helps either,' Grayfia thought while looking at Sajuna, even though she was wearing only a t-shirt, it looked more like one piece dress since the helm reached her knees. If it wasn't a turtleneck the t-shirt might've gone off her shoulder

"I see, so Apophis is the guilty one," Yuuya said without much care.

"Hey, you are passing judgment way too soon, what about a second hearing?" Apophis was promptly ignored as someone else burst into the scene.

"Juju, You are Juju-sama, right?" Marin was standing in front of Sajuna, her eyes were shining so brightly that they were sending a beam straight at Sajuna.

She was shocked for some while when she saw Sajuna and had been in a state of shock, till now.

"Y-yeah," Sajuna replied.

"Ohh! My name is Kitagawa Marin, I am a big Fan of yours, I like, Seriously super Like you, And your real name is Sajuna? That's so Supe~r Cute, I can't handle it, You are so cute and beautiful that it is criminal," Marin was basically fawning over Sajuna who was unable to respond or react.

There were two reasons for it,

The first one is, Once Marin starts talking about something she likes, she won't stop and neither will she let someone stop her till she is finished.

The Second reason is….

"You're too close to her," Yuuya pulled Marin back because she was a bit too close to Sajuna which made the latter unable to say anything because of it, or more accurately she was, but it was drowned in Marin's endless stream of comments.

"Just pay attention to what people say," Yuuya said flatly and Marin nodded, she'll forget about it in an hour or so again.

"I am sorry I got a bit too excited, I mean how can I not, this is Juju-sama in the flesh, Anyway I am sorry," Marin apologized but she was still in her fan mode.

"N-No it's alright," Sajuna was able to catch her breath as she was asked another question by Yuuya.

"So, what is a famous cosplayer doing here?"

Sajuna began to sweat hearing this question as she looked away, but steeling herself she opened her mouth.

"I saw her post online a-and…." Sajuna gestured at Marin who was suddenly sent onto cloud nine.

"Juju-sama saw my post!!! The godly cosplayer, Ahh!!~~" Marin was running around the living room, this was the only way for her to contain her excitement, otherwise, she'd overwhelm Sajuna again.

"And?" Yuuya asked and Sajuna started sweating more but she had to continue, there was no other way.

"I came here to place an order for a C-cosplay,"

Hearing these words, the room became silent, even Marin stopped in her tracks.

"Hmm, I don't remember writing my address anywhere," Yuuya's voice somehow sounded a lot more flat than usual.

"T-That…" Sajuna wasn't sure how to say the reason in a way that it doesn't sound bad.


With similar sounds, Yuuya placed the mobile phone on his ear and spoke.

"Hello, I'd like to report a case of Stalking, Yes my name i-"

"Whatever happened to hearing people out?!" Sajuna's shout once again resounded in the house.


Why are there so less powerstones?

Maybe I'll get a boost in encouragement if I get enough.

Who knows?

Only one way to find out right?

Also you'll get three chaps this week.