
"You are really not committing Suicide?" She asked.

"Do you want to get hit?" Yuuya said and Apophis coughed while moving back.

'Don't say it, Don't say it,' Apophis muttered in her mind but…

"I do want to, but not in the sense you are saying," In the end, Apophis couldn't help it and said that out loud while winking at him.

Yuuya just silently turned away and went towards the door, he's had enough of this but as soon as he opened it.

"Did something happen Master? I heard a commotion," Grayfia who was in her maid uniform asked while stepping back a little since Yuuya was at the door.

"Nothing, I am just going to the other side," Yuuya said flatly and Grayfia nodded before asking a question.

"Should I bring some tea and snacks?"

"Yes," Yuuya said and walked towards the bathroom.

"Grayfia you are amazing, You were able to understand Ash so quickly," Apophis gave Grayfia a big thumbs up.

"Hmm?" Grayfia tilted her head and Apophis spoke again.

"You know, like you instantly knew that he was going to the other world when he said he is going to the otherside,"

"I did?" Grayfia sounded confused.

"You didn't?" Apophis was also confused.

'Wait, what?' The two just looked at each other in confusion not understanding what just happened.

Yuuya on the other hand was sitting on the sofa that was set up outside the cabin in the Great Devil's Nest.

'Wait a minute,' Yuuya looked around the house and the perimeter of the house and then sat down on the sofa that was placed in the yard before saying.

"Finally some peace," Yuuya closed his eyes and leaned back on the sofa enjoying the fresh air of the forest and the calming surroundings.

Yuuya closed his eyes and fell asleep in an instant.

A few minutes later, Apophis came out of the cabin and was about to call out to Yuuya but stopped.

"He is actually asleep, huh?" Apophis muttered softly looking at Yuuya, "I'll let you rest for a while."

Apophis just sat down next to Yuuya and stared at him while he was asleep.

'This feels weird?' Grayfia who had just come out of the house looked at Apophis who was smiling like a fool as she looked at the sleeping Yuuya.

'I'll just do my job,' This whole situation felt odd to Grayfia but she kept quiet about it, she stood behind the sofa after placing the tea and desserts on the table in front.

It finally looked like Yuuya would be able to have a peaceful afternoon where he wouldn't be pestered.

Outside of The Devil's Nest,

"Fufu, I am coming to meet you my dear~," Eleanor spoke sensually while setting foot in the forest dragging along a human woman and a rabbit with the help of what looked like spiked vines.

'The saints look like they'll die,' Owen was concerned because the saints looked like they were going to bleed to death this way but…

"Come on lead the way to my dear~," Eleanor looked at him and said with a sweet smile.

"Y-yes!" Owen stiffened and walked in front like a robot. He was tasked by the king to lead Eleanor to Yuuya's house which was inside the Devil's Nest.

'I am more scared about my own life, I am really sorry Saints!!' Owen apologized to Iris and the kicking saint in his mind as they were dragged by Eleanor and left a bloody trail behind.


'Shit it is a Flame Bear,' Owen was pale white as a bear about the size of a two-story house jumped towards him. If this monster appears near the kingdom it would become a national emergency.

But here….


The bear was pierced by a vine as thick as a tree trunk that came out of the ground and…

'Flowers?' Owen was shocked to see flowers bloom out of the bear's tough hide that even blades and magic wouldn't be able to penetrate.

'It is still alive?' Owen could still feel that the bear was breathing but was also dead in a sense as his body was now covered with flowers and his life force was getting sucked out slowly, 'It is also the same as the saints.'

But Owen didn't have much time to think since…

"Come on~ Come on~ Lead the way~," Eleanor said and Owen just started to move, he didn't want to die after all.

"Hm~ hm~ hm~ I am coming to see you my dear~," Eleanor hummed a melody while her steps were light while she walked around the most dangerous place in this world like she was taking a walk in the park.

In the future, this melody became the chime of death for the animals in the forest because they ran the other way as soon as they heard this sound.

'Sir Yuuya, I am coming to meet you again,' Lexia who had also tagged along thought, originally she was the one who volunteered to show Eleanor the way but the king sent Owen along for no reason.

'With the Elven Queen we don't need to worry about the monsters, but I somehow do not like her,' Lexia thought while looking at Eleanor's back.

"It is only natural that you do not like me," Lexia looked up in shock as she heard Eleanor's voice.

"N-no," Lexia was scared because Eleanor wasn't someone you can just offend, She was the Queen of the Elves, The highest authority among the Holy aka the protector of the planet, and she can be considered the strongest individual on this planet.

"Well I do have such a handsome and strong Darling who loves me so much, there is no way you won't be jealous, Fufufufu~," Eleanor laughed in supremacy as if she was the blessed one

'Yeah, I don't like her, not one bit,' Lexia deadpanned this time she didn't even care if it showed on her face or not.

Anyway, the group went on deeper as Eleanor made quick work of the monsters that were unlucky enough to come across them.

And after an hour and a half, the group reached a clearing with a house in the middle.

'Sir Yuuya!' Lexia noticed Yuuya drinking some tea while sitting on the sofa and ignored the other people in the yard.

'Those two women are here as well!' But Owen noticed Apophis and Grayfia who were near Yuuya, there was no way he would forget them as the memory of that day was clear in his mind.

But there was another person who didn't notice the two women…

"My Dear Ash~!!!" Eleanor screamed in joy and pierced through the air like a bullet.

'No! I forgot to tell her about the Barrier!' Owen just remembered about the Barrier around Yuuya's house that blocked any creature.

But what he didn't know was that it only blocked people that contained hostility toward the owner or the house itself.

And here was the problem….

'My Dear! My Dear! My Dear!' Her head was only filled with pure love for Yuuya, and because of that…


She went past the barrier without any issue and was about to reach in front of Yuuya who had noticed her before.

"It's been so long My Dear, embrace me in your strong arms and make love to me all ni-WHAM*" Before Eleanor could finish her passionate speech she was punched right across the face and was sent flying just as fast as she came.

And the person who did that was...

"Yuuya, is that a way to greet an old friend?" Apophis said with a smile.

" body moved on its own," Yuuya said flatly as that was indeed the case.

Grayfia just gulped down her saliva in nervousness after seeing what happened.

'He punched the Holy Queen?! Is he mad?' Owen was so horrified at what Yuuya had done. He was worried that the Queen might snap in anger.

'That was a good punch Sir Yuuya!!' Lexia was cheering for Yuuya.

'Hmm, Things will get more interesting from now on,' Apophis grinned as now…

"Oh~! It has been so long since I have been hit this way~! But Dear are you eating enough? Your punches aren't as strong as before," Eleanor who emerged from the pile of broken trees skipped over unharmed like she wasn't just punched a second ago.

'That is your question?!!!!' Owen was trembling he couldn't understand anything that was happening here.

This was too bizarre.


Things are about to get chaotic now....

And I don't say that lightly...

Anyway we finally have some proper art for Yuuya so check it out in aux chap.

also check out the fic Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires...

You won't regret it if you are an interesting read with some cultural touch. if you know what I mean. wink* wink*




I regret letting him write the recommendation message.....