A Regular Occurence

"Oh~! It has been so long since I have been hit this way~! But Dear are you eating enough? Your punches aren't as strong as before," Eleanor who emerged from the pile of broken trees skipped over unharmed like she wasn't just punched a second ago.

'That is your question?!!!!' Owen was trembling he couldn't understand anything that was happening here.

This was too bizarre.

"Hah* Let me check you to see what is wrong, Hah*" Eleanor was making weird gestures with her hands as she went near Yuuya while breathing heavily.

"You are the one who is wrong (in the head)," But she was stopped at a distance as Yuuya grabbed her head and kept her at a distance.

"Ah~ the Iron Claw It has been a while~! But this too is a lot weaker than before!" Eleanor screamed in pain(?) with a wide smile.

"That's because he is still injured," Apophis said and Eleanor's eyes landed on her.

"Tch, You're back huh, pesky snake," For the First time Eleanor's face turned into a scowl as she showed her displeasure.

"Of course, I am not going to leave 'My Ash' alone," Apophis said with a smile.

"Hmph! You mean you've been safekeeping 'My Dear Ash' while I was away, but now that I am here, you can go and live your life, go hunt a bird or something," Eleanor tried to move forward to hug Yuuya but the iron claw around her head tightened, "Ah~ it is getting stronger, I feel like my head is going to be crushed~!"

'That's because it actually is,' Grayfia thought while looking at the veins that were popping up in Yuuya's arms. He was not holding back at all.

"It has been a while since I've seen this," Apophis looked like she was reminiscing about the past and Grayfia could barely stop her face from twitching while thinking.

'This was a regular occurrence?' (*It was)

'Don't act like this is normal!!!' Owen was nearly giving up on everything.

"Oh, yes I remembered, I punished these disrespectful fools who dared to point their weapons at you My Dear," Eleanor slipped out of Yuuya's iron claw and pulled in Iris and the Kicking saint with the vines.

'What ... happened to them?' Grayfia couldn't help but question herself when she saw their state, especially the rabbit since he looked in real bad shape.

"There was no need for that," Yuuya could see that Eleanor went too far with the supposed 'Punishment', even right now the lifespan of the two in front of him was getting sucked out by spiked vine and then replenished in a cycle.

'I remember that these vines hurt a lot,' Yuuya thought, as these vines were used for quick treatment by Eleanor when she was in a hurry, but it was mostly used for torture just like now.

"No! No! anyone who dares to have any ill intent towards My Dear needs to be taught a lesson," Eleanor shook her head.

"Then shouldn't you be doing that to yourself," Apophis said while folding her arms.

"No can do, My Dear will be sad if I get hurt," Eleanor stuck her tongue out to Apophis.

"I don't care just don't come near me," Yuuya said and a beautiful smile bloomed on Eleanor's face.

"See? He loves me so much that think she won't be able to control himself and push me down on the spot, come on Dear I don't mind at all~," Eleanor looked she wanted that to happen. (*she does want it to happen)

"Shut up," Yuuya said flatly, but to no one's surprise…

"Kyaa~! My darling is such a Tsun-Tsun he can't be true to his feelings," Grayfia could see Yuuya's face twitch more than it had ever before but Eleanor continued on.

"But I as your one and true wife understand what you want, so let's get married and stay together forever~," Eleanor jumped in to hug Yuuya and his fist was about to connect with her face but…

'What?' Grayfia was wide-eyed as Apophis sighed.

"See? You've gotten way slower and weaker than before," Eleanor dodged the punch and hugged Yuuya tightly as she continued, "Now please don't resist and be a good boy, Okay Dear~?"

A few seconds later,

"How long is your diagnosis going to take?" Yuuya asked as Eleanor was hugging him while sniffing him. She was taking full advantage of the situation.

"Come on, I still need some time to make a proper diagnosish~, Don't you like my big boobs pressed up against you? Come on feel me up I won't resist~," Eleanor said and Yuuya pulled her off him since it looked like she had already finished what she needed to.

"So?" Yuuya asked while ignoring the weird smile on Eleanor's face.

'I nearly got lost in his smell, Gotta keep my a good image in front of My Dear,' Eleanor thought while shaking her head.

"No problem at all," Eleanor gave a thumbs up as Yuuya held her by the neck while keeping her at a distance like one does with a dirty stray pup.

"I see, Thanks," Yuuya needed to say it since Eleanor was the best healer he knew, and his current condition wasn't that good, so having someone like her healing him would be better.

"No need to thank me 'cause I am only doing this so that we can get down to business and have lots of babies Asap!!" Eleanor grinned and tried to jump on Yuuya once again.


She once again dodged Yuuya's punch and then landed on the ground to the side with a smile.

"If you want to hit me again, you better not resist my treatment and get back in top shape, otherwise I might just gobble you up forcefully~," Eleanor winked at Yuuya and his face looked as deadpan as ever.

'What are you going to do now Ash? A troublesome one has arrived,' Apophis looked at Yuuya with a smile, she could see it now, 'This is perfect!'

"Anyway heal them first," Yuuya said as he pointed at Iris and kick Saint.

"As you say, My Dear," Eleanor waved her hand and the vines surrounding the two saints vanished as a green light surrounded them then in an instant the two that looked like they hadn't eaten in years came back to their previous appearance.

No, one can say that they look even better than before now but they shook like a leaf just at the gaze of Eleanor. They were beyond traumatized.

"Eleanor," Yuuya called out and she turned around.

"Yes, My Dear~, do you want to give me a reward? I would absolutely love anything from you but I would prefer having your child," Eleanor said with a wink.

"Heal them properly," Yuuya said flatly, the two saints were in a condition of mental collapse, meaning their minds were completely destroyed, it is one of the side effects of what the vines Eleanor was using on the two.

"If you give me the thing I asked for I'll do it," Eleanor said and Yuuya just stared at her with an emotionless face.

"C'mon not even a kiss? A peck on the lips? Hey, at least give me one on the cheek, Why are you so cheap?" Eleanor tried to bargain but…

"If you want a punch I'll give you as many as you want," Yuuya said and Eleanor pouted.

"You're so cruel My dear," then she sighed and looked at Yuuya before continuing, "But in your current condition you won't be able to hit me, so let me heal you and then you can punch me as many times as you want."

Eleanor grinned at Yuuya and turned around to look at the two saints. She used her finger to quickly write a word in the air with golden mana and send it toward the two after she was finished.

'Restore, huh, at least she is doing it properly,' Yuuya thought while looking at the word that enveloped both Iris and the Kick Saint completely.

"Hmm, What happened?" Iris was the first one to speak after she was healed but she soon spotted Eleanor.

"A-Ah! I am really sorry Holy Queen, I made a mistake at the time but I'll make sure that it would never happen again!" She bowed her head and shouted in fear that Eleanor might do something again.

"I am not the one you should be apologizing to anyway," Eleanor pointed at Yuuya making Iris notice him, she was totally unaware of the surroundings, but that shows how scared she was at the time.

And Iris was about to do what Eleanor said but…

"There is no need for that," Yuuya didn't see any reason in this and just told Iris to stand up.

"See how benevolent My dear is? And you attacked such a person," Eleanor looked like she was about to do something again but.

"Eleanor," Yuuya called out to her again and she turned to look at him while he continued, "Get to work."

"B-But to do that in front of everyone is a b-bit, shouldn't we at least go into the house, No? T-Then I guess I have no choice," Eleanor blushed while her eyes darted around.
