Get Lost

"I see, I understand," Yuuya said flatly and this made Luna look up at him in astonishment.

"You understa-Ahhhh! What are you doing standing up like that so suddenly?!" Luna screamed as Yuuya walked out of the water …butt naked.

She covered her eyes quickly but it was too late, Yuuya's naked body was burned into her retina and she hated to admit it but she saw everything.

'W-What is he going to do to me?' Luna couldn't help but think that her chastity was in danger, but looking at Yuuya…

'I won't mi- No what am I thinking? Why is my mind just accepting it?!' Luna screamed but soon stopped when she felt Yuuya's footsteps approach her.

'Wait is he really going to?' Luna gulped as her heart pounded nonstop.

She couldn't feel Yuuya's strength but she had an idea that he was way stronger than her, and that she why she knew that she would have no chance of resisting.

'Should I kill myself?' Luna thought that might be the better option than to be raped, but…

"No need to be so tense, I have no interest in you," Yuuya's voice rang in her ears as he walked past her.

Luna looked back and saw him wiping himself with the towel that was placed behind her.

"Anyway, I understand your situation," Yuuya said flatly and Luna was confused.

"What do you understand?" Luna herself didn't understand how she ended up in this situation, so she wanted to know what Yuuya was talking about.

"You were used as bait by the person you were following," Yuuya said and Luna's eyes widened.

'How did he know?' Luna was sure she didn't say anything about following someone but…

"That is the only way you'd be able to fall right into this pool so conveniently," Yuuya said as he wore his underwear and pants quickly.

"What?" Luna on the other hand was just more confused.

"I am talking about how you were able to pass through the barrier placed around this place, you won't be able to enter it unless the person who made the barrier wanted you to," Yuuya explained and Luna blinked.

'I was following the Princess and that Elf, There is no way the princess has that type of ability from what I know she can't even control the absurd amount of magic power she has, So…' Luna had arrived at a conclusion which caused her to look up at Yuuya as he slicked his wet hair back.

"It seems I don't have to explain anything more to you, Anyway you have my gratitude," Yuuya said with a small smile and Luna was stunned.

Luna felt something hot dripping down her chin and soon understood what it was.

'Wait blood?! How?' Luna's nose was bleeding and it wasn't because of any injuries, it was caused by…

'No wait! What the hell? How did I get a nosebleed just from looking at his smile?' Luna just had more questions at this point but…

"Who dares to look at my Darling bathing without my permission?!" An angry elf was running straight towards her with the face of a demon.

"Wah!" Luna was scared by the huge intimidating aura and slumped on the ground.

"Tch, You already dressed up, Love the hair though, keep it like that when we are alone~," Eleanor clicked her tongue looking at Yuuya as her mood flicked between being disappointed and happy.

"Like I said he knows all of your tricks," Apophis snickered and Eleanor glared at her hatefully.

"Thanks for the bath," A bright smile appeared on Eleanor's face as soon as she heard Yuuya.

"Oh darling you don't have to thank me~, But if you really insist I'll settle for a marriage and a bunch of kids," Eleanor started swooning around and…

"He is already gone you know," Apophis pointed out bringing Eleanor out of her daydream.

"I know he is embarrassed but he doesn't have to leave me alone here," Eleanor pouted and then looked at Luna who was on the ground gasping for air. It was like an invisible pressure was crushing her.

"Knock it off you tree hugger or she'll die," Apophis sighed and Eleanor crouched down to look at Luna.

"Well, I can't let a person who had seen My darling in his full glory alive, it would be a stain on his purity," Eleanor said with a flat face that somehow looked scarier than it should.

"What are you on about?" Apophis had an incredulous look on her face when she heard that.

"What do you mean? How can anyone aside from me be allowed to look at my darling's naked form and be allowed to live?" Eleanor said that with the calmest face ever.

"Then you bout to kill me as well?" Apophis asked and Eleanor was stuck in place.


"I mean I have seen Ash do pretty much everything there is, seeing him naked was pretty much an everyday thing," Apophis said and Eleanor looked even more horrified.

"You were peeking at him! You damn deviant! Perverted snake!" Eleanor shouted while moving away from Apophis.

"Yeah, that's rich coming from you. Anyway, Yuuya and I shared the same pair of eyes, so whatever he saw was seen by me as well, Also It isn't just me who has seen him naked many have, I think you forgot who his teacher was, something like being seen naked was the last of his concerns," Apophis folded her hands as she spoke while Eleanor looked more and more dead.

"How can I forget that woman, do you know how much I envy her? She was so lucky!!" Eleanor's eyes turned red but they soon became because…

"T-Then why does he run away from me?" Eleanor looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"That's cause it is you, even I am scared of the day when you somehow see him naked," Apophis sighed as just imagining it was causing her a headache.

"Well, the thought alone is doing things to me," Eleanor coughed as she saw the look Apophis was giving her.

"Anyway, how do we deal with her?" Apophis looked at Luna who had passed out.

"Oh her, that'll be easy," Eleanor smiled sweetly and the two walked back towards the house with Luna floating behind them.

Yuuya on the other hand was already reached the cabin a few minutes ago and as soon as he entered he saw Grayfia rush towards him.

"Master, are you alright?" Grayfia looked incredibly worried after she came to know what Yuuya was going through.

But by the time she had come to her senses Apophis and Eleanor were already gone, and she had no way of finding them.

"I am fine," Yuuya said flatly and even if Grayfia wanted to push on the question on the chance that he was lying once again.

'What do I do?' She was stuck since would be disrespectful to Yuuya if she pries too much into a subject he doesn't want to talk about.

While she was thinking this Apophis and Eleanor came over, and the first thing Eleanor did was…

"You guys still didn't leave?" She asked looking at the Saints, Lexia and Owen who were sitting in the seats provided to them by Grayfia after she came out of the cabin.

"W-Well…" Iris didn't know what to say here, the only reason they didn't leave was because they were scared of what would happen is that pissed Eleanor off.

They had been through times they'd rather not go back to, so they just stayed here waiting for her to come back.

"Anyway, take this girl with you, she is the 'Head-Hunter', Dark guild's number 1 assassin, she was here to assassinate the Princess of Alceria on the orders of the first prince, Handle her how you want," Eleanor said as she threw the unconscious Luna towards Iris who caught her.

"What?" Owen was more than just shocked at the revelation made by Eleanor and even Lexia looked like she was hit terribly with the news.

Even then Eleanor didn't care about their reactions and continued.

"She fell into the bath My Beloved was taking but he was benevolent and allowed her to live, and it doesn't bother me as well, that is why you can do what you want with her,"

'It looks like it is bothering you quite a bit though,' Everyone who was listening to Eleanor thought in their head but the Saints didn't really have the guts to say that unlike…

"It is quite refreshing seeing you be jealous," Apophis grinned since she knew who the object of Eleanor's jealousy was.

"Shut up before I make shoes out of your skin for my Darling," Eleanor glared at Apophis while the latter just laughed.

"Anyway you guys get lost," Eleanor clicked her tongue and looked at the Saints along with the Lexia.