Into The Bath?


"Who are you?" Yuuya asked the blue-haired girl who had just fallen right into the bath he was in.

'How did I end up here?' A blue-haired girl shouted in her mind looking at Yuuya.

To understand how this situation came to pass we'll need to go a few hours back in time.

Eleanor was on her way to the Great Devil's nest along with Lexia and Owen as her guides. But she wasn't alone and was being followed by…

'They are really carefree,' Yes, the blue-haired girl, and her name was Luna.

She has been tailing the trio since they left the capital city of Alceria kingdom.

And from the fact that she was tailing them her intentions were far from good.

'If it wasn't for the commission to assassinate the Princess I wouldn't even come near this place,' Luna thought while looking as the three entered the Great Devil's Nest like they were out on a picnic.

'This is going to be a tough job,' Luna thought since not only would she need to deal with the three people but also the high-level monsters that reside in this forest.

But she wasn't just any assassin, she was the top-ranked assassin of the dark guild, and her codename was 'Head-Hunter'. She was practically a legend in this field of work.

She had never missed a target and had always completed her missions. And today was going to be no different no matter what the circumstances were because…

'I can attack them from behind while the elf is dealing with the Monsters, that'll make my job easier,' Luna thought as she tried to keep her distance from Eleanor and Lexia.

But that was her fatal mistake, she kept her distance and…

"Where did they go?" Luna said in shock as she lost sight of her target as soon as she blinked.

'Where are they?' Luna ran forward trying to locate the trio but to no avail.

She couldn't find anything here and…

"My wires have been cut? When?" Luna frowned as she found out that the line of wire she had laid down in order to make her way out of the forest was also missing.

She had lost her target but now she was lost as well. And all of that in a place like the Great Devil's Nest.

'I need to find a way out,' Luna thought as her search for a way out of the Forest began.

An hour later…

"Shit!" Luna cursed as she ran through the forest, she wasn't running because of she had lost her mind.

'Why are so many monsters following me?' Luna looked back and attacked one of the Goblin Elites cutting it into pieces.

But it wasn't enough since there was a full horde chasing after her, and as if to mock her resistance further, the goblin that she cut down was once again reformed like he was pulled back in place by some strings.

This has happened multiple times as the number of Monsters in the horde only increased with time.

And because of this Luna was also getting more injuries, there were cuts all over her body not to mention that she had been near death a few times.

But every time the goblins had the chance to kill her…

"GAH!" Luna was kicked by the goblin general, she tried to block with her hands but it was a futile attempt as her hand was broken into pieces, she was thrown in the air before she came crashing down onto the hard ground.

'These damn monsters,' Luna gritted her teeth as she ran away, it was almost like they were playing with her.

They never wanted to kill her and just knocked her around the place.

'If I get out of this place, I'll rip that damn prince into pieces,' Luna gritted her teeth as she tried to find a way out of this place, but nothing was working as she was slowly losing strength since her injuries started to pile up.

And as if declaring the end of the playtime the Goblin King in the back came in rushing towards Luna and slashed at her with a jagged sword.

The sword's rough edges ripped into her flesh and organs while the blunt force crushed her bones into pieces.

The sword landed on her waist and went up diagonally toward the shoulder as she was launched into the air.

'I'm going to die,' Luna knew that instinctually, she could feel her stomach become empty as her intestines were hanging out of the cut inside her stomach, she was losing oxygen because the ripped lung made her unable to breathe.

'I just wanted to live a normal life,' Luna didn't want to be an assassin if she could've helped it but because of her circumstances, she ended up in this line of job.

'I was about to quit it after this assignment since it paid a lot, maybe it is karma,' Luna couldn't help but curse herself for taking so many lives as she could feel her heartbeat going faint while she closed her eyes.

It was then that she landed, but unlike the hard ground, she landed inside warm water making a big splash.

'Hmm? Why am I not dying?' Luna had been waiting but the eventual pain she was waiting for never came instead she was surrounded by a warm and comfortable feeling.

'My wounds are gone?' Luna was able to move her broken arm and even the big cut on her stomach was healed, she could even feel that her organs were back in place like everything that had happened to her was an illusion, 'Wait could it be that I am already dead?'

Luna quickly went towards the surface of the water and soon surfaced.

'Where is this place?' Luna thought looking at the trees that were in front of her, it looked the same kind that she saw in the Great Devil's Nest while running away.

But before she could investigate her surroundings anymore she heard a flat voice from behind her.

"Who are you?" Luna quickly turned around in fright as her eyes landed on the Black haired and blue-eyed man chilling in the steaming water with a flat look on his face.

It was none other than Yuuya who was taking the Medicinal Bath that Eleanor prepared for him.

'Since when was he here? I didn't even sense him, No most importantly, why is he naked?' Luna turned around and she covered her eyes as quickly as she turned around.

"You don't have time for all this," Luna heard Yuuya's words and couldn't understand them, but she did in the next instant, "You'll die if you stay in the water any longer."

"What?!" Luna was shocked to learn that and turned around to look at Yuuya's face, she thought that he was joking but from the dead look on his face, it didn't seem that way.

"D-Damn it!!" Luna scrambled as she somehow got out of the water within a second.

'3 more seconds and she would've exploded from the overload of vitality inside her body,' Yuuya thought since this was how this bath was made.

It drew vitality of the planet which was absorbed by the earth from countless dead humans, monsters, and plants.

This stored vitality was used to increase the productivity of soil all around the planet in order to replenish the crops while giving birth to new plants as it nourished them to form forests.

Because without this, Humans would lose a major food source which causes massive problems.

But Eleanor used a large part of it to make this bath which was meant to heal him, It was only because it was Yuuya that he was able to sit here for nearly half an hour, if it was another creature aside from him, they won't be able to stay in this bath for more than a minute since they would blow up from the absurd amount of Vitality that would rampage in their body.

But Yuuya didn't really care about it, there was a reason he warned Luna about it.

"So, Who are you?" Luna who was gasping for breath heard Yuuya's question again and turned to him.

'Why does he sound so oppressive even with that tone?' Luna gulped as she felt like Yuuya's monotone voice held way more authority than it should.

It was on a level where she lowered her head unconsciously.

"I-I Don't know, I was attacked by monsters while I was running around this forest and then I thought I died but I found myself in this water, I don't know what is happening," Luna herself was trying to make sense of things.

"I see, I understand," Yuuya said flatly and this made Luna look up at him in astonishment.

"You understa-Ahhhh! What are you doing standing up like that so suddenly?!" Luna screamed as Yuuya walked out of the water …butt naked.